Killer Instinct


My eyes bulged, and I gulped.
I put the gun away, and went to see who was there.

"Hello?" I asked, peeking at the door. My accent was heavy with worry
What I saw was the only thing capable of scaring me silly.

"Who are you?" the police officer asked. I saw his badge. Oh god. The chief of police.

"Um, I'm Heather. Jacob's new girlfriend. He brought me to meet his best friend" I smiled at him.
I stuck out my hand towards him, and he shook it, a new light in his eyes.

"Oh! Jacob's here?" he asked.
I nodded and brought him back to the main room, my eyes wide with fear.

Jacob immediately came see me as he saw my eyes, and I walked straight into his arms.
I took a deep breath to calm myself, since the police had my heart racing.
When I was calm, I turned around in Jake's arms and he pulled me to him. I smiled, fighting the urge to turn around and make-out with him while fighting my instincts that were telling me to bail.

"Dad?" came Bella's voice from behind.

"Yeah, Bells? Why didn't you tell me Jake had a girlfriend?" he asked.

I kind of zoned out after that, settling for giving a death glare to the one vampire left; Edward.

[(}no clue what to write next, so Time Lapse{)]

On the drive back with Jacob, there was an intense silence.
He dropped me off at my place, and I stormed in, pissed at how everything had gone.
Things were so not going the way they were supposed to. I needed space, and I needed to find something to do to clear my thoughts.
I grabbed my assault rifle, and decided I'd go practice shooting.

The targets didn't stand a chance against my fire-power, and I completely destroyed about five of them.

"Are you alright?" came a voice from behind me. A voice that made my insides melt, while alerting my brain to shoot.

"Jacob, I know getting shot won't kill you, but it'll hurt like hell. I suggest you leave" I said, keeping my voice monotone.

"Don't say that, Heather. You won't shoot me" he barely sounded sure. I knew he was right, but you wouldn't catch me admitting it, not even through the biggest torture this world has to offer.

"Do you remember what happened last time Paul said that? And the bloodsucker?" I sneered, trying to prove it to him and myself that I would shoot him.

"Yeah, but it's different with me... Isn't it?" he asked, getting a step closer.
I loaded the rifle, and destroyed another target.

"The only difference is that I won't kill you. Anything else..." I let the threat hang. But he and I both knew I was lying. I would never hurt him too much.

"Come on, Heather. You can trust me." he said, taking another step closer.
I took another shot at the targets. I was quickly running out of cans to shoot.

"No, I can't trust anyone. Not even you, Jacob. It only brings pain." I reloaded the gun and took another shot. I felt the familiar prick behind my eyes, and blinked in to hold back the tears.

"I promise, I'll never let anything happen to you, Heather. You don't have to keep the mask up around me..." he walked even closer, and took away my gun.

"You can drop your defenses with me, I promise I'll be there for you." he promised.
I lowered my head when I couldn't hold the traitor tears in anymore, and tried to choke back a sob, but it escaped.
Jake took me in his arms as I bawled my eyes out in his over-heated chest, sobbing loudly now, and ruined his shirt.

Sometime during my pity-party, I fell asleep in Jake's arms.
I couldn't believe I did that. I hadn't cried since I got kicked out of my parent's house, five years ago.
I don't know what took me, I just needed to let it all out.
I had to admit, I needed someone. I need someone to be there for me, I can't go on like this anymore, I'm not fit to be an emotional rock for anyone.
But he can't know that, just in case. He can't know I need him so much, he might break me if he does.

"Heather, are you awake?" Jake whispered in my ear. Now I was fully awake.

"If I hadn't been, I'd be now, dumbass!" I mumbled, turning over in my bed. Wait, bed?

I turned back around, and looked Jacob in the eyes.

"Jacob, where am I?" I asked. He smiled, and leaned forward to kiss me, but I pressed a hand on his chest to stop him.

"Jake, answer the question" my voice was dangerously close to hissing.
My throat was scratchy, and I was sure my eyes were red and blotchy from all the crying I had done... Yesterday?

"You're at my place. You fell asleep on me, so I brought you here" he said, still staring into my eyes as though he were a hunter that just locked Lucifer back in his cage. That's probably what I'd look like.

Suddenly, I understood how he felt. I understood how bent he was on staying with me, because his life depended on it. On mine.
It was strange, because I suddenly felt the need to be closer to him too. I'm not sure I'd be able to hold back as well now that I knew how he truly felt, and understood it. I wasn't sure I'd be able to keep up the care-free/care-less facade.
He was leaning forward, and I surprised myself by leaning forwards too. We were so close when he stopped.

"Are you sure-" he wasn't able to finish his sentence because I mumbled something along the lines of
"Shut up, doggie" and grabbed the back of his head, crashing my lips on his feverishly.
I slipped my tongue on his bottom lip, asking for entrance, and he didn't waste one moment giving it to me.
Our tongues battled for dominance, as I ran my fingers through his silky black hair.
I shifted my position a bit, straddling him, and moved my hands from his hand to his chest.
And do you know what's the only thing that ran through my mind?
Screw my reputation.

I slipped my hands under his ruined shirt, and was about to pull it over his head when a voice resonated through the house.

"Jake? You home?" came Billy Black's voice, bringing me back to reality.
I froze, finally realizing what I was about to do and with who. Was I really...?
Aw man, what the hell had come through me? But maybe I really was ready. Ready to give up hunting? Never.
Ready to give in to the torment my brain is currently suffering? Yes.
I think I'm ready to finally give in to Jacob. And give him what he so desperately wants.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my gods! She finally gives in! But don't worry, it's not over yet. I still have a lot to write ;) After all, the bad guy isn't there yet, is he? No, that's what I thought. COMMENT!!!! please