Status: On Hold -- Please bere with me.

A Single Pink Rose

When It Rains

A rainy day; unlike no other; had befallen my hometown named ‘Blue Ridge’. Leaving the inhabitants of this small town stuck in their homes for the day. Only a few people were out in the rain though. It was only the ones who had jobs to tend to; had errands to run; and kids who didn’t mind getting soaked in the rain; or in other words, get sick. I personally think their a bit crazy anyway. Who in the right mind plays out in the rain all day. Especially when it’s cold? Well.. I guess they do. Anyways…

Blue Ridge had been getting rain ever since last night. It seems to be the rainy season. But.. I thought rain happens in April? You know the saying? April showers; bring May flowers. It’s only March!

Well; anyways as I was saying; Most of the teens of the town get quiet bored with the weather. Being trapped inside their homes all day; simply because the parents don’t trust them leaving home in such weather.

Although they didn’t mind; They just wish there was something to keep them occupied so it would make the day go by quicker. And plus; it kept them safe from getting into trouble.

I just so happen to be one of those trapped up teens. Waiting for the weather to clear up. I’m no good trapped inside. I have to get the clean air in my system. I wish I could be just like Demi; My Alaskan Malamute that I own. She likes to be outside as well; But at least shes quiet about it.

“How long is nature going to keep this up?!” I had yelled out in frustration; throwing my arms up into the air. My Alaskan Malamute yelped at me; telling me to keep it down. I glanced over to her; seeing her whimper; her head resting upon her paws. I simply winked at her; a small smile formed on my lips. “Don’t worry Demi… I’ll keep it down” I smiled softly; exiting my room as I did so.

“Mom! I can’t take this anymore! It’s been raining since yesterday!” I continued to yell; making my way down the stairs that weren’t to far from my room. As I did; I heard Demi yelp at me again. “I know I know.. Sorry..” I replied to her. She didn’t like when I was upset. She was the one who kept me in line sometimes.

As I made my way down the stairs; I stomped on each step; taking my anger out on them; gnawing at my lower lip.

I wanted it to stop raining already!

“Honey.. If you keep doing that; there will eventually be a hole in the stairs. You know we don’t have the munny to fix it” My mother yelled over the running water in the kitchen.

“I know mother…” I replied in a monotone voice; making my way into the kitchen to help my mother wash dishes; or just dry them; and stack them away. I needed something to do!

“Is…” My mother began; looking over at me with a serious look on her features.

‘Is’ was my nick name my mother had gave me.

“Why don’t you find something to do with your time.. Like.. I don’t know.. Read a book?” My mother had suggested.

“Mom.. You know I don’t like to read the same book more then once!” I protested.

“Then… just help me with the dishes and when your finished.. Go loosen your core in front of the T.V.” My mother had said in a slight giggle. She found it funny when she thought it was ‘cool’ to talk that way.

“Mooom.. Don’t talk like that!” I laughed as I playfully pushed her.

“Hey; I gotta stay hip with my child don’t I?” She asked; handing a soapy dish to me.

“I guess.. Just don’t talk that way. It’s creepy mom” I informed her as I took the plate from her.

“Alright Isabella. I won’t do it again” a smile formed on her features. I loved her smiles; it made me feel more calm.

“Who knows? Maybe it’ll stop raining here in a few minutes” My mother thought loudly; glancing down to me to help ’lighten’ my mood.

“I guess you’re right mom” I agreed; drying off the dish she had handed me; and reached up to stick it into the cabinet over head.

“When am I not?” Mom laughed; reaching into the warm soapy water to pull the cork out of the drain that had blocked the water from draining into the sewer outside.

“So” She began; It was her ’I’m nosy as to what you’ve been up to’ voice. And it was how she ALWAYS started out a sentence to find out what I‘ve been up to.. “How’s things in school honey?” She asked; drying her hands from the water and soap. “You doing okay? Nothing that ‘mommy’ has to come and take care of?”

“Moooom! No; there’s nothing you have to take care of!” I yelled; shaking my hands to remove the water that had accumulated from the wet dishes I had to deal with; doing so only made water fling around the area. Getting me; and my mother wet.

Again; Demi barked.

“Sorry Demi!” I hollered to her.

I looked back to my mom, “I’m doing good in school. You know I’d do ANYTHING to go to Julliard!” I spoke proudly of my dream school. I’ve been playing the Violin ever since I could remember. And been in training since forever!

“I’d want that more then anything!” I spoke looking out the window just above the sink; watching the rain hit the window pane; hearing the thunder rumble the ground.

“Then keep at those grades dear; and you make it to Julliard” My mother said; patting me on my shoulder; giving me a soft gentle smile.

“I’ll get there one day mom; I swear to it!” I spoke determinedly; tightening my hands into fists; still glancing out the window; watching the lighting flash in the sky.

“I’m sure you will” My mom said; opening up the refrigerator pulling out food for us to eat for dinner. “Now; go loosen your ‘core’ in front of the T.V.” My mom laughed; as she placed the food on the counter.

“Mother! What did I say?!” I looked at her; with annoyance on my face.

She chuckled; “I know dear; I’m just playing with you. But go ahead; go watch some television.” She informed me; motioning me to the living room.

“If you need help just call mom..” I said; doing an about-face* making my way into the living room.

“Don’t worry; If I need you I’ll holler for you” My mom yelled for me to hear.

I sat down onto the couch; letting out a huge sigh. Lazily; I grabbed the remote that sat on the table in front of me; and hit the ‘on’ button. My mom must have been watching T.V. before me because the soap opera channel was on. I sighed; taking the remote; pointing it to the T.V. and began flipping through the channels. Finding something interesting to watch other then my mother’s soaps.

Doing so; I found a romance movie that I’ve seen dozens of times; but I can’t seem to make my self not watch it. The name of the movie was called ‘Fools Rush In’*.

A movie I’ve grown up on. I’ve always loved it. Somehow; when I was younger; I wanted to be the woman in the movie. A gorgeous young lady; who accidentally runs into a guy; and somehow falls in love with him; not knowing it. Only; minus the getting drunk part; and sleeping with the guy; and getting pregnant part. I still have Julliard in mind! And I will NOT ruin my chances of going there!

I laughed to myself. Images of what life would be like if something like that were to happen went through my head. Witch of course it never will. I sighed softly; watching the movie; laughing at a few parts that always seem to make me smile. Even if it’s just the simplest of things. And weren’t all that ‘funny’ for how many times I’ve seen it.

I smiled contently as I watched the movie. Like I said; I love this move. As I was watching the movie I had gotten into it; ignoring my surroundings; focusing in on the movie. Doing so wasn't a really good idea; For I had jumped in my seat from hearing a disturbing sound.

After finding out where the sound came form; I turned toward the front door; hearing someone jingle the door handle. ‘It must be Dad’. I thought to myself. He works later then Mom; And always has. I feel bad for him though. He NEVER get’s to leave work early. Or really gets a break off. It was quiet pathetic really. And I hated his job for it. I hardly knew my own father. And hardly got to see him because of his job.

“Hey dad!” I said; seeing him walk through the front door; closing his umbrella. But somehow he was still soaked. “Still raining huh dad?” I asked him.

“Haha.. You bet Bella!” He said; a bit annoyed with how soaked he was.

Bella was the nick name my father called me. I guess I can’t complain to much. It’s better then nothing right?

“Hm.. I wonder how long it will rain.” I sighed heavily in discontent. I really wanted to go to the ocean with my friends today and eat some ice cream. I guess that is postponed until the weather clears up; and it’s not all muddy at the beach.

“Is that you babe?” My mom hollered in the kitchen.

Somehow hearing her call my dad ‘Babe’ gave me chills. I always felt the guy should say that. But.. That’s just me anyways. At least they love each other. That’s all that matters.

“Yes Love, it’s me” He said; running into the kitchen to give her a soft kiss. He tired to be secretive about it because he knows I give him and mom trouble some times. Only because I love to play around with them.

“Ewww dad!” I laughed; continuing to watch the movie.

“Haha; Dear; you’ll eventually get a guy; and I’ll do the same to you” He chuckled at me; as he gave mom one more kiss; and left the kitchen. “I’m going to go change. I’ll be back and help with dinner” He yelled as he darted across the living room to not drip a lot of water all over the place.

My mom simply hollered back “Alright dear”.

If your wondering; yes there is a lot of yelling in my house. That’s only because we’re always in different rooms all the time. It’s quiet annoying sometimes.

I sighed from the boredom that I was getting; and slumped into my seat; yawning softly. “Some spring break..” I mumbled; trying to keep my eyes open to finish the movie I was watching.

I was failing miserably. I absolutely love this movie; and I can’t fall asleep. At least not now anyway.

Laying there; My eyes became extremely heavy.

‘I guess I can rest my eyes for a little bit..’ I thought to myself; allowing myself to close my eyes. Soon after; I kicked my legs into the couch; curling into a ball; placing my hand over my eyes to block out the dim lighting. This was one main reason I didn’t like the rain. It always made me tired. Not only from boredom; but the sound was so relaxing. No matter what; it put me to sleep; witch was absolutely annoying. Considering the fact I hated my dreams. It’s something I must deal with. And I’ve always had the weirdest dreams. But… I guess I can’t really complain. I rather have something to dream of; then nothing at all.

As I laid there; I began to slowly drift into sleep; Though it was hard to try and sleep with my mother and father talking. Or.. Was it my parents..? The voices sounded a bit different. Not normal then the voices I’m used to hearing.

As I laid there quietly; hearing the voices; I focused in on them; trying to make out what they were saying.

I kept hearing nothing but; “Key”; “The One”; “Unlock Door”; “Kingdom Hearts”.

It didn’t make since as to what the were meaning. What DID they mean..?

I attempted to put the words together; poorly I might add. ‘the one key unlock door kingdom hearts…? That.. Doesn’t quiet make since…’ I thought as I continued to lay in place. The voices had stopped at last, giving my mind enough time to decipher the words being said to me.

I tired again; ‘The one with the key to unlock the door to Kingdom Hearts..?’ I thought the words over more clearly; seeing as that had made a bit more since then what I had thought before.

“Meh.. Must be hallucinating” I spoke softly; lifting my hand from my face; opening my eyes slightly.

“AH!!” I yelled; “Mom dad! Why are you staring at me like that?!” I yelled as I set up from my seat; Demi was all out on a barking spree hearing me yell like that. ‘Maybe it WASN’T hallucination!’ I thought to myself; glaring at my parents as I waited for a explanation.

“You didn’t wake when we told you dinner was ready..” My mother spoke.

“Yea; we called to you for over thirty minutes.. You just completely ignored us..” My father chimed in; explaining why they were hovering over me.

“You could have gotten water.. You know..?” I spoke; yawning a bit.

“We could have; but then we would have gotten the couch wet” My dad said laughing lightly; pulling me up from the couch.

“Nice to know you care more for the couch..” I said sleepily; feeling myself get pushed into the kitchen.

“Now eat sweetie; and when you’re done you can go to bed” My mom said; kissing the top of my head.

“What about you guys..?” I asked watching as they left the kitchen.

“We already ate” My father exclaimed; plopping down onto the couch; and began to change the channel to sports.

I sighed heavily; thinking of what it was I had heard. My mind couldn’t wrap around it.

'I just.. Didn’t get it… What is this ‘Kingdom Hearts‘..? and what ‘key’ Arrg.. This is driving me crazy!! Just what was those voices talking about?!’ I yelled in my head as I continued eating my dinner.

'You’ll find out soon enough..' A voice cut through the war in my head; screaming -- well.. Not screaming -- so I could understand his words.

’Wh-whose there?!’ I questioned; dropping my fork from hearing the voice. ‘I asked you a question!’ I yelled in a more demanding voice.

All I heard was a chuckle; and him repeat the same thing 'You’ll find out soon enough..' And that was it.

I had blinked a few times; a bit confused as to what happened. Not realizing that everything around me had also stopped moving. I noticed that things had stopped moving because I noticed I wasn’t hearing my dad scream at the T.V. or the game that was on. Or hearing my mother to tell my father to quiet down some.

“That was weird..” I mumbled quietly to myself; finishing up my food quickly; so I can go to bed; maybe I’m just tired; and need my sleep. ‘Yea that’s it! I’m so tired that I’m hearing things; and seeing things! That’s all; I’ll go to sleep; and I’ll be fine in the morning!’ I said to myself. As if I could believe it though…

I slide out from under the table; grabbing my plate; and dumping the food I didn’t want to eat in the trash. I then began walking over to the sink to rinse off my plate so it’ll be easy to wash later. I was to tired to even wash it myself.

“Dinner was great mom..” I said tiredly; making my way out of the kitchen; and up the stair case.

“I’m glad you liked it dear; sleep well alright?”

“I will mom..” I replied to her; “Love you mom; love you dad..” I spoke softly; closing my door; as I made it into my bedroom.

“Ah.. What a boring day… Maybe everything will be better tomorrow..” I said softly; noticing as how the rain has finally settled down into a light sprinkle. I smiled lightly; changing into my pajamas. At least tomorrow should be bright. I said happily. I can only put up with rain for only 2 days; and that’s it! Don’t get me wrong I love rain; but; I don’t like being trapped inside. My mom fears of me getting into an accident; or getting sick. That’s the only reason I get stuck inside all day. Otherwise I’d be at the mall or something then being stuck at home all day.

With that; I turned off my bedroom light; and went into bed; curling into a ball once more. It was the only way I felt comfortable. And with that; I slowly fell asleep.
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For those who do not know what an about face is I'll tell ya. An about face is something that you do in the military. It is known as a 'command' and something you must do when given the command to do so. What an about face is though; is when you take your right foot and place it behind your left foot. You then support your weight on the front of your left foot; you make yourself turn the opposite way you're facing, and put your heels back together whilst standing at attention.

And for those who have never heard of fools rush in heres the link for the movie: