Killer Instinct


"Heather..." Jake groaned out as I spread my legs and straddled his waist, mildly surprised that I hadn't before-hand.

"I want you, Jake. Right now" I mumbled huskily in his ear before trailing soft kisses down his jaw line and neck, nibbling where I felt his pulse strongest.

"B-but we can't-" he was interrupted as another moan slipped through his lips.
My hands slipped under his shirt and quickly got rid of it.

"Th-that was my- Oh my god!" he gasped when my right hand slipped into his cut-offs, caressing the skin it found.

"Please?" I asked innocently, though my other hand was already getting rid of his jeans.
My eyes searched his and just as he was about to break...

"We're going off tonight (hey!)
To kick out every light (hey!)
Take anything we want (hey!)
Drink everything in sight (hey!)
We're going till the world stops turning
While we burn it to the ground tonight" Burn it to the ground by Nickelback rang through the still air and a snarl ripped through my now-clenched teeth.

I snapped the phone open and pressed it to my ear.

"Damn it all, Dean! This better be fucking important" I snapped.

"Whoa, woke up on the wrong side of bed, did we?" he asked. I huffed and pouted, though I knew he couldn't see me.

"No. Yes. Maybe. You're such a cock-blocker" I grumbled, feeling like a child being scolded.

"Bobby just wanted to know if you had started on that hunt yet, but I'll take that as a no" he said, chuckling a bit.
My eyes widened slightly.

"Oops, my bad. I got totally distracted, you know how I am. Crap, I'll get right on it." I said, planning on a quick escape.

"Wait up, Heather. I, contrarily to Sam, remember what you said about having shot a human. What's up with that?" he asked.
I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose between my eyes.

"Well, there's this chick and her name's Bella, and she came less than an inch close to kissing Jake once, so I left, you know. I destroyed her truck too, but that's a detail. So anyways, I went to see... You know who, and then when I returned after um... certain circumstances... ah, yeah... So after I got in a fight with Jake's pack leader, I stormed to the vamp house to have a chat with Bella's vampire, and she was there.
"So I tried my bestest not to shoot, but I got really pissed and shot Edward with my desert eagle, and when that didn't work, I shot Bella in the shoulder. End of story" I explained, shrugging my shoulders.
I knew Dean couldn't see it, but it's the thought that counts.

He chuckled a bit, and I could tell he was shaking his head at me.

"You do know that's not a reason, right?" he asked, but I could tell it was only half-hearted.
I scoffed.

"Like you wouldn't do the same" I countered, and Dean agreed.

"Alright, well, Sam's whining about my being on the phone with you, I'll hand him over" Dean said, and I could hear Sammy's complaints through the phone.
I just chuckled.

"Sure, sure" I said, a habit that I had recently taken from Jake.

"Hey Heather. Ah, um, what's up?" Sam asked, and I smiled. I could imagine the blush creeping onto his cheeks.

"Oh, nothing much. You're brother's just a bit of a cock-blocker and I need a car. You?" I stated simply, sending a smile at Jacob.

"Eh, saving people, hunting things, the family business. Same old. I miss you, you know" he mumbled the last art and my heart warmed.

"Aw Sammy, I miss you too. You better not go all emo on me kid, I'll be pissed." I warned him. Jacob shot me an odd look.

"Don't worry, I won't. Sorry about... Um, Dean's bad timing... But you should call more often, let us know you're still alive" he said, clearing his throat.
I smiled, and wanted to hug him.

"I will, Sammy. No worries. I'm indestructible, remember" I laughed out.
He laughed a bit too.

"Right. The Executioner. Well, I'll let you return to your um... previous occupations" he said, sounding slightly awkward.

I smirked.

"Oh, there won't be any of that now. I have a hunt, and your brother ruined the mood" I said and Jake, who understood what I had just said, made a sound that sounded something between and sigh of relief and a whine.

"Oh. Okay, then, well... Good bye, Heather. I love you" he said, and I felt like wrapping my arms around him and giving him a big hug.

"Goodbye Sammy, I love you too" I responded automatically and we hung up simultaneously.

When I turned to look at Jake again, he looked a bit hurt.

"And me?" he asked, sounding dejected.

"I love you too, you big lump. Now come on, we have a hunt to do" I said and got off my boyfriend's lap, heading for the door.

"And you'd better pack that note-book of yours too!" I called back as a last thought right before I stepped out into the chilly air.
It would soon be winter, and I had pretty much given up on school.

I mean, how could someone have a social life, work, hunt, and go to school? It was impossible.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Connor's number.
It rang about five times before it was picked up.

"Hello?" Connor panted through the line.

"Fox, you better not be doing what I think you're doing, and if so, it better be at a motel" I warned him.
He ignored my warning.

"Why did you call?" he asked.

"I need a ride to get me a car" I explained, and Connor sighed.

"Can't your pet give you the ride? I'm tremendously busy right now" he whined.
I rolled my eyes at him.

"As I previously said, you better not be home when I come back, Fox" I growled into the phone before hanging up on him.
I didn't have time for his crap.

"Fuck! I need a goddamn car" I grumbled, crossing my arms and starting to walk towards Leah's house.

"LEAH!!!" I yelled once I reached my destination, pounding my fist on the door.

"Coming!" I heard her voice call back.
I waited while footsteps thundering down the stairs.

"You're back! Where were you? Oh, never mind, I remember, sorry 'bout that, by the way. What's up?" she went through all that in less than a millisecond, leaving me with my eyebrows in my hairline.

"I need a car. And you're taking me to get one" I said simply, not giving her much of a choice.
She nodded anyways, and we were on our way.

We drove to the closest dealership, which was about forty-five minutes away, hoping to find the perfect car for me.


We walked in, looking around for the perfect car for me, but without luck.
As Leah went to look her own way, I turned to the closest worker around.

"Hey, I'm looking for a car, I'd like if it was an original from the... late 60's?" I asked the man in the navy blue uniform.
He nodded and seemed to think for a moment.

"We only have one car that fits that description, I believe. But it's a little bit, ah, well, it's missing some pieces..." he trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
I nodded thoughtfully, lost in thought. It would be nice to fix up a car, it would be time I could spend with Jake.

"I'd like to see it" I said, crossing my arms across my chest.
The man nodded and directed me in the direction of the garage.

He walked through with a light step, me following at his heels.

"Here it is, a 1968 Mercury Cougar. The paint job was just finished last night. I'm even ready to give you a discount, since it doesn't have all the parts" the man said, shrugging at me.
I grinned and nodded, stalking over to my new baby.

I popped the hood and stared inside, seeing that more than half the necessary things were missing, though there were enough parts there for me to drive back to La Push.

"I'll take it. How much?" I asked, digging in my pocket for my money.
The man gave me a price and I pulled the amount out, handing it to him.
Many signed papers and hand-cramps later, I went to look for Leah so that I could bring my baby home.

"Oh, hey Heather. Any luck?" she asked, digging her hands into her pockets.
I grinned my cheeks off.

"Why yes, yes I have. Come on, the papers are signed, I have the keys, let's go home!" I was practically jumping with joy as Leah followed me out of the dealership, laughing.
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<3 comments make me happy ^_^ I know jack-squat about cars so you'll just have to bare with me here. If you know anything about the insides of a car and what is needed for one to run, I'd appreciate the help, thanks XD