Over the Road and Through the Alleys; To a My Chemical Romance Concert We Go!


Frank had just lifted me up from the couch before I let out a scream. Unbearable pain shot up from my leg through my body. Frank let me go immediately, terrified by my scream. I landed back on the couch with tears streaming down my face. Gerard was by my side in an instant. He took my hand, letting me squeeze it to release the pain, and smoothed out my hair comfortingly.

He was acting like a real father.

Finally the pain in my broken leg faded to a dull throbbing. I let go of Gerard’s hand, but he never stopped gently brushing my hair back.

“You okay now?” He asked, more concern on his face for me than I have seen in my entire life.

“I…I’m fine…You shouldn’t worry so much…You’ve done so much more for me than anyone else.” I told him, and Frank came out from behind the couch looking apologetic.

“Pheonix, I’m so sorry…I forgot. I wasn’t thinking…” He wrung his hands nervously. I smiled slightly at him, trying to lighten the mood slightly.

“It’s okay.” It felt weird, I’m always been the one to apologize. I never had anyone to forgive before. He smiled in return and sat next to Gerard, scooting close to him. I looked up to realize the others had left.

“Where-” I cut off when I noticed Gerard standing. Was he leaving? “Where are you going?” I couldn’t help but be a little scared. I didn’t want him to leave. I didn’t want to be abandoned… if I went back home now I don’t think I would ever be able to leave. I trembled slightly, thinking about what would happen if I actually went back.

“To the bus, sugar. I just said that. I was asking if I could carry you there, ‘cause the pain in your leg but you seemed out of it.” Then he noticed I was shaking. “Sugar, are you okay?” he bent down to my level and put a hand on my arm, and the other on the top of my head. Relief crashed over me and I sighed in relief. How could I have thought that? Gerard had made this band to help others. Not dump them on the side of the street.

“Uh...yeah…sorry. I’m fine.” I smiled at him, truly happy he wasn’t abandoning me. He returned the smile and wrapped his arms around my bridal style, picking me up. I clung to his neck and buried my face in his chest, trying to stop from screaming in pain. Pain went through me as my leg lost all support. Tears sprung up in my eyes.

“Sorry!” Gerard repeated over and over again as he walked through the door, down the hallway and to the bus. It felt like forever until we reached the bus, but it couldn’t have been anymore than a minute.

When we finally reached the bus, Frankie helped carry me up the stairs. He gently took my legs to keep them even as Gerard carried me up the stairs. They set me on a couch that had a ton of pillows and blankets. Frankie grabbed a few pillows to support my leg and keep it propped up while Gerard put a fluffy one behind my head. Gerard brought the blankets up and covered me with them. I snuggled in, more comfortable than I had ever been before. Mikey, Ray, and Bob, came over from the kitchen area. Mikey bounded over, smiling happily.

“Hello, Niece!” I smiled at him slightly and he came over to kiss my forehead. “Sleep well.” Then he waved before making his way to the bunks. I saw Ray follow him without coming over to me. He just waved before for leaving. Bob came over and hugged me as best as he could.

“G’night.” He said before disappearing into the bunk area. Gerard smiled and slipped another blanket over me before kneeling down next to me.

“I’m sorry, but do you mind sleeping here? We do have an extra bunk, but we didn’t want to move you to far because of your leg…” He smiled slightly. I shook my head.

“I’m fine here Gerard. I’m comfortable here.” A flash of hurt flickered across his face, but a moment later I was sure I had imagined it.

“When you feel better we’ll move you to the extra bunk.” He stood up and sat on the opposite couch.

“Thank you… You really shouldn’t be doing so much-”

“We want to! Frank said, coming in from the kitchen which he had disappeared to minutes ago. In his hand was a tray that held four steaming cups with a brown liquid in it. Seeing my questioning look he smiled. “Coffee. It cures everything.” He handed me one of the cups, then Gerard, before sipping at his own. The cup was warm and sent heat up into my chilled hands. I’d never actually had coffee before…

I took a sip and grimaced. It tasted weird. The liquid was bitter, sweet, and nutty all at the same time. I took another sip. It tasted better this time! More than better! Amazing! I gulped it down quickly, reveling in the warmth that spread down through my body. A burst of laughter came from my side. I turned to see Franking doubled over laughing. He had handed his cup to Gerard so he wouldn’t spill it. I stared at his shaking figure for a moment.

“Shut up over there! Some of us are trying to sleep!” Ray called from the bunks. When Frankie caught his breath he shot back.

“You shut it! Lazy-ass!” Nobody said anything for a minute and a smile curved on Frankie’s lips.

“So..what was so funny?” I asked when no one had said anything for a minute. Frankie started giggling again and sat on Gerard’s lap.

“Your reaction to coffee.” I blushed.


“It was funny! You looked like a vampire!” I blushed more and he smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heylo lovies!
Sorry...this time I have a good excuse. Writer's block... It's been horrible!! But luckily I am over it now!! I'm hoping to update my other stories soon too!! So check 'em out!

and please comment. Even you ghost readers! I wanna see how many people actually like this story! You don't even have to say anything... just "." would be awesome!!

This chappie is dedicated to Franco (If he ever reads this) 'cause he seriously is a good writer and needs to admit it!!!!

Hint: Next chapter's title is "Dirty Little Secrets". I wanna you to guess what it means!! (Kay, you can't! You already know!)