Killer Instinct

Chocolate chip cookies and strawberry short-cakes

"Whoa!" I reached my hands out to catch my fall, but I never touched the ground.
Warm arms had found their way around my waist, catching me.

"Are you alright Heather? Class is over, we're going to be late"
I nodded and stood upright, feeling like a useless damsel in distress.

"I forgot my knives today" I mumbled as me and Jake made our way to class. He chuckled at me.

"What could tire the Executioner so much that she falls asleep in class on my shoulder and forgets her precious knives?" he grinned and I blushed.

"I didn't sleep last night. Sam came over." I whispered but Jacob seemed to have heard it because he froze. Damn Shifters.

"Oh. Well, uh, you want to do something with me this week-end? Like, go to the movies, maybe?" he sounded nervous.
Oh but at this point, he had the right to be nervous.

"Actually, I was planning on checking out a nest of vamps nearby. You wouldn't happen to know anything, right?" I asked. If I can't kill these damn shifters, I'll at least give them a run for their money.
Jacob stiffened up beside me.

"Well, uh, I might know something but I can't help you hunt them," he said, sounding even more nervous than before. Oh?

"really now? I want to know more about this, so how about we skip the rest of the day. Come on!" without another word, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him to my locker, where I retrieved my jacket and my bag.
Then, I looked at him. He was staring at me with that loving look again.
God damn imprinting.

"Are you ready?" I asked him. He nodded and we headed out.
We climbed into my car, Jacob ogling it every step of the way.

"Like what you see?" I asked with a grin stretched across my face. He nodded.

"Definitely. '67 Chevy Impala? How'd you get that?" he asked, incredulous.
I threw my head back with laughter.
"A sweet deal from an old friend" was the only answer he got.

I drove to my place, making plans to let the Winchesters in on my hunt.
Recognition seemed to dawn on Jacob's face as I parked in front of my place.

"I want you to meet some people if you're going to stick around" I told Jake before heading inside.
I had barely stepped through the threshold when I got tackled to the floor by Dean, who quickly got attacked by a giant russet wolf.

"Whoa mutt, back the hell off!" Dean bellowed from under a snarling Jacob.

"Jacob! Get off of him, or I'll shoot you" I warned. Damn over-protective, drooling mutt of a wolf.
Jake whined at my command, but complied none-the-less.

Dean scoffed, then stood up and dusted himself off.
"Last time I checked, it wasn't the full moon" Dean said, being his traditional cocky self.

I shrugged. "He's a shape-shifter, not a werewolf" I said, explaining.
He groaned "Damn shifters!" I nodded, agreeing with him.

This is why Dean is my best friend. We agree on pretty much everything. We're like twins that look different and are born in different families, on a different day in a different month in a different year. But at least we've got the whole 'twin telepathy' thing down.

Then, Jacob started randomly whining and barking. I raised an eyebrow at him and was about to say 'what the hell' when he shifted back to human.
There was now a naked man standing in the middle of my living-room.

"Oh my god! Put some pants on, dude!" me and Dean said simultaneously, putting our arms up to shield our eyes.

"But I don't have any..." came Jacob's mumbled response.
I groaned, and pointed in the general direction of the bathroom with the arm that wasn't covering my eyes.

"Get a towel, at least, while we find you some god damned pants!" I suggested.

After I had heard the door open and close, I removed my arm from my face and stared deep in the eyes of Dean. And then we burst out laughing. Why? For the sake of our sanity.
There was absolutely nothing humorous in our laughter, it was only a way to dismiss the crazy events of the day and a way to relieve the stress that had accumulated since we last saw each other.

Twenty minutes, the return of Jacob, and the end of our laughing fit later, we set to work finding Jacob a pair of pants.

Since mine and Deans were too small, we had to give him a pair of Sam's. And those barely fit.

I stared at my work and shrugged. The length was too short, so I grabbed one of my knives and grinned.
Jacob gulped.
"Wh-what are you going to do with that?" He asked, inching back a bit.
I rolled my eyes at him.

"You're going to be wearing shorts mutt" I said before I grabbed the belt loops on his pants and pulled him towards me.

After I was done doing that, we all went to sit in the living room. Well, all except John. I had recently learned that John left immediately after leaving me the note, ditching his boys to finish whatever job they came here to do. Or whatever job I came here to do.

"So Jacob, what do you know about the coven of vampires next door?" I asked.
Before he was able to answer, Dean spoke up

"THERE ARE VAMPS NEXT DOOR!? WHY AREN'T THEY DEAD? No pun intended" he screeched and went to leave, but I grabbed his pants and pulled him back to the couch.

"Actually, they are close. Not quite that close though. Or else, Jacob would still be at school and... me too, probably." after I said this, both Sam and Dean turned to look at me.

"Oh?" It was Sam that spoke up.
I nodded.
"Yeah, I decided to finish school. After that, I'm not stopping until all creatures of nightmare are back where they belong. In hell, that is." I said. The Winchesters nodded approvingly.

A look of shock, pain and terror crossed Jacob's eyes and he looked down.
I rolled my eyes at this, and spoke again.

"So Jacob, about those leeches?" I asked. He cleared his throat a bit before talking.

"Well, there is a coven of vampires in Forks-" he was cut off by Dean.

"Alright, that's all we need. Lets go!" Dean said and got up, intending to go hunt the vampires.
I rolled my eyes and dragged him back. Again.

"Dean, there must be a reason as to why the hell they're not... Eliminated yet. Go on, Jake" I gestured for him to continue, and he did.

"Well, we couldn't kill them because our pack made a treaty with them" when Dean glared at him, Jacob raised his hands in mock-surrender.

"Hey, I'm not the Alpha! Talk to Sam about that! But anyways. They say they don't hunt humans, that they're not evil and only hunt animals. They should be breaking the treaty soon anyways..."
I raised an eyebrow at this.

"Really now? And why would they do that?" I asked.
He lowered his eyes, but I managed to catch a glimpse of grief in his eyes before he did. It made me want to kill the person who caused it.

"Edward, one of them, is marrying a human. Her name's Bella. And after their wedding, the Cullens are going to change her. Those filthy leeches!" He hissed, but I could hear the pain in his voice.
My jaw dropped. But not at the grief; at the name. Bela? Bounty-hunter Bela? I cleared my voice, getting ready to ask a great question.

"Bela as in... The bounty-hunter that stole the Colt from me?" I asked, venom coating my words.
Jacob shook his eyes.

"No, her name is Isabella Swan. But she prefers to be called Bella." he said. I nodded.

"Ok. You know them, right? Could you take me to meet this Bella chick? I need to ask her about... Edmund?" I asked. I couldn't remember his name if my life depended on it.
He laughed, a melodious sound that held no humor at this point.

"No, Edward. And... I'll take you. She knows by the way. She wants to be turned." he mumbled.

I almost gagged. Wants to be turned? Ew! Who would want to become a bloodsucker?
Now, i definitely had to meet this crazy chick.

"And what are we going to do while you go fool around with your monster? Bake chocolate chip cookies and strawberry short-cakes?" Dean scoffed sarcastically. Aw man, how I missed his crude humor.

"Nope, you and Sam will go do some research!" I said.
Dean groaned and Sam shrugged.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! Two updates in one day! I swear, I'm on a roll today. But right now my wrists are in pain, so I'll go read for a moment. Maybe if you comment, I'll post a third one. Maybe. Like I said,
COMMENTS = MAKE-OUT OR HEATHER BECOMES NICER and for 5 comments... Well, lets just say Jacob will be in heaven and Heather's reputation will go down the drain...