Status: On Hold -- Please bere with me.

A Single Pink Rose


I had awoken to the light shining into my room. I blinked a few times, allowing my eyes to adjust to the brightness that reflected off my walls; I then started to stretch as I was laying down.

“Morning already..?” I groaned as I slowly pulled myself up from my bed tiredly. I wasn’t ready to get up yet; but hey; I made plans to go to the mall with my friends. If I didn’t have plans; I’d go back to sleep! I let out a yawn; as I rubbed my eyes, glancing out the window to see that clouds were on the move to covering the brightly shining sun.

‘Let’s hope it doesn’t rain today..’ I thought as I scratched my head; kicking my legs out from under my blankets and began standing up from my bed.

I yawned again; feeling the tears form in my eyes. “Nya…” I wiped them away, walking to my dresser; pulling out a black T-shirt that had a skull face on it. His smile spreading widely across his face as he held a angry but pleased look. And on the sleeves where skeleton hands as if he was gripping my shoulders; but not. As I was at it; I grabbed some fingerless fishnet gloves that I got from my mom. They were hers when she was younger and passed them on to me. She didn’t have my ‘label’ -- if you will -- when she was my age. She fit in great; but had a awesome since of style. I guess time caught up with her; and was now dressing like a mother. Though; I didn’t mind; her clothing was at least nice. Nothing to try and embarrass me when she’d sometimes pick me up from school. She’d only do that if she got off work early.

Placing the clothing into my hand; I began to look for some jeans that had holes in the knees; while the holes were patched up with different fabric while the ends were torn from being stepped on so much.

Once I found them, I placed them over my arm; and began to find a ripped plaid skirt -- Where ever one was.

I dug through my whole dresser trying to find the one I wanted specifically; witch was hidden in my pants drawer.

“Aha! There you are you little booger!” I said pulling it out from the drawer placing it as well over my arm. I then went to get fresh undergarments and some socks and headed to the bathroom.

I take a shower every morning. It’s a thing I do everyday; just to smell nice through out the day; with a little more help from body spray and deodorant. You know; things we all use.

It was a good thing my parents got this house though. It was a 3 bathroom; and 4 bedroom. So I didn’t need to ask if anyone was in my bathroom and if anyone needed to go potty. Haha.. Long story.

As I was making it to the bathroom; I smelled the air. Mom was cooking breakfast. I could smell the pancakes in the air and the side dish were having.

“mm…” I hummed; my stomach growling as I did so. “Shh.. Tummy; we’ll get something to eat as soon I’m done showering” I giggled; patting my stomach as I soon went into the bathroom; closing the door behind me.

I let out a soft sigh; turning on the light and glanced at myself in the mirror.

“Bah. I need to take a shower” I spoke; looking at my messy hair. I think even kids would scream if they saw it. Heh..

I began to undress; placing my dirty clothes in a pile; and my clean ones on the counter of the sink. I then made my way to the bathtub turning the knob to make the water flow and I began to adjust the water; making it comfortable for my skin. So it wasn’t to cold nor to hot.

I got the water the way I wanted it; and pulled up the handle to make the water switch to the shower. I took a step into the tub; allowing the water to drench my hair; and my body from the water raining down on me. It felt nice though on my back. I leaned my head up to look to the ceiling; still a bit dazed from waking up. I rubbed my eyes again; trying to get ride of the sleepiness that I had in my eyes. It seemed to be working.

Once again I sighed; letting out a yawn soon after; and grabbed the soap; lathering it up in my hand to wash my body. I began to rub the soap on my body as I let the water run the soap off until I could smell the Irish spring soap emanating off of me.

I then began to wash my hair with shampoo; and conditioner; allowing my hair to take the shampoo’s and conditioner’s effects to make my hair soft and smooth. The way I like it.

Once more; I let out a sigh; Once I was done I turned the knob of the shower to make the water cease. And when I did that I pushed down the handle to make the shower no longer active. I started to remove some of the water that was in my hair so I didn’t make a big mess with the water dripping from my hair. Or so I wouldn’t slip.

I moved open the curtain; taking my first step out of the shower. A slight chill ran down my spine due to the cool air that swept by me. I was used to the warm water on my skin; that now; I’m freezing cold.

I quickly walked to the cabinet that was in front of the skin; opening up the door and grabbed a towel out of the cabinet. Since it was high up; I stood up on my tippy toes feeling around for the rough fabric to grace my fingertips.

“Aha!” I grinned a bit pleased with myself; grabbing the towel and pulling it out of the cabinet. I quickly unraveled it; wrapping the fabric around my body; trying to remove every spec of water. I then began to dry my hair once I was done with my first task; trying to get as much water out of my hair as I could so that it was a tad stringy instead of soaking wet. Once I was done with that; I threw the towel to the ground; drying up the water mess I had made when I came out of the shower.

When I was finished; I placed the towel in the pile with my dirty clothing and made my way to putting my clothing on. One article at a time. Once I was finished; I grabbed the brush; and began to brush through my hair; making it some what straight for now. I’ll later style it; Just now; I’m a tad bit lazy.

I sat the brush down on the counter; opening up the mirror to grab my body spray and underarm deodorant and started to apply them. I began to smell like Lavender with a hint of vanilla.

When I did that; I picked up my dirty clothing that laid by the door and opened up the bathroom door; flipping the switch with my elbow so that way the light was off. I walked out of the bathroom; holding onto my clothing pretty tightly so I didn’t drop anything; as I leaned back to extend one arm to grab the handle and close the door.

“Morning mom!” I yelled as I ran down the stairs with my dirty clothing.

“Morning Is” She spoke; turning around to place a plate onto the table.

“Excuse me, coming through!” I had yelled a tad so my mom wouldn’t be in the way of me making my way into the laundry room to place my dirty clothing into the washing machine so they would be washed.

“In a hurry Bells?” My dad asked; placing down the news paper. He must have read the funny pages. Something that actually makes him laugh. I’m amazed for as long as he’s read ‘em; he NEVER knew that Garfield liked lasagna .

I simply replied to him; “Well somewhat; I’m going to the mall with my friends at noon.” I walked out of the laundry room once I closed the lid of the washing machine; Running my hand through my damp hair trying to air dry my hair. I closed the door behind me; as I made my way to sit down at the table.

Mom was making my plate; and well; I guess you can say I’m hungry; and plus I didn‘t eat dinner last night; if you remembered.. I guess you can’t really blame me for wanting to eat now; my mom is an amazing cook! And plus it’s only 10 am I have a whole hour left till I need to start making my way to the mall to hang out with my friends.

I pulled out a chair from under the table; sitting down swiftly. And once I was done; I began to pull myself under the table; waiting for my mom to finish fixing my plate; hearing my dad chuckle a bit as to what he just finished reading.

“Sleep well?” My mom asked me as she brought my plate to me; setting it in front of me and stabbing my pancakes with my fork.

“I slept well” I smiled as I looked at the fork that was now penetrating my pancakes. “You know… you could have just handed me the fork.. Stabbing my pancakes wasn’t necessary..” I spoke pulling my fork out of the pancakes.

“I know dear; I just felt like stabbing something” She laughed as she walked back to the table with her plate; sitting down beside my father.

“But still mom…”

“Just eat dear; it’s not like I stabbed you” She said taking a bite out of her food. I sighed; and angled my fork to cut into my pancakes; and then stabbed the piece I cut off and ate it.

I looked around silently as I ate; seeing my dad still reading the Funny pages -- again -- and chuckling every now and then; as my mom just looked over at my father; glancing at the funny pages as well; giggling along with him as he chuckled.

I finished my pancakes; and then started to eat my scrambled eggs. I was the only one in my family that liked my eggs scrambled.. My mom liked her sunny side up; and my dad liked them over easy… I swear.. Sometimes I wonder if I’m adopted.


When I was finished eating, I stood up from my chair; grabbing my plate and walked over to the sink. Once I was there; I turned on the water; grabbing the sponge -- setting my plate down in the sink -- and grabbed the soap; squirting some of the liquid on sponge; and began to wash my plate; removing the syrup that was stuck the plate; and now making it clean The light shined on it; and I was able to see my reflection. “Perfect“ I laughed as I put the plate away.

“Thank you mom” I said; as I ran up behind her and gave her a hug.

She let out a small squeak; not expecting me to hug her that way. She simply patted my arms; and gave a smile. “You’re welcome dear. Have fun when you head off to the mall.”

“I will” I responded; letting go of her; and running to give my father a hug.

He as well patted my arms as he took a drink of his coffee; still reading the Funny Pages.

“Dad if you don’t eat; your food will get cold..” I informed him as I tried to take the newspaper from him.

“But I just got the funny part!” He exclaimed trying to keep the paper out of my grasp. Witch he failed. “You can read it later dad; eat your breakfast or you’ll be tired and grouchy at work” I told him; handing the news paper to my mom so she could keep it from my father.

“Aww.. You guys are no fun..” He whined; taking his fork as he began to eat his pancakes. I could tell he had a pouty face because my mom giggled when he sat his elbow on the table; placing his head in his hand as he ate.

“That’s a good daddy” I giggled; as I walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to grab a few things before I was on my way to the mall. And I needed to style my hair. So yea.

When I made it to my room; I heard my father trying to take The newspaper from my mother; him making whining noses when he did so.

I giggled to my self; as I walked over to my dresser grabbing my cell phone and stuck it in my pocket as I did the same with my wallet.

What..? A girl can’t bring some shopping money to go to the mall..? Haha.. Just playing with ya.


I then walked out of my room; still hearing my father fuss over the newspaper that I took from him.

“Dad; if you keep whining for that paper; you’re one; going to be really hungry when you go to work; and two; be late for work. Just take it with you when you go, not like It’s going to kill you.” I said as I heard him make a groan noise and mumble something under his breath.

I laughed as I made my way to the bathroom to now style my hair since it was dry enough for me to do something to it.

I opened up the bathroom door; turning on the light once I was in, and stopped in front of the sink. I leaned forward; glancing at my face; seeing if I needed to apply any make up.

“Hmm… Nah..” I shook my head as I opened up the mirror to grab my tooth brush; and tooth paste to brush my teeth.

I turned the sink on; wetting my tooth brush; placing the tooth paste upon the bristles rubbing the tooth paste on the bristles so that way I didn’t run out of tooth paste. Weird I know.

I then made a growl face and began to brush my teeth. Brushing the food out of my mouth; and the plaque from sleeping all night. It took me about 3 to 5 minutes to brush my teeth fully. And about 3 minutes to do the mouth wash. I’ve been trying to put up a tolerance to sting the mouth wash gives me. Though it never works.

Who cares what people say. Mouth wash is your enemy! But oh well; what ever it takes to make your mouth, ‘Minty Fresh’ and have a ‘Good clean feeling.. No matter what!’

I spit the mouth wash out of my mouth; taking in a deep breath of now cold air. “Ah.. Man.. It always burns..” I complained; trying to adapt to the sting in my mouth. I sighed; grabbing a comb that rested beside the sink and began coming my hair forward so I can get it the way I wanted. I picked a side of where I wanted to part my hair and started combing the hair over my left eye. It wasn’t really covering my eye; it was just near it. You could still see my eye. I then began to tease my hair a bit; making it stand up in the back. And I was done. Just adding a bit of hairspray and that’s it.

“Done..” I mumbled; placing the comb back down on the sink. Leaving the bathroom.

I pulled out my cell phone from my pocket; checking to see what time it was.

“Ah! I gotta get going!” I said. My cell phone said that it was 11:30 and it takes 30 minutes to get to the mall on foot. And that was the only way of transportation. Since my mom and dad both went to work at the same time.

“Agh.. I’m so going to be yelled at by my friends” I complained running down the stairs and into the kitchen.

“Bye Mom, By Dad!” I exclaimed giving them a hug. “I’m on the way to the mall. I’ll try and be back by 5” I spoke; running out the kitchen and to the front door.

“Bye!” I yelled one more time while I opened the front door. “Love you guys; see you later” I walked out the front door; closing it behind me. I looked up allowing my eyes to adjust and once they did I saw Reno waiting for me.

“Heey~ I was just about to get you..” Reno laughed as he walked up to me.

“You're late as well?” I laughed as he made it up to me; his hands in his pockets.

He laughed again; “Yep..” he nodded to my answer as he looked toward the side walk; “I guess we better get a move on” He laughed as he started to walk away from me. “Hey wait up!” I hollered as I chased after him. I know we’re late and in a hurry but jeez!

Anyways; we began to walk toward the mall. Talking about yesterday’s star. And how it was bizarre that something like that had happened. And then about Darian’s question. We laughed at it a bit; knowing that there is no other worlds but this one.

I sighed; leaning my head back to gaze toward the sky. Seeing that the sun was no longer shining down. The clouds had finally conquered the sun, and will probably have it‘s way today.

“Dang..” I muttered; “It’s probably going to rain..” I spoke; feeling the winds pick up around body; as it flirted with my hair; causing my hair to somewhat hit me in my face -- I quickly tucked the hair behind my ear -- Not only were the winds picking up, causing the trees to sway in the wind, but the smell of rain lingered in the air. It was more of a hint that we should get going home.

“You think we should head back home..?” Reno asked as he looked to me; pulling out his cell phone to let the others know we would be heading home if it starts to rain.

“Uhm..” I looked around; and waited for a bit; “Maybe we should..?” I said. It was more like a question then me saying that we should.

“I guess we could start walking; and if it rains; we’ll turn around” Reno said as he started to walk ahead of me again.

“Hey~” I yelled out to him; running up to him again. Is he mad today…? Oh well; he’ll get over it. I know.. Heartless huh? Ahaha.. Oh well… It’s the way I see things.

But; we continued making our way to the mall; turning on a corner. We ended up beside the book shop. One of my favorite stores. I stopped in my tracks looking at the books that were available and new.

“ooh..” I giggled quietly; watching as Reno stopped in his tracks to look behind at me.

“We can go inside if you like” He said; walking up beside me.

I shook my head. “Nah.. We can come here after tomorrow.” I said. “Remember; we’re going to go to the beach!” I laughed as I looked to him. “I have to get more ice cream; Stupid Barrett made mine melt” I huffed as I crossed my arms against my chest.

Reno laughed at me as he ruffled my hair.

“Not you too!” I yelled as I ducked away from his hand to try and fix my again messed up hair.

“It took me time to fix it this morning!” I pouted as I looked into the window of the book shop.

“Well.. Fixing it would be a waste” He said as he stood beside me; standing with his back to the store.

“Why?” I asked.

“That’s why!” He exclaimed pointing to the sky. “It’s lighting” He said; And now that he said that; I began to feel water hit my arms.

“Great” I sneered; looking toward the sky; “I guess we should get going..” I said feeling the sprinkles get more heavier.

“C’mon!” He yelled; reaching for my hand so we could at least make it to our houses at the same time.

“Maaaaaan~” I whined as I ran behind him; feeling him let go of my hand so he could run normal. I quickly picked up the pace; the rain now pouring heavily. I wanted to complain again; but I got the feeling that Reno was probably getting annoyed; so I just mumbled under my breath as I chased after him; turning a few corners until we were on the street that my house was on. Reno’s was on the same street; but his was on the end of the street. The closest house on the street to the mall. So in other words; I quickly stopped off at his house to catch my breath.

“Where did all .. This rain.. Come from..?” I asked as I huffed leaning over as I supported myself upon my knees.

“I don’t… Know..” he huffed as well; his back leaning up against his door.

I groaned; my clothing is all wet now.

“This is just great..” I pouted as I stood up taking a deep breath; looking toward the pouring rain.

“Well there goes our plans..” Reno groaned as he ran his hand thorough his now wet hair.

“You better make it home before it gets any worse then what it is” Reno informed me as he opened the front door to his house.

I shivered feeling the cold air from his house escape into the outside; causing the hairs on my arms to stand.

I quickly nodded and waved. “See you later Reno!” I yelled as I took off out into the rain again.

If I heard correctly; I think Reno said good bye to me as well. I couldn’t quiet hear him due to the rain’s pitter pattering on the ground.

I didn’t bother to look behind me though; I just waved my hand as I continued to make my way home in the down pour. It was awful; and drove me insane. But it’s nature; and I love nature.


I had finally made my way home; it seemed like forever; but I made it. Running in the puddles made it a bit hard to run with my pants drenched with water. And that had weighed my legs down. Making it much harder to run.

But oh well; I’m home now.

I attempted to open the front door pushing on it to make the door open. “Ah.. Open.. Oh..” I laughed to myself as I pulled my wallet out of my pocket and then opened up a zipper that was on it to grab the house key. “Silly me..” I laughed still; putting the key in the keyhole and turning it so the door was now unlocked. Mom and dad was no longer home; and made their way to work. Their cars weren’t home; and plus; it was quiet inside. The only one here was me; and Demi. My dog.

I ran upstairs to grab a new pair of clothing from my drawers and went to take a whole new shower to get the rain off my skin. I didn’t feel like smelling like rain.

When I was done; I went to collect the dirty clothing throughout the house and placed them in the washing machine; turning on the water; and applying the fabric softener; and the laundry soap and closed the lid so that way it can proceed with washing the laundry.

I sighed due to the boringness of my house; and went to turn on the heater so that way I could warm up. Witch was probably a bad idea seeing as one; it’s raining out; and two; heat makes me tired.

Oh well..

I began to make my way into the living room; going to the closet and pulling out a blanket to wrap around my body to help keep me warm as I sat and watched T.V. for the rest of the day. Or until I fell asleep.

‘Well.. I guess going to the mall is a ‘no go’..’ I sighed; as I put on a comedy. My eyes growing heavy.

It wasn’t my favorite movie; nor was it very interesting. But oh well; nothing was hardly on at 2 pm in the afternoon.

Sitting there; I began to close my eyes; the heat getting to me; along with the rain. Causing me to become extremely tired and worn out.

I yawned; kicking me feet onto the couch; leaning back on the couch with my upper body. I then turned on my side; to try and watch the movie; but failed; and began to fall asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
aha.. finally chapter two is out.. I hope you guys enjoy.. and I hope you guys are reading ~ Please comment and subscribe :D Like I said; things are sure to pick up about chapter four.