Status: On Hold -- Please bere with me.

A Single Pink Rose



I rolled my eyes as I mumbled, “Whatever,” making my way first into the portal. Though, not at first. I stopped only a few inches from it, placing my finger tips through it. “Are you sure this is safe…?” I asked as I pulled my hand back quickly, a bit scared to even make my way through it.

He chuckled again, pushing me into the portal, causing me to fly forward into it.


The last thing I heard, before I was forcefully pushed into the black portal, was the male chuckling, as he mumbled something.

If I heard correctly, it sounded like he was being a smartass.

The words echoed through my mind: ‘Why don’t you tell me?’ I don’t know why, but it made me so angry! He could have just gave me one out of the two answers. ‘Yes’ or ‘No.’ Simple as that! But no, he gives me some smartass answer. The nerve of that guy!


I flew out of the portal before the man who forced me to tag along. Making a hard landing on the granite flooring below me. “Ow!” I hissed, skidding along the floor, coming to a stop in front of a white wall.

Once I came to a complete stop, I turned my head to look toward the male. Glaring coldly when he was in my sight.

’I’m really starting to dislike this guy…’ I thought, looking back to the white wall.

“Mission accomplished,” I heard him speak in his monotone voice. He didn’t seem pleased as we made our way onto the other side of the portal.

Laying there, I began to hear his feet clank on the floor below. Making his way toward me.. Or at least I think so anyways.. I didn’t feel like looking back to him.

“She wasn’t easy to get though. I‘ll admit that..” He said, pulling me up to my feet.

I looked around the room once I was standing.

The room was round and a bright white. Decorated with white sofas that circled the room. To be exact. There were thirteen of them. Each chair but two, had someone sitting them. All with their hoods covering their faces. Just the same as this guy.

“A feisty one, was she?” I heard a deep low voice boom from above me. “Hm.. At least you retrieved her…” He said.

I glanced up to where the voice had came from, watching the guy stand up to his feet from his seat, and jumping down to the level that I was at.

“Good job number XI” He spoke, nodding his head in approval.

“W..where am I?” I questioned. When I asked, my voice was shaky. It was obvious that I was now scared, and that I just now realized that I wasn’t in my hometown anymore. I wasn’t sure where I was.

The male with the deep voice, brought his finger up, as in a gesture to ‘hold on’. His other arm went into the hair, as he snapped his black gloved finger. Once he snapped his finger, everyone in the room removed their hoods simultaneously, revealing their faces witch were hidden by the blackness of their hoods.

Immediately, I went to look at their faces, etching each one to memory. Once I had the ones sitting along the room in memory, I looked to the man standing in front of me. Examining his orange eyes. They were the same as mine.

I then turned to the guy who brought me here. Putting his features to memory. Once I finished putting his face to my memory, I went to glance back to his blue eyes.

I guess he noticed, and glanced toward me. Causing my eyes to widened, and my cheeks to turn a light pink. I quickly looked away and back to the male that was standing in front of me.

I heard him laugh lightly.

“You are in, ‘The World That Never Was’ my dear,” he stretched out his hand to touch my cheek with his gloved fingers.

“Wh..what?!” I questioned, slapping his hand from my face in frustration. “I don’t know what you mean. There is no ‘other worlds’” I informed him.

He smiled.

“You poor child,” he began in his low deep voice. “You’ve been lied to your whole life,” He stated.

My features became confused.

“There are many worlds that share the same sky.”

I continued to stare at him confused. It was hard to wrap my mind around it. I was told that other words didn’t exist. That my world was the only one that did exist. So I didn’t know what to believe.

I guess.. I should believe him.. Right..? I mean.. I told Reno that I wouldn’t believe that there were other worlds, unless it was staring me dead in the face, and here it is. Staring at me. Mocking me.

“Marluxia, take her to her room. We’ll start training tomorrow, and more explanations on why she’s here. “

“Yes.” The male that stood behind me; now named Marluxia; spoke.

I turned to look at him, seeing as he began to take a step toward me.

“Follow me” He spoke, grabbing my wrist, pulling me behind him as he began to walk out of the white circle room.

Once we walked out of the room, he let go of my wrist, “Don’t get lost” he demanded, as he continued to walk ahead of me.

I nodded, as I followed close behind him, thinking of something to say.

Walking down the hall was quiet annoying. It too was white, just like the room that I was previously in. Marluxia was quiet, and hearing the clomping of our feet was driving me up the walls.

I let out a sigh, looking up to his blondish pink hair. “So.. Marluxia..” I began, “Can I call you.. Marly for short..?” I asked, a small smile forming on my lips as I lifted my arms in the hair, allowing them to fall back behind my head. I then interlaced my fingers, laying my head back into my hands.

He turned his head, lightly, as he then began to speak. “No.” he said coldly. He turned his head back, looking forward once again.

I let out another sighed. I was now sad. “Buut.. Marluxia is such a long name to say..” I whined.

“Deal with it… Or don’t say my name at all” He muttered.

“How about Mar-Mar?” I giggled.

“No” he said again.

“You’re not fun” I huffed. I let out another sighed, and brought my arms to the front of my body, crossing them against my chest. “Fine then, Marluxia it is..” I said displeased.

I heard him chuckle.

“Thank you.”

“Ehh.. You’re welcome?” I said in a questioning tone.

I guess I need to stay on his good side. Then maybe…. Just maybe, he’ll let me call him ‘Marly’.

I giggled to myself as I looked up to him, seeing as he then came to a stop.

“This is your room.” He pointed to the plain white door.

I nodded. “Alright..” I said quietly, looking up to see his face.

He smiled lightly, opening the door to reveal the room on the other side. He walked in first, holding the door open for me.

I walked into the room, immediately walking to the window that was in the room. Anger began to wail up inside me.

"Life is a bit cliche isn't it?" I began to speak, "Being told one thing is not true; having 'facts' that claims that the statement is in fact correct; and then being taken from your own world to simply find out that the statement you heard before is totally WRONG with this NEW proof staring you dead in the face making everything you once believed in, a lie. It makes you wonder if your life is nothing but a huge lie" I placed my chin in the palm of my hand; glancing out the window; seeing the view that was down below, "I don't know about you -- But, it drives me bonkers!" I yelled in frustration; my free hand tightening into a fist. "This isn't the first time I found out something was true; even when the whole world.. I mean MY world says it's not true.." I let out a soft sigh; glancing toward Marluxia. The one who stood silently behind me.

He merely chuckled at me; a soft smile forming on his features again.

'Do I somehow amuse him..?' I thought to myself; still trying to comprehend on where I was at and how I got to this place. Confusion began to form on my face again. I sighed, looking to Marluxia again.

He must have read my face though.

"Hm.. Just give it a few days.. You may come to accept this place; It's not as boring as it seems around here" He gave me a soft smile; turning from me to exit my ’new’ room.

"Get some rest; You have a long day ahead of you" He spoke to me in a soft tone leaving the room; closing the door behind him. An audible 'click' was heard; meaning he had locked the door; so I couldn't escape. Also giving me the since that I was now alone.

I groaned loudly; throwing my arms up in the air; "YEA!! AS IF I COULD SLEEP!!!" I yelled; knowing that anyone outside my door could hear my frustration.

I gnawed on my lower lip; an angry look forming on my face as I went to sit down on the mattress; feeling my body sink a bit due to the softness of the mattress.

Still frustrated I looked around for something; anything. Not to take my anger out on; but to simply scream; and get my frustration out of my body. And if I didn't do it soon; I’ll eventually tear up from bottling the anger for so long.

Quickly I looked over to the pillow that rested on the bed. Ding! The light bulb went off. Fiercely I grabbed the silk white pillow; placing it in my hands; glancing down to it; seeing my somewhat reflection in the fabric. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest; as my breathing pick up.

Quickly; I placed the pillow firmly to my face; and simply screamed into the pillow. The tears almost wailing up into my eyes.






I counted in my head as I screamed into the pillow; letting all the frustration out.

Slowly I picked my head up from the pillow when I was finished; glancing around the room; seeing that I was still alone. You would have thought from hearing my groaning; yelling; and screaming, would have caused someone to come and check on me.

Marluxia -- who was in my 'room' earlier -- must have left quickly; making it to his room before he could hear my frustration outburst.

'Oh well..' I thought; tossing the pillow over my shoulder as I stood to my feet; making my way to the light switch; witch was on the other side of the room.

I drug my feet along; carrying my body along the floor; reaching the light switch. Slowly; I extended out my arm; my hand touching the light switch slightly. With no force; I slide my hand down the wall; causing the light switch to turn off in the process.

I slowly made my way to the soft bed; throwing the sheets up some so I could make my way under the covers.

My whole day played through my head. It didn't exactly make any since to me; but I wanted to make sure that Marluxia would explain it to me.

I was determined to make sure HE was the one who would.

Slowly I fell asleep from my long; surprising day. Causing me to sleep peacefully. Was it the bed? Or was it because I was just worn out? It doesn't matter to me. Sleeping was the one thing on my mind that I wanted most.
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...I really dislike this chapter.. :/ -is disappointed with it- oh well.. what's done is done.. I guess things will pick up next time I update. Please tell me if You caught an error so I can correct it. I'm a bit tired and worn out from the heat that is in my house atm that I'm about to scream, or pass out :/ I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter more then I do. Haha.. well.. comments are appreciated, and please subscribe.