Status: On Hold -- Please bere with me.

A Single Pink Rose


’Wake up….’

I heard a voice calling to me in my sleep. Telling me to wake up.

’Wake up… you have a long day ahead of you.. Don’t make me zap you…’ The voice had threatened. As I then began to feel a single hand on my shoulder, which was shaking me.

“I SAID WAKE UP!” The feminine voice had yelled.

“Five.. more minutes…” I moaned, covering my head with the white blanket. Trying to block out the voice that was being demanding.

“Look, I don’t feel like dealing with you, so get your ass up now!” Just as the female finished her statement, she pulled the covers off my body. Causing me to eventually wake up.

I was now angry.

I shot open my eyes, as I then narrowed them. I then bit my lip, as I looked to the blond hair female. My eyes full of hatred.

“When I say five more minutes. I mean FIVE MORE MINUTES!!” I hissed, glaring at the female.

She simply huffed, crossing her free arm across her chest.

“Oh well, Take that up with Xemnas. Not me, I’m just following my orders” She stated, throwing black clothing on my bed. As she then tossed black gloves, and boots right next to them.

“Get dressed. Today’s the day that you’ll find out what your weapon is.” She said, walking out of the room quickly.

I sighed, rolling my eyes.

“What time is it?” I grumbled, looking toward the window to see if I could get a hint as to what time it was. It was no use. It was still dark out, with the heart-shaped moon shining brightly as ever. And the stars shining along with the moon as well.

Damn..” I muttered, pulling my self up from the pillow of the bed. Yawning as I did so.

It had to have been about… 6 in the morning. I’m not usually up about this time.

I groaned, looking to the clothing that laid beside me. It was the same clothing that the others were wearing. And now, I was going to be wearing the same outfit as well.

I gnawed on my lip lightly, pushing myself up to stand, as I let out a stretch.

“I guess I should just put the clothing on..” I sighed, as I began to undress myself. And placing on the black article of clothing.

The clothing had a nice fit. But it was… to snug. I can tell that I was already going to start sweating easily in this material. Seeing that it was leather after all.

’How do they deal with this?’ I questioned myself as I looked down to see how I looked in the clothing. There wasn’t a mirror in the room, so that’s all I could do.

I then left the room, making my way into the hall way. Seeing that the female from before was waiting for me.

“Good, you’re dressed. Now follow me.” She sneered, turning from me quickly, and making her way down the hall way, and into a huge room.

I made my way into the room, seeing all the others dressed in black waiting for me to arrive.

The room was bright, and was covered with all things nature. Trees, grass, flowers, the sun shining brightly up above. The room was weird, but at least it gave me the feeling that I was outside.

I guess you can say I blushed slightly from feeling the people staring at me. I bit on my lower lip as I sighed, looking toward the grass, and watching my feet carry me along the green patches.

“Good morning, Isabella.” The voice from yesterday boomed through the room, causing me to immediately look up. Seeing his orange eyes looking at me.

“Did you sleep well?” He questioned, arching an eyebrow.

I nodded in response, as I looked to him, waiting for the point of this conversation.

“Hm.. Good. Today, you’ll find out what your weapon is, This weapon will guard and protect you. All you have to do, is look deep within yourself, and find that courage to call it forth.” He smirked.

Something told me that he already knew what my weapon was. And it made me annoyed.

“Why don’t you just tell me what it is? That way, I can just call it forth by it’s name, instead of looking deep within myself, to find it.” I said, placing my hands on my hips, as I glared at him.

He continued to smirk. “It doesn’t work that way.” He stated. “Now, Number VIII, step forth, and help her call her weapon.” He said, looking toward a male.

I wasn’t sure who he was until he came forward, looking straight at me.

“Heh, no problem” he said, as he cocked a sly smile. “This shouldn’t take to long…” He said, making his way to stand in front of me.

“Names Axel… Got it memorized?” he questioned, spreading his arms wide open, as if he were going to hug me.

“Eh..” I took a step back, not sure of what to do, but I simply watched him.

He continued to stand there with his arms spread wide open, as his hands were held open. He lowered his head as his hands began to circle with fire. He was calling forth his weapon.

Once they came into view, he quickly grabbed them, looking up toward me. A sly smirk forming on his face.

“You ready?” He questioned, crossing one arm over his chest, getting ready to through his weapon at me.

“Crap..” I muttered. I didn’t know this was going to be a battle. I don’t even have my weapon yet!

“Nya!” I cried, as I then took off running from him.

“Hmph..” he huffed, throwing his weapon toward my direction.

“You have to look deep within yourself to find your weapon. If you don’t, you’ll get hurt by him” I heard the superior inform me.

I groaned, as I quickly turned toward the man named Axel, stopping dead in my tracks.

“You’re going to get hurt if you just stand there!” He yelled, throwing his weapon at me once again.

I stared at the weapon flying directly at me. Averting my eyes so I was focusing on the weapon. “Hm..” I hummed, opening my hands to get ready to catch it.

“Ha!” I yelled, grabbing the circular weapon between my hands.

“Y..You caught my Chakram!” He exclaimed running toward me to try and retrieve it.

“You.. Want it..” I began spinning around in circles, the weapon -- now known as a Chakram -- still in my hands, as I held it out, “TAKE IT” I yelled, letting go of the weapon, causing it to fly back to Axel, and hitting him.

“SCORE!” I yelled, taking off running again from Axel.

“Y..You!” He yelled at me, as he then began to furiously throw both of his chakrams at me.

I screamed, making a turn to quickly dodge the attacks.

“Can. You. Stop. Throwing. Those. At. Me!!?” I questioned, making my way around Axel to where his back was to me.

“I can’t look deep within myself to find my weapon if all your going to be doing is throwing those things at me!” I yelled, watching as he then quickly turned around, now running to me.

“eep!” I squealed as I ran the opposite direction from him.


“Huh..?” I questioned.

I quickly jumped up into a near by tree, as I tried to comprehend as to what I just heard.

“A.. Key.. Blade..?” I questioned, as I looked out to Axel, seeing that he was now making his way toward the tree.

Call it.. Call the Keyblade..

The voice echoed in my mind, causing everything around me to go silent.

I blinked my eyes, as I held out my hands. Calling to the Keyblade.

’Keyblade..’ I thought. Repeating the name again and again.

I then began to look deep within myself, ignoring the yells that Axel was saying to me.

’Keyblade..’ I thought again, opening my eyes, to look at my hands.

Once I opened my eyes, my hands began to glow.

“Wha.. What’s happening?” I questioned, seeing as the light began to take a form of a weapon.

I heard Axel awe from below me, as he too watched what was happening.

“Is.. This.. The Keyblade..?” I questioned, seeing the light fade.

I then swung the weapon in my hand, hearing the voice echo in my mind again.

You are the key to the door. But not only are you the key. You are the heart…

“Key..? Heart..?” I questioned out loud, jumping out of the tree, and down below. Watching as Axel took a step back. His eyes wide.

“What…? You act like you’ve seen a ghost..” I stated, looking at the Keyblade.

“Very good” The same voice from earlier boomed loudly. “You have required you’re weapon. Very good Isabella…” He stated, clapping his hands. His face holding a huge smile.

“Something tells me he already knew what my weapon was.” I mumbled, watching as Axel was still in shock. “What? Is there a bug on my face” I questioned quickly, as I brushed along my cheek with my free hand.

He just shook his head, his face turning into anger.

Something tells me that I did something wrong.

I then looked back to the male who I assumed was named ‘Xemnas’ or the Superior.

“You’re new name will be --”

“Hold up!” I yelled, glaring to Xemnas. “Your going to give me a new name? If you give me a new name, you’re going to end up looking for a new ‘Key Bearer’.” I spat, crossing my arms watching Xemnas’ now startled face. “How does that sound?” I questioned, cocking my head to the side. “NO ONE. I repeat, NO ONE gives me a new name. Only my mother and father are allowed to do that” I hissed, seeing that the Keyblade was no longer in my grasp. It had vanished. The same as Axel’s.

“Very well then” Xemnas nodded, closing his eyes, as he continued to smile. “Isabella will be your name.” He looked back to me.

“Thank you” I huffed, “Nicknames are fine, but a whole new name is not okay.” I informed.

“That is it for today everyone, you may now continue to work on your missions” A male had spoke. He was standing next to Xemnas. He seemed to be the right hand man.

He was the male that I remember holding a scare on his forehead in the shape of an ‘X’.

Everyone had nodded, leaving the room to attend to their business. All but Axel, who continued to stare coldly at me.

“Look, if you got some beef with me, then tell me! If not, quit glaring at me before I smack you silly. Got it mr. Red-head?” I questioned, as I gave the same stare back to Axel.

“Your only temporary..” He spat, walking away. “No one can replace Roxas..” He said, as he then took off running from me.

“Roxas…?” I questioned, watching as Axel took off running from me.

I followed behind everyone else, but not turning the same way they did. I turned toward the hall way of my room.

Simply to go back to sleep. It seemed that battle took hours, and most of my energy. Although, it didn’t feel like hours, it was. It took all day to learn my weapon..

“I feel.. Useless…” I mumbled, entering my room, and closing the door behind me.

I turned on the light, examining everything around me. Then turning off the light, I made it to my bed, and laid down. Closing my eyes, allowing myself to fall asleep.