Killer Instinct


I laid my right hand on his handsome face. He seemed so sad, and I knew why.
"please, Heather. You don't have to go," he whispered tearfully.
I shook my head at him, and pressed my lips on his forcefully for a moment before I pulled away.
"I'm so sorry. I have no choice. It's my job." I chocked back a sob as I kissed my shape-shifter again.
This time, when I tried to pull away, he grabbed the back of my head and brought me back to him, deepening the kiss. I kissed back with a hunger I didn't know I could have, as his hands gently went down to my waist, then slipped under my shirt...

I jolted awake, panting, my body drenched in sweat.
I couldn't believe I had just had that type of dream. About a shape-shifter no less.
Something in the back of my mind was aching to be close to him again, but I shut it out.
This could sooo not be happening to me.

I decided that taking a job would have to wait. I had to find out more about these shifters today, before they caught me again.
I slipped out of bed, and slipped on some clothes.
I smirked, slipping a silver-coated knife in a thigh sheave through the rips in my jeans.
I had another one on my left arm, and my desert eagle in a pocket in my leather jacket.

Since I had learned the existence of monsters, I always kept weapons on me, just in case.
I inhaled sharply as I bumped into the couch and hit my newest tattoo in the process.
Non Timebo Mala was now permanently written in black ink on my left hip.
For those of you who don't know it, it means I will fear no evil. It's the same thing that's engraved in the Colt.
Which reminds me... I really shouldn't have trusted Bela with 'borrowing' it. If I ever get my hands on that god damn bounty hunter...

Without anymore incidents, I slipped into the Impala, and drove to the school.
No, today wasn't my first day, I just thought I could stop by and ask where the closest library might be.

"Hello again, Beatrice." I smirked as I strolled into the office casually.

She looked up from the newspaper she was reading to stare into my eyes.
"You are aware that you only start tomorrow, right?" he grandmotherly voice scolded me.
I held back the urge to roll my eyes.

"Yes, I am aware of that. I just wanted to know where the closest library or book store might be?"
I asked, laying my accent thick again.

"Oh! Well, what might you be interested in?" I could see her eyes light up at the mention of books.

"I would like to know about the local lore. What legends were born from this town." I shot the lady a small smile.

Her face scrunched up in concentration, before finally lighting up again.

"I don't believe there are any books about that, honey..." my face fell. Damn, where was i going to get info on those damn shape-shifters?
As if sensing my distress, Beatrice continued.
"Oh, don't worry! If you really want to know, go see Billy Black. He knows them by heart!"
I perked up at that. By heart? Maybe he was a hunter like me... But if so, why are still wolves running around?

I got the directions to this "Billy"s place, and was on my way.
When I arrived, I got out of my car, and skipped up the three small steps to the front porch, and cleared my throat twice before knocking on the door.

A man in a wheel-chair opened the door, and he looked in my eyes with wise dark brown eyes.

"Billy Black, right?" I asked, grinning at him. He nodded.

"I'm Heather O'Connell. Nice to met you," I stuck out my hand for him to shake, but I was surprised when his eyes widened in surprise and slight fear.

"The Executioner?" he whispered in awe.

I laughed out, but nodded none-the-less.

"how do you know?" my face regained seriousness, as he shook his head and waved for me to come in.

"that is my son, Jacob. And-" but I cut him off with a hiss as Jacob turned around.
It was the shape-shifter from last night.

"you!" I hissed at him, my hand slowly reaching for the knife at my arm.
His eyes widened, holding a strange look in them, and he got up quickly, holding his hands up in surrender.

"I didn't do anything! I swear!" he said in a rush, but the moment he had gotten up, I had pulled the knife out.

I walked towards him slowly, and pressed it against his throat. The closeness and the sad look in his eyes reminded me of my dream, and I was a little reluctant to do the next thing I was about to do, but I caught myself.

I nicked his neck, drawing blood. I watched with eager eyes as it healed within seconds, making me grin with sadistic joy.
I made another small cut, watching him wince as I did.

"You know, you would be the best monster to torture. Ever." my sick grin widened for a moment, before i was pulled back to reality by Billy's voice.

"What do you want?" he asked.

Still keeping an eye onmy the Shifter before me, I answered.

"I want to know all about this type of Shape-Shifters." I said.

And so, he went on telling me all the stories and legends, and telling me what they had to do with his son... Until he got to imprinting.

"you see... Imprinting is like love at first sight, only much stronger. When a werewolf, or Shifter as you call them, finds their imprint, it's not gravity holding them anymore... It's their imprint." I snorted at the cheesiness.

"And what does this have to do with Jacob?" I said, genuinely curious.
The knife was still on his throat, but Jacob seemed to have gotten over his initial fear. Now his eyes held adoration, awe and... Love? No, it can't be.

"well... Jacob has imprinted..." I cut him there.

"And how does this influence me? The fact that he found his soul-mate is not going to stop me from killing him" I spat out, getting frustrated.

"No, you see... He-" this time, Jacob cut his father by jerking forward and pressing his lips to mine, making a deeper cut at his throat than I had been doing.
My body reacted to his touch before my brain had the time to think it through, and I kissed him back for a moment, before I realized what I was doing and jerked my head back. Both our breaths were heavy as Jacob spoke.

"I imprinted on you, Heather." my mind was slightly distracted my the way his chocolate brown eyes stared into my own, the way my name sounded when he said it and- wait. What? Did he just...?
My mind finally couldn't take it anymore. My grip on the knife loosened until I had dropped it, and my eyes rolled back into my skull. The only thing I remembered before I fainted was Jacob wrapping his strong arms around me and calling my name out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oooohhh... Everyone so knew this would happen. I couldn't help it, I had to make her faint. I know she probably wouldn't normally do that but her mind went into overload and needed some time to think things through. Anyways, comments are always loved ^_^