Status: Completed <3

Always and Forever

Chapter Two

Gage woke up and stretched his arms above his head, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He was only able to get his usual amount of sleep, but it was the first time in the while that he felt okay when he slept. He felt welcomed. He wasn't worrying about the rent, or a job, or his room mate kicking him out. It was the first sleep where he slept with not a care in the world. The things that Riley makes him feel are addicting. Gage would give anything and everything to sleep like that more often.

He got out of bed and walked towards the door to Riley's bedroom, dragging his feet because he never was and never will be a morning person. He slowly turned the handle on the door and poked his head into the bedroom. His heart swelled when he saw Riley asleep in his bed. His raven locks were a tangled mess atop his head and his lips were parted. Riley looked so at peace. It's amazing what the few hours of sleep can do to any person, especially an insomniac. Gage wondered if he looked as if he were at peace when he was asleep. See why sleeping is such a gift?

He tip-toed over to the edge of Riley's bed, bending down to be level with his angelic sleeping face. It's not fair that some people are naturally gorgeous, awake or asleep. They don't need any make up to bring out their beauty. Riley's one of those people. Gage admires the natural beauty of the good-looking boy asleep in front of him before poking his nose lightly. He hated waking up Riley from the sleep that they both craved, but he knew nothing of the house, and needed to be told everything about it.

Gage reached out and poked his nose again. He giggled when he noticed Riley wrinkle up his nose like a little bunny rabbit. How could such a strong, independent person have such childish, adorable moments?

Riley slowly cracked one eye open, still half asleep. He was greeted with the giggling face of Gage and couldn't help but inwardly squeal. He reached out and wrapped his arm around Gage's torso, tugging him into bed. He pulled Gage under the covers and snuggled into him, pressing a chaste kiss to the back of his neck, before nuzzling his head there and drifting back into unconsciousness.

Gage was momentarily awestruck. Did Riley really just pull him into bed with him? Gage was nothing special. He was like a firefly compared to Riley's magnificent butterfly. Whatever was happening, Gage was going to take advantage of it. He tucked his hands under his head and let his mind drift. He knew he wasn't going to be able to slip into unconsciousness again, but that didn't mean he could enjoy the comfort. He felt Riley's steady breathing fan against the back of his neck, sending chills down his spine. Riley felt the shivers in his sleep, and slowly tugged Gage closer to him, spooning him. Gage started inwardly screaming excitedly. He snuggled into Riley more, not wanting to let this treasured moment pass.

Riley awoke around an hour later. He opened his eyes and was greeted with the sight of Gage curled into him. He smiled as he slowly sat up and stretched. He could get used to waking up with Gage in his bed everyday. Gage noticed this and slowly sat up with him, nervous to face him. "Morning," Riley said around a yawn.

Gage's heart skipped a beat. He even sounded like an angel when drowsiness was clearly evident in his tone. "Morning," he told Riley as he admired his bed head. "Nice hair," he joked.

"Yours is pretty damn sexy too," Riley said as he got out of bed. "Why don't you go shower and I'll make us some breakfast, then you can come into work with me."

"Oh, no, I can't do that," Gage responded softly. Bad luck followed Gage like moths followed shiny blue lights. He didn't want to have any of his horrid luck to rub off on Riley. Riley worked so hard to get to where he is now and Gage didn't want to have a hand in ruining it.

Riley's face fell. He really wanted to get to know Gage. They could become amazing friends,hopefully more. He walked over to Gage and put his pointer finger under his chin, gently forcing him to look into his eyes. Both boys felt sparks jolt through their bodies at this action, but neither let it show. They both had feelings for one another, but they were unbeknownst to the other. "I want you to come," Riley spoke softly, his voice and eyes hypnotizing Gage. Gage nodded his head and smiles spread onto both of their faces as they broke apart to get ready.

When both boys were fully showered and dressed they walked out of the flat, deciding that they weren't hungry enough for breakfast. "You should sell your car," Riley said quietly to Gage. "You can get much needed money, because once it's dead it's not going to go for as much as it would now." Gage would no longer need his car since Riley has a perfectly good one to drive them both around.

Gage noted how Riley had yet another genius idea. "Sounds like a plan," he said softly.

"Good," Riley grinned while grabbing Gage's hand to shake it. He let his fingers linger a bit long, stroking his delicate skin. He knew that Gage was a really shy person, and if he wanted there to be any form of a relationship between Gage and him, he'd have to be the one to make the move. He just had to figure out if he was gay, bisexual, or at least bi-curious.

Riley continued driving to work. Both boys were quiet, lost in their own thoughts, peeking at the other when they thought they wouldn't be caught.

Riley pulled into the parking lot and heaved a quiet sigh. He had phoned his friends in the building and enlisted their help in getting Gage to open up. If they liked him enough and they put in enough recommendations Gage would have a chance of getting employed. He could either start as an intern and work his way up, or maybe start as a secretary. Riley giggled at the thought of Gage being his secretary. That would be more than amazing for the both of them.

Gage let out a shaky breath as they started walking towards the building. He was nervous because he was never a people person. The thought of meeting new people terrified him. Riley had noticed Gage's discomfort and reached out to grab his hand, stroking it softly in reassurance, hoping to calm Gage down. Gage liked the feeling of Riley holding his hand so he played up his discomfort to keep his hand there longer.

Riley led Gage through a series of hallways before he reached the door to his personal office and slipped his key in, opening it. "This is my home away from home," he said as he spread his arms wide. The walls and carpet were white, all the furnishing was either black wood or black leather. An entire wall was a window that overlooked the woods and a gorgeous little creek. It was an amazing office and Riley loved it. "This is awesome!" Gage exclaimed, making Riley giggle.

"I hope you don't mind," Riley started, "But I have to read over some manuscripts today. There are a lot of kind people here who are supportive of people like us that you could talk to. Maybe after talking to them for a bit I won't be super swamped with work." He was secretly putting his plan into motion.

Gage nodded his head nervously. He can never say no to Riley and his hypnotic ways. He grabbed Riley's hand for reassurance as he opened the other door in his office which lead to the main room of the publishing company. There were meeting rooms, cubicles, waiting areas, a food area, a few other personal offices, and lots of people. Riley must be really important to be one of the few people that has a personal office. He noticed a lot of people sneaking peeks at the two of them as Riley pulled him along to his boss's office, on the way to get the days work. Gage had no clue that Riley would often squeal to his co-workers about how lucky he was to have a boy like Gage in his life, even though they were nothing more then friends. Riley wanted so greatly to change that and take their friendship to the next level.

Riley walked into his boss's office and grabbed the pile of paperbacks in his box. He loved reading and read at an unbelievably fast pace. He could make it through at least two manuscripts a day, maybe even more depending on the length. All in all, he'd have the pile of about seven done by the end of the week, which is when there will be another stack waiting for him to fix up.

Riley nudged Gage towards his best friend in the office, Lucy. Lucy was very tiny and very pixie-like. She had a lot of experience with insomniacs since her twin brother was one. She gave Riley lots of advice that helped him throughout the years. Maybe she can open Gage's eyes too.

Riley got to work on editing the newest stories, occasionally peeking at Gage. He was wrapped up in conversations with a couple of his co-workers. They all seemed to be getting along well and would occasionally send winks Riley's way to tell him that they liked Gage.

Riley's heart swelled. Maybe his plan would work. Maybe he could get Gage a job, make Gage happy, and most importantly, make Gage his and his alone. He wants nothing more then to make Gage his. He smiled towards Gage when he noticed him turn around. Gage smiled back and waved feebly.

They both could get used to living like this, together.

Gage was slowly gaining back hope. Even one day can drastically change a person. Riley helped him feel welcome and gave him comfort in knowing that he wasn't alone in this world. Riley's co-workers, such as Lucy, accepted him even though they weren't like him. There were people in the world who supported people with his disease instead of looking down on him. The thought tugged at his heartstrings. In one day he felt like he found a place he belonged. He's wanted nothing more his entire life. Riley awakens these feelings in Gage that he never thought were possible.

He never thought that he would feel welcome.

He never thought that he could belong somewhere.

He never thought that he felt like he could love someone.

Riley makes him feel all these things. Riley is the person that Gage has been searching for his entire life. Gage's only worry was that he didn't have the guts to tell Riley that.

Tonight, Gage decided, would be the night that he finally told Riley how he feels about him. It's been four years, and he deserves to know. It's now or never.

It's time that Gage take the next step in life.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is part two.
I thought it would be good to show you how they both felt.
The next chapter is gonna be a good one. xD

Opinions would be amazing <3

What does everyone think of the writing style for this story compared to my others? I normally don't write this way.
