Status: check out the sequel -

Was It a Dream?

You Text Tomo a lot?

Today had been a pretty successful day at the studio. We, as a group, had almost totally figured out how we’re going to have multiple people playing the same instruments and what not. Meaning two drummers, three guitars and one bassist, and two singers; though figuring out who was going to sing what was the easiest part of the day. Weird thing was when Jared and I were going over who’d sing what parts of the song, he didn’t comment much. I mean he wasn’t actively giving input as to what he thought about the two us singing the song. But that’s okay; I got to choose how we would split the solos and what not. I like being in control and if he wants to be reclusive, that’s fine with me.

After figuring out who would sing what, Jared and I began on our solos. That part wasn’t too hard. He and I were both good singers, so we made easy work of the solos. Though when recording I like to have eye contact with people, just to try to judge their reaction to my singing; to see if they like it. But I couldn’t Jared to look at me for even more then three seconds. I really wonder if he doesn’t like me, if it’s not that he’s shy.

Currently I’m at the studio. Everyone else has gone home, but I’m with the producer going over my vocal tracks, I’m a play back junkie, but what can I say? I’m sort of obsessed with making sure I sound perfect, it’s for the fans though, I don’t want to let them down. At least that’s what I always tell myself. While talking to the producer I noticed a cell phone on the ground. It was small and shiny, like most regular cell phones. I excused myself from talking with Howard, our producer, and picked up the phone. I left to the lobby to be myself and try to figure out whose phone it was. I noticed it was a sidekick, a silver sidekick. I didn’t recognize its owner by its physical appearances, so I opened up the contacts and saw that top people where Shannon and Tomo, it must have belonged to Jared. Being the nosy person that I was I decided to look through his texts. They weren’t too interesting, just normal things.

I then heard the door slam open, and the next thing I knew the phone was snatched out of my hand, and Jared Leto was standing over me out of breath. What?
“What did you see?!” He screamed at me.
“What did you see on my phone?”
“You text Tomo a lot?” What does he have hidden on that phone of his?
“Oh.” Deep breathing. “Okay. Okay then.” He continued panting.
“You seem touchy about your phone.” I stated in a questioning tone.
“Yeah. It’s just I have…, important things on it.”
“I see that. Did you run here or something? You’re out of breath.”
"Yeah I did. I just needed my phone. It uh, has my schedule on it. I didn’t want it getting in the wrong hands.” Sounds like a reasonable excuse, but I just don’t buy it; there is something else going on but I just can’t put my finger on it.
“Come have a seat, and catch your breath.” I patted the seat next to me on the couch. I want to know more about this man, there’s just something about him.
“Thanks.” I noticed he sat on a chair across from me.

“So you have a relatively busy schedule I take it?”
“Yeah, what rock star doesn’t? I mean my phone has all the tour dates, and times and other things that I couldn’t live without.”
“I know what you mean, I have my families birthdays as events, so I don’t forget them. My mother would kick my butt if I forgot her birthday.” I ended my sentence with a chuckle, and Jared laughed along, I think he’s sort of starting to relax.
“I know, Shannon, would too.”
“I forgot Mikey’s birthday once. He’s never let me forget, either. Every year now, if I don’t wish him a happy birthday the minute I see him on September 10th he immediately thinks I’ve forgotten.”
“Thank goodness for event planners on phones.”
“Yeah, thank goodness.” We ended up having a nice conversation about topics related to phones, until Mikey texted me, and I had to leave. Jared mentioned he should be getting back too. Apparently he hadn’t told anyone that he had come here. We wished each other and well and left to the hotel.
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