Status: Updating

Hot Chocolate Dreams

Chapter 6 - Hot Chocolate Second Mission Commence

{Justin's POV:}

I focused on the dance moves I was rehearsing for a show in Toronto. It's coming up next week when Anabel and the others get a week break after exams. I was hoping I could take them along, so I was pretty psyched. Especially if I get to spend more time with Anabel. Not only will I boost her self-confidence up, get rid of her stage fright, and show off that voice of hers, I could get even closer to her. I could even drop hints that maybe... Right then, I tripped over my own feet and fell onto my butt.
"Hey, you alright, Justin?" Usher asked, running over to me. He helped me up.
"Yeah, fine, man."
He smirked, "Thinking about Anabel again?"
"No!" I replied quickly. Maybe a little too quickly. I felt my face go red.
"That would be a good idea for a song though. Tripping over your own two feet during dance rehearsal thinking about a girl."
"Whatever," I muttered, blushing. "Let's run it again..." Usher laughed.
"No, that's enough for today, man. Go home to Anabel," he said, snickering. He walked away.
"That isn't funny!" I called out after him. I muttered curses under my breath as I walked to the bus stop. The rehearsal place was pretty close to my house. 15 minutes on the bus is fine. I quickly put my hood up and sunglasses on. I took out my phone and texted Anabel.

Meet me at my house in 30 minutes. We're going to begin the second phase of your training
- Justin Biebelll

I put my phone away as the bus pulled up. I got on, no one noticing me. A few seconds later, my phone started vibrating in my pocket.

kk. cya l8r booble head
- Anabel: is ticked off @ u 4 makin her do dis stupid trainin crap

Wow, she texts really fast. I texted her back real quick and stared out the window as the bus continued to move.
>>30 minutes later>>
I put on my jeans quickly as the doorbell rang. I shook out my wet hair and tugged on a purple shirt with pink and black random stripes on it. Anabel had gotten me this shirt earlier. I opened the door, smiling at Anabel. Her face lit up happily. She was too cute.
"Come in. We're gonna have some cookies before we hit the mall," I said. I swear, her face started glowing. She quickly ran in, throwing off her shows and into the kitchen.
"COOKIES!!!" she shouted. I chuckled to myself as I walked in myself. Anabel was waiting impatiently, tugging at her dark brown hair. She was wearing a dark red T-shirt that said, 'RAWR! IMA EAT U IF U DONT GIMME COOKIE!' and dark blue skinny jeans. Her hair was let down. "Hurry up!"
"Go ahead and eat it!" I exclaimed.
"I hafta wait for you, dummy! It's only polite!"
I laughed. I quickly ran to my seat and reached for a cookie. But Anabel reached it before me. Our hands touched and I swear there were sparks.
Ah crap, friggin' crushes suckā€¦