Status: On Hold -- Please bere with me.

A Single Pink Rose

Stay Away

“Huh..?” I jumped lightly to the buzzing on my leg. I had been sitting on my bed for some time, just playing video games after I took my shower and ate breakfast. “Oh.. What now..?” I complained, leaning back onto my bed, as I extended my arm, allowing my hand to reach into my pocket to grab my cell phone.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, bringing it up to my orange hues to read who was calling me. It was Reno.

I sighed, answering the phone, and brought it to my ear. “Hey Reno,” I said, waiting for his response. I quickly jumped off my bed, sliding on my shoes, walking over to my dresser to pick up my wallet that rested toward the mirror.

“You need to get to the book store, the beach is a no go today.” He spoke as I made it out of my room.

“I know, I know! I’m going out the front door right now~!” I had yelled at my cell phone, making my way down the stairs as my other hand adjusted my wallet in my pocket so it wasn‘t sticking out.

He had called me to remind me to go to the book store today. Seeing as we couldn’t do that yesterday, due to all the rain. And we can’t go to the beach since it’s well… muddy.

“Bye mom, bye dad! I love you, see you around 5 mom!” I hollered; swinging open the front door to feel the heat rush by me. The heat made me a bit dizzy, as the wind made my hair flap in the wind slightly, some of my hair hitting my face.

Walking out the front door, I tucked the hair behind my ear so it was no longer hitting my cheek bone, as I tried to regain my balance.

I let out a heavy sigh, closing the door behind me so the heat wouldn’t drown out the cold from inside my house. I turned toward the walk way that was in my lawn, decorated with flowers on the sides that my mother had planted months ago. They started to finally come into bloom, making our front lawn.. Well.. Beautiful. Haha.. I know, not a word you’d expect someone like me to ever say. But you have to admit, it’s a warm feeling when you see them.


I looked toward the sky; squinting my eyes as I did so, watching as the doves flew over head, singing their soft melody. Such a peaceful day. I wonder what is in store for me today. Things were weird for me yesterday, I hope everything will be different today.

I began making my way down the walk way, placing my hands in my pant’s pockets, my thumbs resting on the out side of my jeans. I rubbed the rough fabric against my finger tips, though it made me gnaw at my lower lip, but it gave me something to do while I walked to the book store which was a few blocks away from my house.

I began making my way across the street, -- onto the side that Reno’s house resides -- and began walking to the right side of the side walk, passing Reno’s house to turn the corner, witch led into a ally way almost.

I sighed from the boredom, feeling the cool air now on my skin. It was a pretty hot day, and since I’m in the shadows for now, it was cold, causing the hairs on my arms to stand up, or in other words, I was getting goose bumps from walking here. I quickly picked up my pace, placing one foot after the other so I can cross the street again, and make my way to the right side of the street to make my way to the popular book store. Let’s just hope they have some interesting books there today.

Although.. Walking to the book store alone may have been a bad idea.. It seems as if someone is watching me. From what direction..? I don’t know.. Who? I don’t know..

Things have been weird ever since I heard that voice… I knew If I went to sleep that.. I wouldn’t believe myself that I was just tired.

‘There’s something going on.. And I hope that I soon find out..’ I thought to myself as I looked to the ground, watching my black converse covered feet move me a foot closer toward the book shop.

Maybe I should have kept my eyes ahead then looking toward the ground..

Why you ask..? Well.. Let’s just say I bumped into someone, causing me to fall back onto my butt..

“Ow!!” I yelled out in frustration, gnawing on my bottom lip now. I sat there a bit dumbfounded as to what just happened, allowing it to register in my mind.

I pulled my hands up from the ground after I had fell, looking at the cuts that had formed. ‘Well.. Here comes an infection.. Seeing as I wasn’t prepared for something like this to happen today…’ I thought to myself examining the wounds. They weren’t to bad, but still, this was going to get infected.

“Crap..” I sneered as I glanced up to who I had bumped into. “Can you watch were you’re walking?!” I had yelled up to the person. I couldn’t see their face, for they were wearing a full black cloak, with a hood covering their face as if they wanted to hide their identity. Although; I know it’s a male due to the manly shape of his figure. ’What’s with the get-up? Isn’t he hot from all the humid air?’ I questioned myself. I could hear him chuckle; and say something under his breath.

“You wanna repeat that?!” I yelled, now pulling myself to my feet, trying to keep my balance by using the heels of my feet. I tightened my hands into tight fists as I continued to gnaw on my lower lip. This guy was making me angry.

I glared at him for a bit, trying to see if I could see his face under the hood he was wearing. He did make me feel short though.

“Who are you?” I demanded as I then crossed my arms against my chest, waiting for his answer -- my hands were still in fists when I did so -- I could feel his gaze on me witch made me really uncomfortable and I wasn’t liking it one bit. All I could hear was him chuckle, which was getting on my nerves.

“You know what; whatever!” I growled, waving my hand side to side in the air, as I walked past him. As I did so, I bumped into him on purpose, thinking that it would get him to tell me who he was. But all he did was stand there, allowing me to bump into him with my shoulder.

“There’s no need for this. I’m not going to let this ruin my day” I continued to speak, loud enough for him to hear. “And by the way, Stay away from me” I spoke, as I then made it to where I can turn a corner onto the new street.

I let out a sigh of relief once the stranger was no longer in sight, and out of mind. It really did make me angry. Though, I don’t need to feel that way. I don’t want my friends to worry. Although.. The feeling of being watched is gone. I wonder if it was that guy who was watching me.. If so.. What a weirdo..

I shook my head to get out of thought, seeing that the book store was ahead, and my friends waiting outside the store for me.

“HEY~!” I yelled, throwing my right arm in the air and waving it side to side so they could see me. I let out a giggle seeing them all turn toward me, and giving me a soft smile as they all waved back. Today; Lulu is hanging out with us. She was sick the day of the beach, but I don’t think she was sick the day of the mall. Since I didn’t get to go due to the heavy rain that Reno and I had escaped from. I guess we both know not to be late next time.

I quickened my pace, as I made my way toward them. I giggled lightly as I heard Rufus yell to me which made me come to a stop.

“Agh! Hurry up Isabella!!” I heard him yell at me.

I titled my head as if I didn’t understand him. “Huh?” I questioned in a childish tone. “You want me hurry up..? Okay…” I shrugged my shoulders, grinning as I did so. “Here we go~” I said, extending my arms out to the side, like a kid pretending to be an air plane, and then took one iddy biddy step.

“I’m not kidding!!” He sneered.

“What you have a hot date to get to?” I questioned, making my other foot take another small step. I heard him growl as I took a couple of more small steps, giggling softly as I did so.

“Bella, you know he has a short temper, just come on..” I heard Lulu speak in her monotone voice.

I nodded, as I took a normal step, now making myself closer to my friends. I could still hear Rufus growl quietly. I just laughed as I patted his shoulder. “I’m sorry, You know I was just playing with you,” I told him as I saw his expression change to a calmer look. He gave me a soft smile, as I then returned it

“I forgot that you like to kid around with me.” He laughed as he turn toward the door of the book store. He placed his hands in his pockets, as he began to make his graceful walk into the building. You can just hear the girls swoon. It was quiet scary.

Everyone had laughed listening to the ’ahh…’s’ the fan girls had made.

‘What do they do all day..? Stalk him..?’ I questioned myself as I looked around, as all my friends made it inside the book store.

“Come on Bella.”

I shook my head looking up to see Kami’s blue hues upon my face. It looked like he could see the confusion on my face.

I simply nodded, and followed him inside, letting out a sigh.

As I entered the book store, it seemed that my mind began to take on a whole new thought: Books. I immediately went to the new books. Seeing the beauty on each over that called to me to buy them.

“Ohh…” I whined, glancing at one in particular. Darian looked over to me, seeing me drool over this book.

“You want it..?” He asked as he made his way over to me, looking down at the book with me.

I quickly nodded, placing my face against the glass to try and get a better look.

“Ow..” I mumbled, rubbing my forehead. I pressed my face a bit to hard against the glass.

Darian simply laughed at me when his orange hues looked to me. “Don’t you have money..?” He asked as he looked to the price.

I nodded.

“Then why not get it?” He tilted his head, a bit confused on my reaction to the book.

“I don’t have the money to get each sequel to the book..” I pouted, crossing my arms against my chest.

Darian just ruffled my hair.

“Man! What is with people and messing with my hair lately?!” I yelled, trying to fix it once again. “First it was Barrett, Then Reno, Then my dad, and my mom, And now you~!” I pouted, seeing that my hair couldn’t get any better then it already was now. “Thank you..” I sneered, giving him a glare.

“Aw.. Come on Bells, I was just playing,” He laughed, pulling me into a tight embrace. Hiding his face in my hair. He was warm.. a..and soft.. Wait! What am I saying?! Gah..

I pulled away from him, letting out a sigh, while aggravation was still on my face.

“Why don’t you just get the books you can pay for? And, for Christmas or for your birthday, I’ll get you the next book” Darian suggested, running his long fingers through his auburn hair.

“Hm..,” I began looking at the first two books. “If you say so..” I glanced up to him, seeing a smile grace his features.

“Of course, I wouldn’t had offered if I didn’t mean it” He laughed, patting my shoulder and then walked away from me.

I sighed, looking for the owner of the shop. I’ve been here so many times that I remembered his name. Mr. Baker. I remember thinking that he was a baker instead of a book store owner when I was a child.

I giggled to my memory, leaving the front desk to look for him. “Mr. Baker..?” I questioned, walking back to his office, checking to see if he was there.

“Mr. Ba…ker…?” I looked into his office, seeing that he wasn’t there. “Hm..” I hummed, leaving his office, and back to my friends. “Mr. Baker isn’t here.. Must of went out to get himself something to eat..” I spoke, stopping at the front window, glancing out to see if he was anywhere near returning.

“That could be it.” Reno spoke, walking over to me, only to look out the window as well, and then making his way back to the books to look at them. Simply to judge them by the cover.

“Aw..” I sighed, as I still looked out the window.

As I stood there, waiting for Mr. Baker to return, the feeling of being watched over whelmed me once more. As did the voice from last night enter my mind.

’You’ll find out soon enough’

What ever he meant, it must mean something is going to happen. Soon.

I simply bit down on my lower lip. Thinking back to the man I had bumped into. Remembering the feeling of being watched ended with him. And this feeling might be him.

I looked out the window, trying to figure out where the male was at.

“Hm..” I hummed, making my way toward the door of the store.

I pushed it opened, hearing the jingle above, as the bell hit the glass of the door.

“What’s up with her?” I heard Rude ask just as the door closed behind me.

“I know you’re out here!” I yelled. I was probably getting attention by now. But who cares. I just continued to yell, making a huge scene.

I finally heard the chuckle I was looking for. I grew angry, seeing the male emerge from the shadowy ally way.

“What did I tell you? STAY AWAY FROM ME!!” I yelled, noticing that time had stopped once again. My anger grew into confusion, looking at everyone around me. Seeing their frozen faces. I quickly turned around to look at my friends. Their faces were frozen with confusion. They were looking at me. But not moving.

“Wh.. What’s going on here?!” I turned to the male who was now standing directly in front me. Just like he was before.

I quickly backed away from him. My heart pounding quickly. My breathing unsteady, as a look of worry formed on my features. I backed up so far, that my body was pressed against the glass of the book shop. As you can tell I was getting scared.

I looked to my surroundings, hoping to find away to run for it. Though he must have read my plan on my face, because he placed me between his arms, his hands resting beside my waist, though they were placed firmly on the glass behind my figure. I let out a squeal as I lowered my body lightly, looking up to see his face, but all I got was blackness due to the hood that rested upon his head.

“You’re coming with me…” He spoke in a soft low voice. I could feel his eyes on my face. His gaze must have been a piercing one because I felt it.

“A.. As if! I yelled up to him. My voice was a bit shaky when I did yell. But I didn’t care. I simply pulled my self back up to my feet, leaning toward him as I glared at him. He must have been surprised by my actions. Why? Because he backed up a bit. Something must have told him I would go willingly or something. Well he thought wrong.

He regained himself, his hand extending toward my shoulder to hold it firmly. “You are coming with me regardless!” He yelled, his face now close to mine. I know he was getting mad because I could feel his grip on my shoulder get tighter. Though, his voice was still soft and low.

I winced a bit at the pain that he was inflicting on me. I let out a gasp of pain, and he loosened his grip.

“Are you coming or not?” He asked as he pulled back slightly, yet he was still close.

I bit my lower lip, as I looked toward the ground, thinking of away to maybe escape from him. I then looked back up to him, “No.” I said point blank, pressing my small hands against his chest, as I then shoved him out of my way, causing him to fall back a bit. And I was out of there. Running as fast as I could to my home.

’What is going on?!’ I yelled in my head as I was running. As I was doing so, I was then quickly attacked by some creatures in white. Their movements were weird, witch was impossible for me to even block. I was then eventually on the ground, being held down by these creatures.

“GET OFF ME!” I yelled, struggling to get up. I looked up, to try and swing my arm at them, and I was then stopped by a hand grabbing my arm, and pulling me swiftly up from the ground. He then asked me the same question from before.

“Are you coming, Or not?” He asked in a more demanding tone.

I hung there in his grasp, dangling while he held me by my hand. It was obvious that he wasn’t going to let me go.

I glared to him, even if I couldn’t see his face, or where his eyes were, I still glared at him evilly. I wanted to so badly spit in his face. But before I did that, I thought about what might happened if I were to .. I don’t know, spit in his face, simply because he’s making me mad.

“Well..?” He asked, becoming more persistent. I could tell he was tried of waiting for my answer, and he defiantly wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

“What reason do I need to go with you?” I sneered. It really didn’t make any since as to why I need to go anywhere! Let alone with this stranger.

He simply chuckled at me. “You’ll see.” When he said that, it seemed like he was smiling underneath that hood of his.

I groaned loudly, mostly because my arm was hurting, and at the fact that he wouldn’t take no as an answer. So I had to give in.

I gnawed on my lower lip, looking to him, as I then began to speak. “Fine, I’ll go!” I yelled.

“Good.” He said, his arm instantly swinging behind him as he stretched his hand opened. When he did so, a black portal opened, and he sat me down on the ground, motioning me to follow him. I simply did, not wanting to be attacked again if I were to make a run for it.

I stopped when he did, watching him move to the side of the portal. He placed his right arm in the air, while his left arm moved across his body, him bowing over it. “Ladies first..” He spoke softly, as he then lifted his head to see me.

I rolled my eyes as I mumbled, “Whatever,” making my way first into the portal. Though, not at first. I stopped only a few inches from it, placing my finger tips through it. “Are you sure this is safe…?” I asked as I pulled my hand back quickly, a bit scared to even make my way through it.

He chuckled again, pushing me into the portal, causing me to fly forward into it.
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Ahaha~ Cliff hanger!! >3 I've always wanted to do one O: Now I feel so.. accomplished! please comment and subscribe. And if you caught in improper grammar, or anything like that. PLEASE PLEASE let me know! >o>; I don't have anyone to edit my story for me to make it correct so yea. I have to do it myself.