Status: On Hold -- Please bere with me.

A Single Pink Rose


A solemn crisp day, a warm; but sunny day. Looking over into the horizon from a distance of radiance, and beauty from the shining sun above. The town was small; yet peaceful. Surrounded by the big blue ocean causing a cool soft breeze to sweep throughout the small town; causing it to be not to hot; nor to cold. The weather being as nice as it was had people out throughout the town; laughing; and playing around. Spending time with family, and even having a Bar-B-Q to add onto the nice weather they were having. And as a add on, the Doves flew high above in the sky, making the day even more relaxing.

If your wandering, We don’t have ‘seagulls’, we have Doves instead. Our town is a bit different. But it was nice either way.

Now, As I was saying.

On this warm day in particular, my friends and I sat down at the beach, eating ice cream as always. It was our favorite: Neapolitan Ice Cream. A mixture of 3 different ice creams. Since we can’t decide on what it is we like, we eat that as we chill at the beach every weekend.

“Ugh.. I’m so glad that spring break is this Monday you guys!” My friend Darian spoke, stretching out with his spoon in his left hand, as his free hand smacked the back of Kami’s head who was sitting next to him.

“HEY! Can you watch what you’re doing?!” Kami Shouted angrily, a look of disgust forming on his face as he glared over to Darian.

“Sorry dude.. My hand slipped” Darian said with an innocent tone, and face. I simply laughed. These guys always knew how to cheer me up.

“You guys~ just chill alright, enjoy the Ice Cream, Don’t make me slap you both before spring break starts” I giggled taking a bite from my ice cream.

“But he started it!!” Kami protested as he looked to me, pointing to Darian.

“I told you! My hand SLIPPED!” Darian informed Kami.

“Yea right!” He snarled, lowering into his seat, taking a bite of his ice cream.

“I really don’t care who started it. I’ll end it if I have to” I spoke, taking yet again, another bite from my ice cream.

“Ha… Fine..“ Kami and Darian spoke at once in a monotone voice, slouching in their seats and continued to eat their ice cream quietly enjoying the air.

I closed my eyes, listening to the birds sing their sweet melody, as the lazy ocean hugged the shore close. Today was a really nice day. And I wanted to freeze time, just to have it stay like this for a bit longer. I didn’t want this peace to be interrupted.

But as fate would have it… It was… like always…

“Well would you look-e-here…” A voice echoed through out the beach. A voice that I much rather wish I didn’t hear.

“Grrrrreaaaat” I heard Darian sneer; as I shot my eyes open; my eyes narrowing.

‘Please.. Let me be hearing things!!!’ I thought to myself; bringing my hands together in a praying way.

I slowly looked up, glancing around to see where the unwanted voice had came from. ‘Why would he even want to mess with me on such a wonderful day?’ I asked my self, looking around to find him.

I did and with him was his friends. Jessie; Biggs; and Wedge.

His name was Barrett; The jerk of the town.

“What do you want Barrett?” I asked him, a bit annoyed with his presence already. He never did like me. For what reason you may ask? I won’t be able to tell you. He just enjoys messing with me. And the satisfaction I give him. I just wish he didn’t mess with me though.

“Why else would I come and bother ya, Isa?” The name he liked to call me. Which I hated most. It sounded a bit funny when people said it; and I despised it the most. Though.. On other people the name was nice. Just not a name for ME to have. If you know what I’m saying.

“What did I say Barrett? Call me by my REAL name” I sneered; giving him a cold stare.

“Fine fine; Isabella” he said, waving his hand around in the air as if he didn’t really care what he called me.

I growled at him.

He simply chuckled at me.

“The only time you ever come to bother me is to ruin my day!” I snapped at him, wanting him to leave. Angrily I crossed my arms against my chest, looking away from Barrett.

He chucked at me again.

“You think that’s it, huh?” He laughed one of his loud annoying laughs.

I simply nodded to his question.

“Why else would you bother me?” I asked still not looking at him.

He smirked, “Nah, I just like ya that‘s all,” He teased walking up to me and messing up my hair with his hands.

“HEY! DON’T MESS UP MY HAIR YOU EGGHEAD!!” I yelled at him, pushing him away from me, And then tending to my now messed up hair.

Barrett laughed again. “What you don’t like me?” He asked in a whimpering tone as he looked to me with these big puppy eyes; and his lower lip out..

“No..” I replied back hatefully; becoming even more upset with him. The look he gave me looked completely silly, “Can you please leave me alone?” I asked him in the nicest way I possibly could; finishing fixing up my hair the best that I could.

“What was that?” He asked; bringing a hand to his ear, acting as if he didn’t hear me. “You need to speak up Iddy Biddy.” He leaned down, waiting for me to respond.

“I said; and I quote,” I made air quotations as I said the word ‘quote’, “Can you PLEASE leave me alone?!” I bit down on my lower lip, glaring at him, waiting for him to say something shnarkie* to me.

“We shouldn’t have to leave just because you say ‘please‘!” Wedge yelled to me.

I simply rolled my eyes.

Biggs popped him on the back of the head for cutting in when he shouldn’t have.

Jessie giggled, watching the two argue back and forth. She seemed to be the more ‘mellowed’ out one of them all. And the one who never messed with me. But that’s because she’s also very smart and saw it the way I did, and didn’t bother to pick at me.

“Aww, come on Barrett let’s just leave her alone already..” Jessie spoke softly, walking up beside him and placing her small hand on his shoulder. Compared to him, she was tiny.

He looked back to her, and nodded. She seemed to be his weakness. It was obvious. Simply because she was the only female in the group and he treated his friends with better respect then me.

“Tch” Barrett sneered, walking away from me as Jessie gave a small smile. She then turned toward her other friends, motioning them to follow along to help Barrett chill out and then took off running. They gave looks to each other, and did the same.

“Finally.. Some peace and quiet..” I spoke softly, seeing as my ice cream melted during the Barrett incident.

“Ahahahaha! That’s what you get for letting him get to you!” Darian spoke pointing and flinging his spoon around. Getting me, and Kami wet with the ice cream that was on his spoon.

“CAN YOU STOP?! Seriously you‘re driving me up the walls today Darian!” Kami yelled, giving him a cold stare.

“I was just stating the obvious” He spoke, slouching in his seat, throwing his container away.

“You jerk.. It’s not funny!” I yelled as I glanced over to him. “Don’t make me dump it on your head. You know the ants will love that,” I grinned evilly, watching him shift slightly in his seat and becoming more nervous.

Kami simply laughed at him.

“Aww don’t worry, You can get more ice cream tomorrow. The others are for our other friends” Kami laughed, knowing I was about to grab one from the cooler.

“Maaaaan…. I think he did that to me on purpose!” I yelled taking an empty bag, and placed container in the bag, as did my friends with theirs.

“Man oh man, Barrett sure is annoying huh?” a familiar voice echoed from behind me. It gave chills down my back, causing me to get goose bumps on my arms. So of course I knew that voice from anywhere. He was the ONLY one who liked to tease me like that.

“Haha, boy is he ever!” I said, leaning back to gaze up to see the Red-headed male smiling at me. He was another one of my friends. And one of my old crushes. Let’s say that he didn’t feel the same way. So I told him it was alright, and we’ll always be friends. I never held it against him though. I guess he wasn’t into girls when we were 7 years old. Haha.

Though, I won’t lie. He’s still a very attractive male in my opinion. But, I no longer think of him that way.

Well I guess I don’t mind at all though. Reno has always been more like a brother to me. Always there, helping me, And always got my back. Just the Barrett moment he didn’t. Which reminds me. Where the heck was he? He should had been here minutes ago.

“Why weren’t you here earlier?” I whined, “Barrett was all over meh! Chu know I need you as meh bodeh guard to keep him away sometimes!*“ I teased waiting for his answer.

“I got held up at home, and then had to wait on these guys,” Reno pointed over his shoulder to our other friends. “Sorry, I would have called you, but my phone was dead” He said pulling out his empty pockets showing that he couldn’t bring his phone with him.

“Aha… That was my fault..” Rufus had spoke, raising his hand, his index finger pointing upward. He was the pretty boy out of group, and loved by many teen girls in town. It was rare to find a girl who didn’t think of him that way. And only wanted to be his friend. It was very disturbing though. I‘d get pushed out of the way just so they could talk to him. I think they even have a fan club. Called The ‘Prince Rufus Fan Club’. Weird huh?

Allow me to show you what I mean.

Ahem… ‘lyke oh meh gawd!! Have you ever noticed how Rufus’ deep blue eyes just sparkle in the light?! And that hair!! It’s like a field of wheat!’ ahahaha… This is what they literally ramble on about all day when he passes them in the hall. It’s also quite funny too. He NEVER pays them any attention. He’s just kind and sweet to them, and that’s all. He honestly isn’t interested in them. He has his eyes set for College. Girls can wait.


He has to not only look good for school. But also look good when going to the beach. Which I thought was weird. The girls would just faint from his ‘masculine chest’ -- in his words -- anyway.

As if. He doesn't have any abs, so there was nothing ‘masculine’ about him. He was just a twiggy. Nothing more. But, I love him anyway.

“Hurry up next time. I almost ate your ice cream” I mumbled, handing them their ice cream containers.

“Ah sweet! Thanks!” Reno said, taking his ice cream with a smile on his face. As did Rude, and Rufus. They acted as if they hadn’t had ice cream in years. Snatching the ice cream from my hand one by one.

‘Savages…’ I thought, watching them open up the lids of their ice cream, and began to eat it. “Chill out you guys! You look like pigs..” I mumbled, looking away as I stuck my hands down between my legs, placing my hands under my legs, like I was sitting on them.

They all looked to each other, not noticing that they were eating their ice cream quite fast. They laughed lightly, and took another bite, but more... not messy. I giggled lightly, glancing back toward the setting sun.

We all sat together quietly, enjoying the breeze, the singing doves over head, and the sound of the ocean running along side the shore. The colors the sky made were quite beautiful. Pink, purple, and a orange. The colors danced across the clouds giving the townsfolk a calm feeling as it did so. It was all so peaceful..

To be honest, this was the only thing I loved about this town. The time the sun began to set. I really wish that the day would ALWAYS be this way. But sadly, it only happens during the evening.

“Hey.. It’s getting dark” Rude had said. He was the non talker in our group, so when he did talk, we all looked to him as if we never seen someone talk before. It was quite funny.

“Aww… we don’t have to go yet” I protested, “I want to see the sun set, and see the stars appear” I said, making myself comfortable.

Rude chuckled. “Well of course,” He smiled.

We laid back in our chairs, gazing toward the beautifully setting sun.

“Hm….” Reno hummed.

“Hey, you guys!” Kami chimed in, pointing toward the sky. The stars had finally began to appear one by one. “Look…” Kami spoke softly pointing to one star in particular. We all gazed up to where he was pointing, seeing a star twinkle like a light bulb that was about to go out.

“Would'cha look at that…” Reno spoke, taking the words right out of my mouth. It’s the first I’ve ever seen such a thing.

Well, of course I’ve seen shooting stars. But never a star just stop twinkling.

“Hm..” I hummed, looking back toward the setting sun. “Make a wish!” I exclaimed, closing my eyes tightly, making a wish.

“But, it wasn’t a shooting star!” Reno yelled just as I finished my wish.

“Well, what would you call it then?” I asked, looking over to him.

“Well.. Uh..” He scratched his cheek.

“Exactly! It’s a star that is similar to a shooting star” I nodded, focusing my attention back on the weather.

“I guess your right….” Reno muttered, rubbing the back of his neck slouching in his chair.

Again, we sat quietly, listening to our surroundings. It seemed like ages since we did this last. But last time, Barrett didn’t bother me.

“Have you guys ever wondered if there were….other words out there.. Other then this one..?” Darian asked. It was more like ‘thinking out loud’. We all turned to him.

“You’re kidding right..? Rufus asked with a slight chuckle.

“I’m serious guys!” He said a bit defensive.

“Well.. At school they say there’s no worlds out there other than this one.. And that we’re protected by some wall, so there can’t be nothing else out there” Reno said. We all turn toward him. He was the slacker at school, and yet, he just said something that the science book stated. “What..? I can be smart too, y’know!” Reno said, giving us a ’what’ look.

We laughed lightly, averting our attention toward Darian.

“Nah, it’s not possible. And I won’t believe it until it’s staring me dead in the face” I said laughing as I stood up, stretching, and letting out a yawn. “Hm… I’m going to get going you guys. I’m getting tired, Meet up at the mall tomorrow..?” I asked, folding up my chair, and grabbing the trash.

“Sure” Rufus agreed, as did everyone else. I giggled lightly.

“Alright, I’ll see you guys tomorrow” I waved, making my way up the beach to a near by trash can, throwing away the trash that accumulated from the day.

I glanced back, seeing them wave to me. I giggled once more, waving back. “BYE YOU GUYS” I yelled, smiling softly. They shouted back to me, as the gave a small smile, packing their things up as well.

I turned my back to them, making my way home, which wasn’t to far from the beach. I guess living here isn’t to bad. I did like living here. Though, having nothing to do did get quite boring.

I sighed as I soon made it to my home, opening the door, seeing how my dad was home.

“Hm.. I’m a bit late..” I mumbled, making my way up the drive way and up to the front door.

“Hey mom! Hey dad!” I hollered as I made my way in.

“Hey dear. You know you’re a bit late right..?”

“I know, I know” I told my mother setting my chair up against the wall that the door was on. “Barrett decided to mess with me today, so I’m a bit late because of him” I said, making my way into the living room to give my mom a hug. She was the only one in the living room. So shouting to dad was pointless.

“Dinner’s ready..” My mom informed me. “You’re plate is in the ice box.”

“Mmm… I’m not hungry” I yawned.

“Well.. Alright then.. I guess you can head to bed” My mom said, flipping through the channels of the television.

Dad must have been in the shower, or was to tired today from work that he went to bed early today.

“Good night mom..” I said, giving her a kiss on her cheek.

“Good night dear,” My mom said, giving me a tight squeeze. “Sleep well, I Love you honey” She said giving me a kiss on my cheek as well.

“I will, and you too when you get to sleep as well.” I said, releasing my mom. “Love you” I waved, walking toward the stairs.

My mom simply repeated good night and that she loved me. And by the time she was finished, I was at my door, now entering it.

I then closed my door, flipping on the light switch, looking around for my pajamas. ’Ah.. Where are they now..?’ I questioned myself. Mom must have done laundry. She does laundry every day. And so, My pajamas always get cleaned.

Annoyed, I sighed, walking over to my dresser, opening the first drawer to see if they would be there.

‘Good she put them up this time’ I sighed in relief remembering last time I got undressed completely thinking that my pajamas would still be on my bed side.

I let out a sigh and grabbed my pajamas, tossing them on my bed, and then pushed my drawer back. I started to get undress quickly, due to the fact I was getting quite tired from being out in the sun all day, and began to put my pajamas on.

The pajamas were made of pure cotton. Witch made them nice and soft, especially when they were washed. The were neatly decorated with multiple colored stars, as the base color was white. The top was a spaghetti strap that was snug around my body, as for the bottoms were shorts that stopped mid-thigh with a pink ribbon to make them fit right if they were loose. I always tied the ribbon to make my pajamas look cute.

“ahh.. Much better” I said sitting down on my bed, crossing my legs Indian style, and started to pull off my socks. Taking them both off at the same time is NOT a good idea.

Why you ask? Because I fell back on my bed.. As my socks flew over my body, and hit the wall. Well.. I guess it wasn’t so bad. They made it into the dirty clothes hamper that was in my room.

“Haha! Score!” I laughed throwing my arms up in the air.

I gloated a bit from my unexpected victory; doing a little dance. Well.. A slight dance.

I was still laying on my back, kicking my legs in the air and swinging my arms about, saying ‘Whoo~’ as I continued to laugh at my small victory.

“Ha… I need to get to bed now..” I said looking to see what time it was.

My clock read 9 pm almost 10 pm. It was pretty late for me. Seeing as I always was in bed about 8:30 pm. But it was spring break, and I do tend to stay up a bit later when there’s no school for some time.

I curled up into a ball, making myself role forward to where I was sitting up straight once more. I stood up, pulling my blankets up to get ready to sleep.

I yawned once more, rubbing my eyes, plopping back down on my mattress. I kicked one foot under at a time, and soon laid down. And with in minutes my body went under the sleeping spell. And with that, I was out.