Killer Instinct


I woke up to my alarm clock buzzing loudly, and the shower running.
I looked around my room a bit to see the mess me and Sam had made last night. Not too bad.

I got up and went through my bags, coming out with an outfit that looked good for today.

I sat down on the bed/mattress and sighed. Maybe Sam was right. Maybe it was time to settle down. Or maybe not, I'd have to talk to Dean.
After all, Sam had always wanted to stop moving around and have a normal life. Not me, I had my chance and I didn't do well with normal.

I took Sam's phone from his pocket and selected 'dean' from his contacts. And called.

He answered his phone on the third ring. It's always the third, isn't it?

"Sam! Where the hell were you all night?" Dean scolded.

"Oh, he just came across me, no biggie." I grinned as Dean came to a lack of words.

"Heather?" he managed to choke out.
I laughed and nodded, aware that he couldn't see me.

"Yeah Dean, it's me. I just wanted to invite you guys to my place, but I won't be there since..." I looked over at my clock "Crap! I'm late for school! Sorry dude, got to go!" I hung up, and left a note and a chocolate heart on the pillow.

Next, i grabbed my backpack, and ran to the door of the bathroom, yelling that I had to go and that I'd be home later.
I then ran to the car, starting it quickly and driving off to class.

Last night was wonderful, but somehow I'm sure it could have been better.

Like if it had been Jacob?

No... Ah, shut up conscience.

You and I both know I'm right. You're in love with Jacob.

I am not! I could never love a monster.

And all those passionate kisses? And how you can't get enough of him?

I'm just humoring him. I feel nothing for that Shape-Shifter.
But even as I thought that, I could feel the tug in my heart, the longing to be near that thing again.

At least admit it to yourself, you pig-headed hunter!
Yeah... No. Maybe? Yeah, lets stick with maybe.

I skidded to a stop in my parking spot, and jolted out, locking the doors quickly behind me.

The moment I stepped foot in class, the bell rang.
I sat in my spot with a sigh. Thank you, maniac driving skills.

"That was close" I heard Jacob mumble from beside me. I froze. What class was this again?
Science I believe.
I turned to look at Jacob and stared a bit. Do I really love him? Or am I really humoring him?
I can't believe my whole world is crashing and messing up simply because an arrow landed on this town.
Or maybe this was meant to be. But that only makes a lot of maybes with absolutely no certainty.

"What's on your mind, Executioner?" Jacob whispered, staring back at me.

"I'm arguing with myself, Shifter" He wants to do titles? It's a game two can play at. And why am i even talking to him?

"About what?" he asked. His eyes suddenly held heartbreaking pain, and I couldn't help but want to cheer him up, to hold him in my arms. But instead, I kept my straight-faced charade.

"About what to do with you." I said. His eyes glistened a bit before he lowered his head and shut his eyes tight.

"And what may that be?" his voice shook a bit. I was about to answer when the lights went out and a movie started playing at the front of the class. What it was about? Beats me.
I leaned closer to Jacob, so that he could hear what I was saying.

"I don't know. But I won't kill you because I'm not sure how my own heart would react. People think I'm growing weak, Jacob. I can't have that." I whispered in his ear.
I was so tired and his shoulder looked so comfy, I couldn't help resting my head on it.

"You might as well kill me! Every time we get closer, I get my hopes up, and then you diss me. Did you know it kills me inside every time? And did you even think of me while you were swapping spit with that other guy?" he hissed in my ear. He sounded hurt, and furious at the same time.
It pained me to see him like this. God damn it!

"I'm sorry, Jake. And... I don't know why the hell I'm telling you this, but... Yes. Yes, I did think of you. I thought about how it felt right with you. And you know what? I'm obsessed with you." I whispered in his ear.

"How do you know my nickname?" he asked. He sounded like a lovesick puppy again.
I grinned as I remembered the corpse I still had to get rid of.

"Oh yeah. By the way, I'm going to need your help a bit. Some woman knew who I was. And she could read my mind. I killed her when she said I was growing weak because of you." I whispered lower in his ear. I couldn't afford anyone knowing about that.
Jacob gulped.

"And where do I come in?" he asked, his voice wavering a bit.

"I need to salt and burn the body so that she doesn't come back as a ghost and haunt my ass. That might be a little inconvenient" I chuckled lowly.
He nodded stiffly and I let my eyes close. I was out like a light.

I was awoken by lips pressing against mine.
Immediately, I reached for my knives, but I quickly realized I had forgotten them home. Aw shit.
So, I settled for opening my eyes. It was Jacob.

I hadn't realized I was kissing back until he backed away, and I fell forwards.
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Hi, as you noticed I update pretty much every day, and you must be thinking "how can she do that without skipping school?" well easy. I write it on paper while I'm at school then copy it on the computer + I'm neglecting my other stories for this one + I have a shit load of inspiration for this one = I update every day. COMMENTS = HEATHER MAKES OUT WITH JACOB!! And for 5 comments... Well lets just say Jacob will be very happy and Heather's reputation is going down the drain. Good Luck!!!