Status: On Hold -- Please bere with me.

A Single Pink Rose

The Answer


I quickly made my way down the elongated hall, neatly decorated with small etches of art into the pale white walls. That one can’t see with their naked eye from a far. And as I made my way past ‘em, I made it into the ‘not so crowded’ lunch room. It was only occupied by a few members of the Organization. And the other half occupied by new-comer nobodies who are in training. But upon entering, I scanned the area with my orange hues, looking frantically for the pink haired male, Marluxia.

“Ah-ha!” I sneered, my lips curling up into a smirk, my eyes narrowing slightly as I then quickly took in a deep breath, and making my way over toward the table he was sitting at. He was accompanied by Larxene, and Axel. They seemed to get along well. But with me, Axel, and Larxene both despised me. Axels’ reason is because I’ll never replace some boy named Roxas. And Larxene.. I’m guessing because I’m the ‘new girl’ and it’s her job to make my time here a living hell.

Either way, it didn’t bother me. At least I got along with Demyx, and a few others. Marluxia was a work in progress.

“Marly.. I need to ask you something” I spoke determinedly, as my face also held the look of burning curiosity. I leaned over onto the table, placing my elbows firmly on the smooth surface.

He slowly looked up to me, his eyes holding a cold stare. It was obviously from the name I had called him. Not that I cared. The nickname will grow on him, and he’ll learn to love it. “What is it?” He asked, a bit annoyed from having to deal with me once more.

I looked to Axel’s and Larxene’s curious gazes, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the situation now. “You can share the question with us” Larxene chimed in, an impish grin forming on her child like lips.

“Agreed” Axel added, leaning over onto Larxene’s shoulder, the same impish grin forming on his lips as well.

This was not turning out as I had planned.

“Alone” I stated, glaring to the two. Seeing their faces become sad. It made me feel good inside to know I got them to become sad.

“Fine” He huffed, dropping his fork to his plate, and standing up from his seat. “Come on” He sighed, making his way around the table, and grabbing my wrist, marching out of the lunch room.

“What do you want?” He asked, making pulling me down to the end of the neatly decorated hall, opening a glass heart-like door that lead outside and onto a medium-sized balcony.

“Well.. I was wondering…..”


“Well..” I began, looking over toward the irritated Marluxia, ignoring the sour appearance that was plastered on his face, “I was wondering..” I sighed, only to then take in a quick deep breath, not sure on how to even ask my questions.

I mean, where do I even begin? All the questions I want to ask are burning in my mind, racing all at one time making it hard to choose where to begin. But either way this was important. And I’ll just have to go with my gut feeling. Just ask the first thing that pops out of my mouth.

“Alright…” I started.

“I’m waiting..” He groaned. Becoming completely impatient with me. I need to hurry and get this done. He may throw me over the railing if I don’t hurry up.

“I’m getting there!” I huffed, looking away from him, gazing up at the diamondsque stars that hung in the sky. Feeling a soft breeze blow past Marluxia and I, ruffling my fiery red bangs around my face.

“As long as it has nothing to do with ‘LOVE‘, go ahead and ask already” He looked to me, obviously being serious.

I only made a sound. A sound which sounded like a laugh. I only looked to him, tucking a few loose strands of hair behind my ear. “Don’t worry about that! It has nothing what-so-ever to do with love.” I only giggled, looking away quickly. As if I’d ever fall for this jerk.

“Then what is it?” He huffed.

“Alright Alright, I’ve beaten around the bush long enough.” I sighed, “I wanted to know… Why, out of ALL the girls of my world, did I get chosen?” I asked, looking over to him, a look of curiosity writing upon my features.

Once the question left my lips, he seemed a bit uncomfortable. As if he didn’t know the answer himself. Shifting his weight to his other leg, he crossed his arms over his chest, his eyes shifting about. He looked like he was coming up with an answer to give me. I hope it’s a good excuse.

“Well, I’m assuming that since I was the one to go and get you. You were the only girl.. Of the world that has the power to harness the Keyblade. Otherwise, we would have gotten someone else.” He stated. Pretty bluntly I might add. But.. I guess it’d work. For now anyway.

Giving a nod of my head, I rested my arms upon the neatly fashioned iron railing. My eyes looking down toward the gravel that was ways away.

“I guess.. I can understand that..” the words echoed in the quiet gloom around us, the words holding a hint of acceptance. I guess Marluxia isn’t all that cruel after all. I just need to know him a bit more. And respect his wishes. Stop calling him the nicknames that he hates oh so much.

Lowering my head, my hands dropped from the metal, my hair falling in front of my face.

“What’s wrong now?” He questioned, his voice far behind me. I guess I got to far in my own thoughts I didn’t notice he was getting ready to go back to his friends.

Turning on my heel, I shifted my head upward to gaze upon him, a small smile forming on my lips. “It’s nothing to worry about.” I laughed, “Go on and catch up with your friends!” I said in a slight nervous tone. I don’t know what just came over me. But when I looked to him, it felt like my heart was caught in my throat. I couldn’t breath.

To put it bluntly, I was choked up. Which has never happened to me before when talk to him.

“If you say so…” He replied, opening up the glass door to enter the Organization castle. “You should get some sleep. You look tired” And with that he was gone. Leaving me to wail in my thoughts alone.

Biting my lower lip. I wrapped my arms around my body. Taking in a deep shaky breath. “Okay, Whatever is going on with me, I need to get over it! There is NO NEED to feel like this” I spoke loudly to myself, watching as Marluxia finally turned back into the not-so-crowed lunch room to his friends. They were probably going to bombard him with questions on what I asked him.

It’s not like I got all my questions on. But I guess it’s fine. The main one got answered, which killed all my curiosity.

Sighing, I began to stomp toward the glass door, opening it up quickly to allow myself in. I was tired. I guess Demyx’s ‘water ball fight’ is going to have to wait until next week. Seeing as I’m going to be lazy for the next couple days.

I ran my glove covered hand through my hair, feeling the cool air rush by me.

I released a yawn as I trudged onto my room. Time for bed. Maybe tomorrow, I’ll figure out why my heart acted the way it did. But until then. I need my sleep.