Killer Instinct


When I woke up, I had to squint my eyes at the bright light that filtered through the window of my bedroom.
I looked around slowly and noticed that the bed was empty and a small note was on the pillow beside mine.

I simply ignored it, deciding that it was just an excuse for leaving, and got up.

With the sheets wrapped tightly around my body, I walked to my bathroom, where I opened the door and slipped in silently.

"Heather?" I heard a shout coming from the general direction of the door.

"Bathroom!" I called back, starting the water for a bath.
I hadn't had one of those in forever, with hunting and all.

"I figured we could go to the bar or something, we haven't been there in a while. The liquor cabinet needs to be replenished." Connor's voice came through as I let go of the sheets and stepped into the hot bath water, a sigh escaping my lips.
I was dead tired from the past couple of days, all the action had drained me of my energy.

"Sure. After my bath" I called back, picking up the bar of soap and throwing it at the light. It worked and the light turned off, leaving my in steaming-hot water in the dark.
I could drown and no one would notice.

Well, that's not entirely true, Jacob would notice. But that didn't count, seeing as he was my soul-mate.

That word brought back a long-forgotten conversation between me and Jake, about kids and him. Well, more specifically about him wanting kids with me some day.

I had bailed from that subject faster than a bat out of hell, and that's saying something.

I mean, it's not that I didn't want children...
Well, okay, that might have something to do with it, but that's not the point.

The point is; I can't have kids, I'm afraid of them! I'm seriously, deeply, scared shitless of little children.
Seriously, when I see a small child, my heart clenches in fear and I have this odd need to turn around and make a run for it.

I sighed. This was going nowhere. I knew that if it was going to happen, it would happen whether I liked it or not.
I had learned that that kind of thing tended to happen with Jacob around.

Like the imprint, John, the awesome nights, Connor, the pack, the vamps, and other things I can't be bothered to name right now.

What I needed to be thinking about was what I would do if it were to ever happen.
Which I'm not saying it will, but let's face it: There are more chances it will than it won't.

I mean, we did try to use protection, but Jake's a super-strong werewolf, so you can imagine...
Ahem, yeah.
But anyways, what would I do, were it ever to happen?

Would I tell Jacob? Well, I suppose I wouldn't have much of a choice...
But could I really live a normal, apple-pie life with kids and a husband? No.
I had already tried to do the normal life thing, and it failed epically. I wasn't normal material, and I believed it was best to grow up as a hunter so that they could protect themselves.

So what would I do? I had already established that if I were to have a kid, I would raise it as a hunter.
But how could I do that with an over-protective father (Jacob) around?
I knew I could never get anything done with him around, he was just too... Distracting...

So I would probably have to leave. But where would I go?
To bobby's, of course. Where else?

He probably wouldn't approve of my choice to raise my kid as a hunter, but he wouldn't have much of a choice now, would he?
No, didn't think so.

But how could I leave if I had already told Jacob about it?
I sighed again, I was over-thinking things.
If it were to happen, I already had half a plan ready, so I would just have to improvise the rest.

“Heather, you ready yet?” Connor knocked loudly at the door, startling me from my thoughts.

“Ah, yeah, sure... Just give me a moment” I called back, sitting up in my bath and reaching over to drain the water.
It hadn't been as relaxing as I would have wished, but it was better than a shower.

I came out of the bathtub and wrapped a towel around me, opening the door.

“Wow, looking good, babe,” Connor winked suggestively at me and I rolled my eyes at him.

This is why one night stands only work when one person can ditch the other and the two people never see each other again” I grumbled, tightening the towel around me.
Connor fake-gasped
“Does that mean you never ever want to see me again?” he asked, looking offended.
I rolled my eyes and waved him off, before going to get dressed.

When that was done, I returned to Connor and together we went to the bar that I owned.

The decorations inside were amazing, a dark shade of grey covering the walls with the occasional royal purple highlight.
The actual bar was black marble and the tables and booths were dark Chestnut wood, and the floors were made of black tiles, with lush purple designs on them.

There was a stage with a brilliant silver flooring, a drum, an electric guitar, a normal guitar and a microphone.
And lets not forget the karaoke machine.

Speakers were spread all over, to better surround the clients with good music (usually classic rock, in honor of Dean).

It was called Insomnia.
Such a beautiful name, isn't it? Yeah, Alice helped me figure it out, with the help of Edward (to my great dismay).

"This place needs a refill" Connor said, pointing over to the see-through liquor cabinet.
Most of the bottles were only a quarter full, or missing completely.

"Yeah, you're right. Make an order, and ask the Cullens if they think anything else is missing. Especially Edward, he can read minds" I said, climbing the stairs to out VIP section.
There were more silver linings here, and even golds.
I looked over the railing, at the rest of the bar to survey it.

The small platform that I had made lower than the rest was accentuated with wisps of gold, swirling around the walls and floor, splattered on the extra speakers.
It was a dance-floor, for people that decided they wanted to dance a bit.

It cost quite a bit to get into a VIP booth, so I had had to make it worthwhile.
Free drinks for the night and a good view of the entire place.

We occasionally would have well known bands come in, and it would bring lots of people. Good ones, like Nickelback or All Time Low or something of the sorts.
Once, Justin Bieber had tried to get in, but I had strongly suggested he get out of my bar before the bouncers got here.

Being a hunter helped a lot in that department.

My bouncers consisted of the 'shifter crew, whenever they felt like showing some muscles, or the vamps.
Well, the dudes anyways. And Rosalie, she's a little creepy.

"Done! It should be getting here tonight. What are you going to use all that money for, Heather?" Connor asked, coming to see me with a huge wad of bills in his hands.
My eyebrows shot up to my hairline.

"Wow. Um, probably renovate the house. Black marble counters and stainless steel appliances sounds pretty good" I said, taking the money and just staring at it for a moment.

"Or we could get strippers for the bar" Connor suggested, but i ignored his comment.

"Or I could update the house and then save the rest for emergencies" I said, still staring at the green wad in my hand.

"Aw, but Heather! What about strippers?" Connor whined, stomping his foot like a child.
I looked up and rose an eyebrow at him.

"No. That's it, that's all. And now I'm going to open this place up and you can get to work" I said, shoving the cash in my pocket.

I turned and walked out the door, turning the sign to 'open', and walking across the road to my house.
In front of the front door, I randomly decided I would go to Jacob's, so I pulled out my cell phone and dialed his number.

"Hello?" I heard a deep, gruff voice ask. It wasn't Jacob.

"Can I speak with Jacob please?" I asked, a small frown forming on my lips.
Who was this?

"He's... busy. Who's calling?" the voice asked rudely.

"His girlfriend. Who are you?" I asked, responding with the same rudeness in my voice.

"That's none of your business, miss. I'll tell Jake you called" the man said, causing me to huff.

"No, it's alright. There really is no need" I said, and hung up on him.
A small growl came out of my lips as I started walking towards Jacob's house.

[half an hour later]

I need a car. I really, seriously need a car. I thought to myself as Jake's house finally came into view.

When I got there, I was shivering from the cold air and I wanted to strangle someone.

I walked in without knocking, figuring that if anyone was hiding anything, I'd shoot them before anything bad could happen.

Bella was in her Honeymoon with Edward anyways, so I really had nothing to worry about.

I slammed the door shut behind me, stomping my way to Jacob's room.

"Jacob Black! Who the hell is the rude bastard that answered your phone?" I demanded, interrupting his conversation with an old-looking man.
Like, older than Billy, with a military-short haircut and a hard set to his jaw. Or that may just be my fault.
Jacob looked confused for a moment, but the the old man turned to face me and I noticed something.
He had Jacob's nose.

"That would be me" the man said, his dark eyes boring into mine.
His tan skin was wrinkly, but it seemed taught across his high cheekbones.

I recognized the rough, rude voice of the man who had talked me off on the phone.
My back straightened and I raised my chin defiantly.

"Well, if you would kindly get the fuck out, I need to speak with my boyfriend for a moment" I growled out, turning to look at Jacob with a smile on my face.

He looked horrified, and that sort of crept me out.

"What's up, love?" I asked, sitting on his lap on his bed, ignoring the other man's presence.
Jacob gulped.

"Um, Heather... That's my grandfather on my mother's side. Granpa, this is my girlfriend and Imprint, Heather" he said, introducing us.
I barely looked at the man over my shoulder and went back to ignoring him.

"You've got a good one there, son" the man said, reaching over me to tap Jake lightly on the shoulder.

The ignoring went on for a while more until Jake's grandfather decided he would leave us alone, seeing as I refused to stop distracting my boyfriend.

"Alright, well, I have to go. Good bye kids, don't do anything I wouldn't do" he grumbled, leaving the room before Jake could muster an answer that wasn't a moan.