Killer Instinct


After the legends had been told, Emily was sneakily shoved into the middle of the circle, as was Sam.

"Do you know what's going on?" Emily asked Sam, looking around.

"Well," Sam started, lowering himself down to one knee, "I guess I do,"
Emily turned back around to look at him and gasped at the sight before her. Sam had pulled out a ring box and opened it to show a beautiful diamond ring.

"I've loved you since the moment I saw you, my whole world was pitched off-kilter. When I saw you smiling at me for the first time, it felt like the world had stopped turning-" Sam continued with his incredibly cheesy speech for another five to ten minutes before saying the life-turning line, "Emily Young, love of my life, will you do me the honors of being my wife?"

Emily was crying, but she nodded vigorously, choking out a positive answer. At this, every one cheered and congratulated the happy couple. Immediately, every woman (with the exception of myself) started gushing about wedding preparations and such, while I mostly listened in. The males were talking about love and imprinting for themselves, and I noticed that Liam had joined with the boys and Leah was happily chatting away with Emily.

All was well, everyone was happy, and then my phone rang. God I was starting to really hate that phone.

"Hey, hey, hey
Every dog has his day
It's a dog eat dog
Dog eat dog
"Dog eat dog"
Read the news
Someone win
Someone lose
Up's above and down's below
And limbo's in between
Up you win, down you lose
It's anybody's-"
an AC/DC tune rang, I flipped it open, cutting the tune.

"Hello?" I asked, stepping away from everybody.

"You didn't do it," Saleos' voice greeted me over the phone. I pursed my lips and frowned.

"Not yet, I haven't. I'll have you know that I do have a life outside of hunting now, with school and the whole she-bang," I said with a small sigh. I peeked back at the fire, where everyone was still chatting happily in their own little bubble.
Jake noticed me, and gave me a wondering look, to which I just grinned and waved, reassuring him that everything was fine.

"Heather, you owe me and-" I cut him off.

"Yeah yeah, I know. I'll go this weekend, just let me settle a few things first. And since when do you do phone calls anyways?" I asked. He was a demon, he could just high-jack a person and deliver the message personally or send a younger demon to mess things up and get my attention, at which point it could deliver the message.

"Since I'm being controlled by witches, now stop with the damn questions and get a move on!" He growled, hanging up on me. I rolled my eyes and snapped my phone shut, before making my way to the fire.
Jacob met me halfway at seeing my look of powerful annoyance, and wrapped his huge arms around my waist, pulling me tight.

"Is everything alright? Was it Sam?" He asked, sounding worried. I shook my head.

"No, I'm fine, it was just Connor. You know how he can annoy me at times," I lied easily, snuggling in his shirt.

"Connor? Since when does he call?" He asked. I sighed.

"I don't know," I said, truthfully. Since when did Saleos make phone calls? I didn't even know he knew how to use a phone in the first place.

"Wanna go back home?" he asked, running his hands down my sides and up my shirt slightly. I moaned slightly, my head tilted back a bit.

"I'll take that as a yes then," he said, teasing his fingers along the underside of my breast through my bra and raining butterfly kisses down my neck and shoulders.
I made a vague sound of approval, nearly inaudible as Jake pulled me to the car, distracting me often.

We arrived at the house quickly, and headed straight to the closest room. His rough hands slid along my sides, tugging my shirt up as they went, enticing a small groan from me.
I practically ripped it off, and was extremely glad that he didn't wear shirts in general.
I pressed my lips to his shoulder softly, trailing butterfly kisses along his neck and shoulder until I reached the spot where his pulse was strongest. I paused there and opened my mouth slightly, sucking on the spot a bit.
Jacob growled and pushed me up against the door, crashing his lips against mine in a hungry kiss. His tongue slipped into my mouth and danced with mine in a challenge of dominance I really didn't mind losing.
He pulled away a bit, just enough to continue pressing kisses down the side of my throat, nipping here and there to entice a small moan from me.
His hot hands gripped my thighs, lifting me up and pressing my back onto the hard wood of the door before they drifted up to unlatch my bra.
His hips ground into mine, the friction making little shocks run through my veins. My hands tangled in his hair, tugging every time he bit down on my skin, not hard enough to hurt be and not too light that I didn't feel it.
His hands trailed along my jean-clad legs to my boots, promptly pulling them off before he went to work on removing my jeans.
I groaned and pushed him back a bit, landing on the soles of my bare feet. I shimmied out of my own pants and panties, walking up to Jacob to push him backwards on the bed. I crawled up to him, with only the moon illuminating our heaving torsos. I pressed my lips softly to his chest, right under his collar bone. I trailed butterfly kissed on his bicep, flicking his left nipple lightly with my tongue before blowing on it, the contrast making him groan and thrust his hips up. My breath caught and I hesitated a moment, my hands flying to hold his hips down. I wasn't done teasing him quite yet.
I continued kissing down his chest, my pace a little more rapid this time, until I reached the hem of his cut-off jeans. I rapidly unbuttoned them and slid them down his muscled legs, enjoying the view of the bare flesh the jeans had been hiding. Jake had gone commando, who knew?
I kissed up slowly the inside of his leg, nipping here and there and getting shiver-inducing sounds for my effort.
Just before I reached a really interesting spot, I found myself on my back faster than I had seen happening, my legs spread and Jake pushing into me. My back arched and my head tilted back with a scream of pleasure.


I woke up groggily to an alarm screeching right beside my face. I reached up with one arm, grabbed the offending thing, and threw it against the wall with a loud thud. As it died, it made an odd dying-cat sound that I decided to overlook.

"Heather, you're going to be late!" A voice rang, making my head snap up. Was that... No, it couldn't be...

"Emily?" I asked, my voice thick with sleep. What was Emily doing in my house?

"Come on, sleepyhead, get up!" she said, snatching my blanket away, dumping me unceremoniously on the floor on my hands and knees.
I grabbed the sheet from my bed and wrapped myself in it before getting up and in Emily's view.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice thick with sleep.

"Oh, the whole pack's downstairs with the Vampires discussing something. All the imprints except your brother are in your kitchen," she said, before leaving again. I nodded to myself before dropping the sheet and making my way to the shower.

My house had been ruled as neutral territory between the pack and the vamps since a little while back, after an arguememnt on where they should meet if something bad happened. And it seemed they were both keeping up their arguement.

After my shower, I got dressed and made my way down the stairs. I noticed all the vamps were with the pack inmy living room, with all the windows and doors opened as wide as they got. I rolled my eyes at that, and the fact that Leah was pouting in a corner. Probably because Liam was in the middle of the fray and she wanted him out of the fight which I had no doubt would occur. It was the only reason they would all meet like this together.

Ask the smell of chocolate pancakes hit my nostrils, I was automatically distracted from the sight of my livingroom to make my way rapidly to the kitchen.
I had no doubt that the growling in my stomach had everything to do with my strenuous activities of last night.

When I got there, I noticed Emily, with her small baby bump, at the stove cooking pancakes. Jessie and Kim were near-by with over-night bags on their shoulders and I was sure that it meant that they were going to be staying over at my place, since it was the most easily-defendable. That and the fact that it was already booby-trapped for most of the supernatural bad-guys.

"So what am I going to be late for?" I asked Emily, taking a pancake and taking a large bite from it. There were already lots of food on my large dining table, including but not limited to Bacon, Eggs, Muffins, toast, the whole nine yards.

"Picking up Bella and Nessie. She had refused to leave with her parents, so Bella decided to stay with her until you got there," Emily explained. School had ended a while back, thank god. That would have only complicated things to no end.

"Right, I'll get going," I said, grabbing a muffin quickly before going into the livingroom to say bye to ake.
I walked up behind him and tugged on his hair to get his attention, a small flashback reminding me of the previous night when I had done a similar action with a completely different intent.

"Jake, I'm off," I said when he turned around. He dipped down to press his lips to mine in a a sweet, passionate kiss, the kind that lingers long after it's gone.
I pulled back a bit when I felt his warm tongue slide along my bottom lip, knowing I couldn't induldge right now or I'd never leave.

"Not right now, Jacob," I breathed, my forehead pressed against his.
He pecked me on the lips again, quickly this time.

"I love you," he said, pulling me a little tighter to him. I smiled brightly at him.

"I love you too," I said back, before taking a full step back, out of his arms.
I stared at him for a moment, before turning around and walking out the door, to my Cougar. I noticed the way it was parked (very crookedly) and remembered exactly why it had been parked that way, so hurriedly. I smiled to myself as I started it, revelling in the pur of the engine.

I drove to the Cullen house, assuming that that would be where I could find Renesmee, and grinned when I saw her sitting on the porch, batting her mother's hands away.

"Nessie! Hop in!" I shouted through the door I had opened. The girl in question looked up quickly, and bolted towards my car when she saw it was me.
She hoped through the door and closed it rapidly, buckling herself as she went.

"Sorry Bells, you're walking!" I shouted through the open window as I drove away quickly in a flurry of screeching tires and rock music.

"So, Nessie, why wouldn't you follow your parents?" I asked. After all, it didn't sound like something that could have happened, seeing where she was raised and all.
She reached over and touched my arm, letting me see my car rolling away and the look on Bella's face.

I laughed a bit at that.

"So you just wanted to see the look on your mom's face when I drove away with you?" I asked between bouts of laughter.
She pressed her small hand against me again, though it was on my cheek instead of my arm. I saw a big enfasis on my car, both the interior and the exterior this time.
I rolled my eyes a bit at that, but with a smile.

"And you like my car. Of course,"

It didn't take long before we were at my house again, and Bella was already there, pacing in front of the house.

"I can't get in!" she called out to me. I chuckled a bit at that. That meant she had a not-so-good intent towards me or Jacob. You couldn't fool those sigils.

"That means you want to hurt either me or Jacob!" I shouted back with a small laugh. I was betting on myself more than Jake.
She frowned at me, and I knew that I was right.

I parked the car in the garage, properly this time, and pulled Nessie out.
We both went in the house, ignoring the fact that Bella tried to follow us, but couldn't get passed the threshold.

"Let me in!" she shouted, but the fact that she was getting pissed at me really wouldn't help her situation. Edward, of course, hearing his wife screaming her lungs out, rushed to the rescue.

"Heather, let her in," he said forcefully, as though he fully expected that I had complete control over who came in and who didn't.

"I can't. She can't come in because she means me harm, because she's angry at me. It's the sigils that protect the house from bad creatures," I explained as much as I could. It wasn't the simplest of things.

"But she's not bad!" he shouted at me. I could almost feel the sigils on the verge of activating.

"She means me harm. That's considered evil intent, and that's why the sigils are keeping her out. And if you don't calm down, you'll be stuck outside too," I said calmly, taking Renesmee to the kitchen with the girls. As I passed the livingroom, she pressed her hand to my skin and made me see an image of Jacob. I rolled my eyes, but changed my route towards my boyfriend.

"Hey Jake, this little hybrid wanted to see you," I said, walking up to him. He smiled and took her from my arms, before resuming the conversation.
I pursed my lips and perched on the couch a few inches away from him. I noticed he frowned at that and reached over to pull me onto his lap, still listening intently to Carlisle, who was explaining the situation.

"So the Volturi are coming, Alice saw it happening. Irina saw Renesmee running around with Jacob and thought we had created a child vampire. So she told the Volturi about it," Carlisle caught me up briefly. I nodded cuddling up to Jake.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alrighty, I'm on a roll! Can't wait 'till the sequel!