Killer Instinct

Back in black

While on the road, I had realized that I was seriously slacking on my job.
I wasn't supposed to fall in love, I wasn't supposed to hunt anything, I was supposed to finish school and leave.
But things don't always happen as they're supposed to, you see.

Sometimes, something unexpected happens, and my killer instinct won't always be able to deal with it.

I knew I had to decide my course of action.
I had to figure out what to do, I couldn't just give in to Jake one day, then make a run for it the next.
I had to figure out what I wanted.

"Hey Jacob?" I asked, as we passed by the 'Welcome to Forks' sign.

"Yeah Heather?" he answered.

"Why were you kissing Bella?" I asked, frowning.
He sighed.

"Because she wanted me to prove I had no more feelings for her. If she kissed me and I didn't respond, I was truly over her. Of course, I didn't need a silly thing like that for proof, but Bells... Well, Bells wanted to hear none of it. I'm so sorry, I regret agreeing to it with every fibre of my body." he explained.

I nodded, my jaw set.

"Okay. Can I kill her?" I asked, completely serious.
If she wanted my Jacob, she was going to have to pass through me.
But apparently, Jacob was of a different state of mind.

"WHAT!?" he screeched, freaking out.

"Fine, I won't kill her. But if she gets in my way, she'll get some serious wounds to think about" I warned.
I decided right then that I would go for a talk with Bella's vamp lover.
After all, he ought to know about it.

"You can't hurt her! She's my best friend!" he shouted.

"Well she obviously thinks she has some sort of control over you, and she's wrong. If she gets anywhere near those delicious lips of yours while you're my boyfriend, I can hurt her and I will. I could kill her without a second thought, and without any regrets" I said calmly.
I meant every single word I meant.

Jacob just gaped at me as I parked in front of his house.

"Come on out, I have stuff to do" I said simply, and opened the door for him.

"But... You... We just came back!" he protested.
I smiled at him, and leaned in to kiss him softly.
I broke it, but Jake grabbed me, and pulled me to him, settling me straddled on him.

"I love you, Heather" he whispered, burying his face in the crook of my neck.
I chuckled lightly, and ran my hands along his spine.

"And I love you too Jake" I whispered back, trailing kisses down his neck, until I reached the spot I knew made him crazy.
He moaned and gripped my hips tightly.

I pulled my shirt over my head, and closed the door, sliding back onto my seat.

"You're coming to my place tonight" I said, my breath heavy.
He agreed, and I peeled out of the parking lot, making a bee-line to my place.

I parked my car crookedly in front of my place, and got out of it, making a run for the door.
Jake followed me, catching up quickly and pressing my body up against the door.

I fumbled with my keys, swearing constantly, though it sounded much like moans.

I managed eventually, and we barely got to the bedroom in time.

*I know it lacks details, get over it.*

I woke up with a jolt, falling out of my make-shift bed.
I groaned as I sat up properly, and rubbed the back of my head.

What had happened last night?
Oh, right.

I couldn't help the silly grin that spread across my face, or the blush that crept up my cheeks as I remembered last night.

Good thing there's no neighbours for miles around I thought to myself, as I recalled the loud noises me and Jake had been making.

"'Morning sunshine" called an overly cheery voice for the morning.

"'morning, dog-breath" I mumbled back, hauling myself off the floor, and to my bag.
I had no clue how it had gotten there, but it had, so I was going to take full advantage of that.

I quickly got dressed.
Strangely, I didn't feel the need to wear my leather jacket today, so I just stuck with a hoodie.

I strolled casually to the kitchen, where I opened the fridge and tried to remember whether or not I had bought any food for this place.
Settling on not, and realizing I was starving, I decided to go bug Jake for some food.

I sneaked up on him trying to pull his pants on, and rested my hands on his hips, kissing his back softly.
He stopped what he was doing, and took a deep breath, causing a shiver to run down the length of his spine.

"I missed you when I was gone, you know that, right, Jacob?" I asked, snaking my arms around his middle.

"Uh huh" he agreed absentmindedly as I slowly lowered my hands.

"And you do know that I love more than I have ever loved anybody, right?" I asked, letting my hands snake a little lower still.

"Y-yeah" his breath caught in his throat when my hands reached his boxer band.
I let my finger slip underneath slightly, just giving him a taste of what might come.

"Then why don't you take me out to breakfast?" I asked cheerily, taking my hands back.
Jacob groaned, and continued putting his pants on.

"You are such a tease!" he whined, causing me to laugh a bit.

"Come on, I'm starving" I complained, while dragging him unceremoniously out the door.

"Hey, lets go to Sam and Emily's, I'm sure there'll be some food there" he suggested.
I simply nodded and tossed him the keys, getting in the passenger side.

"Seriously?" Jake asked incredulously, staring at me with wide eyes and I jaw I was afraid might touch the floor.
I just nodded, and buckled up.

The drive there was long, and truthfully, boring.

"Are we there yet?" I asked in the whiniest voice I could muster.

"Yup" Jake said, making me jolt up.

"Seriously?" I asked, and then we pulled up to a small eggshell blue house, with yellow shutters and lots of flowers.

To your average human girl, it would seem like the perfect little dream house.
But to me, well... Lets just say I had dealt with one too many evil monsters that dealt with illusions.

I kept a wary step as me and Jake walked up to the front door, Jake always keeping an arm around my waist.
At this point, I didn't really care, I just wished I had brought my leather jacket after all.

Jake just opened the door and strolled in like he owned the place, dragging me with him.

"Yo, Jake!" I heard a shout, and immediately, my hand was at my shoulder where I knew I had my desert eagle holstered.

"Embry!" Jake shouted back, leaving me to go to a crowded table in a small kitchen.
My eyes darted everywhere as I cautiously walked up to join the throng of over-eager teenage shape-shifters.
I spotted an untouched muffin on the counter, and sauntered over to pick it up, taking an eager bite out of it.
I pulled myself onto the counter, pressing my back against the wall to make sure nothing could sneak up behind me.
It was just a force of habit.

"Hey, you're Jake's imprint, right?" I heard a voice ask me, and I had a knife puled out right away.

"Whoa there, don't worry. I'm Emily, Sam's imprint" the woman said slowly, arms held up in surrender.
She had three huge scars going down the side of her face, but I easily saw past it. It wasn't uncommon where I came from.

"Oh, sorry. It's a habit, I guess" I said, blushing. She just smiled at me.
The knife was back in it's spot, hidden in my vest.

"It's alright. You seem tense, what's the matter?" she asked nicely.

"I'm uh... Not used to this" I said, waving my hand at the boys stuffing their faces.

"I see. I was really surprised to know that werewolves existed too at first, but-" I cut her off, realizing she didn't get what I was trying to say.

"Oh, no! That's not what I meant! Trust me, I'm totally used to that, and besides. They're shape-shifters, not werewolves" I added the last part with a small smirk.
Emily gasped.

"Really? What did you mean, then?" she asked, curiosity burning in her eyes.
With a small smile, I launched into my tale.

"Well you see, I'm a hunter. I hunt supernatural beings for a living. So what I'm not used to is being in a room of shifters and not being in the process of ripping any of their throats out" I explained, a smirk playing on my lips.
Her eyes widened in disbelief.

"You mean there's more than were- shape-shifters and vampires?" she asked, a fearful glint in her eyes.

"Much more. But don't worry, me and the other hunters have it all under control" I said proudly, puffing out my chest a bit.
I was proud of the job I did, proud of the fact that I was one of the best hunters known in the world.

"When did you start?" she asked, the fear not having completely gone from her eyes.

"4 years ago, when I was 13" I answered, going back to munching on my muffin.

"Isn't that dangerous though? Your job, I mean?" she asked, obviously taken aback.

"Oh, yeah. Hunters die all the time. And then the best come back. Personally, it's never happened to me, but that's just because I was smart enough not to get killed. I know people who've come back though. The Winchesters are quite famous for dying multiple times." I said casually, with not a care in the world.

"Aren't you afraid to die, though?" she asked, baffled. I shrugged.

"I know people who'd readily sell their souls to bring me back. In fact, one of them is protected by angels, so he'd be back in no time" I was talking about Dean. It was true, he had already told me he would.
Not that I'd really give him the chance to prove it, but it was a nice thought.

"Isn't it weird though, being with Jacob?" she asked, and I just smiled wistfully at her.

At the sound of his name, Jacob got up and strolled over, wrapping his arms around me and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"What are you two girls talking about?" he asked, nuzzling my jaw. I chuckled.

"Well, we were presently talking about how weird it is for me to be dating you, seeing as I'm a hunter" I told him, and pecked his lips.

"And to answer your question Emily, yes. Very. But I learned that without him, I have a tendency of getting drunk more than is safe" I said, and looked at Jacob with a mischievous glint in my eye.
When he caught on, he started laughing.

Suddenly, Sam came in the door, and rushed over to Emily, pressing a sweet kiss on her lips, and the on each of her scars.

I stared at Sam for a moment, and then at Emily's scars, and then it clicked.

My gun was loaded and pointed at Sam's head without a second to spare, and I was moving out of Jake's arms to stand between Sam and Emily.

"Damn 'shifter, I should have known" I hissed.
Sam, for once, had left his mask of calmness, and was showing shame and fear.
Two emotions that I knew well and could deal with easily.

My mind had kicked into hunter mode, and my emotions had taken the back-seat.

"Get away from her, you've done enough damage, dog" I said. My voice was dead-calm and held an authority that surprised me, though I didn't let it faze me.
I had enough time to freak out about it later.

Sam bowed his head for a moment, and was about to comply when it seemed that the Alpha part in him kicked in, lashing at the fact that he had been about to obey me.

"She's my imprint! You can't keep me away from her!" he shouted, and just then I noticed that everyone in the room had gone silent.

"I can stick a bullet in your thick brains, let's see if that works. And if it doesn't I can always decapitate you and burn you. Better safe than sorry" I recognized my tone of voice as it sounded when I was throwing an empty threat at a creature, just waiting and hoping for the back-up to arrive.

I was in an impossible situation, with his whole pack around me, and not even the right gun to defend myself.
Sam seemed to realize this, as his face returned to the annoying calm stoic-ness.

"With my whole pack around me?" he asked, sounding almost incredulous.
I shrugged and knew that I probably couldn't count on Jake to help me out.

"I've stood against worst odds" and that was true. Only then, I had back-up.

"If I may ask, what are you doing?" Emily asked me.
I briefly looked in her direction, to find tears in her eyes. I didn't let that faze me either, it was probably the first time she saw a gun in her life.

"He hurt an innocent, Emily. I'm not just going to stand by and do nothing. Even if I'm Jacob's mate, I've been a hunter for longer, and this is my duty. Protecting the innocent. It's in my blood, it's instinct, it's the right thing to do" I said, completely sure of myself.

"No, Heather. It's not, it-" a hand touched my shoulder, and in the state I was, my body cried

You're under attack!, so it defended itself.

Jake was on his back, on the floor before I could so much as blink.

At his groan of pain, my mind freaked and I was at his side, still pointing my gun at Sam.

"Are you okay?" I asked, my eyes darting frantically between him and Sam, my hands trying to assess Jake's well being.

And then, Jacob grabbed my face and kissed me. Hard.

My mind was utterly split between my hunter side, telling me to lodge a silver bullet through Sam's thick skull, my lover side, which wanted to make sure Jake was alright, and my body, which was responding to the kiss.

The body won, making me drop my gun and straddle Jake in the process.

I was totally lost in the kiss, all previous thoughts forgotten, as I slid my tongue along his bottom lip, asking for entrance.
It was granted, and our tongues danced with each other for a small while, before someone cleared their throats.

I pulled away reluctantly, and was brought back to reality with a snap. I quickly grabbed my gun, but I wasn't pointing it at anyone this time, aware of how I had almost injured Jacob.

"Can someone please explain to me why the hell that bastard is still alive after what he did?" I seethed. If it had been me...

"It was an accident, I swear! I didn't mean to, I just got angry and she was standing too close, and-" I cut off Sam's ramblings.

"Oh, so now it's her fault?" I raged.

"No! It's just that-" Emily put a hand on his shoulder, and I almost shot him.

"Let me. Heather, if it had been Jacob who had done this to you, what would you do knowing he was the love of your life? That he'd regret one simply mistake for the rest of his days?" she asked, her voice soothing.
I supposed she expected me to pull out some crap about forgiving him, and moving on.
Oh, how she was wrong.

"I couldn't kill him, but I'd make damn sure he couldn't have kids, and I'd leave. He'd never see me again" I said, and i heard Jacob gulp from under me.
I figured that if I hadn't still been straddling him, he'd have gripped his jewels.

"Are you sure about that?" Emily asked, an uncertain glint in her eyes.

"Yes. It's what would be best" I said, and crossed my arms.
Jake sat up behind me, and wrapped his arms around me.

"But there would be no need to castrate me, you're the only one I'd ever want to have kids with" he whispered in my ear.

This did nothing to ease my nerves, if anything it only made things worst.

"I- I know. It's, um... The thought that counts" I mumbled, before getting up and leaving, feeling no longer welcomed in this house.
Perhaps I had been right to fear it in the first place.

I got in my car, and drove off.
I had a bitch to go see anyways, might as well do it while I'm still riddled up.

Right now, the song that came to mind was Back in black, from AC/DC. I was back in town, I had returned to finish some unattended business.

And then, I might just leave again.
♠ ♠ ♠
mmm... yeah.
Q: Aro has a sister (surprise!), what's her name and who killed her?
We're getting to more difficult questions now that the contest is coming to a close (soon, but not right now)