Status: Updating

Hot Chocolate Dreams

Chapter 7 - Hot Chocolate Mall Singing

{Anabel's POV:}

"I HAVE TO DO WHAT?!?!" I screamed as we got off the bus. Many people glanced at me weirdly and walked briskly away. I ignored it. "I am not doing that!"
"You have to!" Justin exclaimed, looking at me through his sunglasses. Loser. Who's gonna come mob him anyways? Okay, a lot of people will, but I am feeling very sour right now...
"And how are you going to make me, little boy?!" He smirked. *Oh crap, what is he thinking?* he stepped towards me, making me step back in reflex.
"What? Scared?" he taunted. I glared at him. I stood straighter and stepped forward.
"What are you going to do?" He leaned in (he's exactly 7 centimeters taller than me) and whispered into my ear.
"Take my sunglasses and hood off, kiss you in front of everyone here and take a picture of it," he whispered. I shuddered as a wind blew by. But I didn't shudder because of the wind. I didn't shudder because I was cold. I shuddered because Justin's breath on my ear was making me do friggin' nervous. I quickly collected myself and backed up, looking him in the eyes. At least I hoped I was. With those sunglasses on, I could never tell.
"You wouldn't do that. You don't have the guts."
"Oh really? I don't?" he challenged. he stepped towards me, pulling his hood down. He leaned closer and for some strange creepy reason, I leaned in slightly myself.
"DON'T START KISSING NOW!!" I heard someone shouted from behind me. I sighed in relief, but I quickly masked it as a cough somehow. Justin had leaned up as well, wearing a scowl on his face. My day had just brightened as Joey came running up to us. Now Justin couldn't make me do anything!
"Hey, Joey!" I exclaimed, hugging him as he reached us.
"So you're doing it?" he asked.
"Doing what?" I asked him back, kinda confused.
"Walking up to complete strangers and singing to them, hello. Then take a picture of you two with your phone," he answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Yup, that's what I had to do. Walk up to strangers, sing 'hi', take a picture, and walk away. Wtf?
"No way!" I exclaimed. I tried running to the bus stop, but Joey and Justin caught me in their arms.
"You're not going anywhere, but inside the mall, greeting strangers," Joey said, smirking.
"I can't believe you're in on this, too," I muttered, glaring at the ground.
"Don't glare at the ground, Anabel. Poor thing never did anything to you," Justin joked, smiling. I swore my heart started skipping beats and I felt butterflies in my stomach. But I guess I'm just nervous about the stranger thing.
No way I could be 'feeling' something for Justin Bieber, my best friend who is a celebrity.
No way, right?
Man, I really hope I'm right…