Status: Completed <3

Always and Forever

Chapter Three

Riley and Gage walked into their safe haven, their twenty four hour diner, together. A couple of the wait staff saw them together and sent winks and smiles their way. The wait staff had gone as far as to take bets on when the two boys would finally get together. Seeing them walk in together instead of at separate times is another step in their slowly progressing relationship.

They walked over to their booth and Gage sat on his side, almost jumping out of his skin when he felt Riley join him instead of sitting on his regular side. Riley wanted to get as close to Gage as possible. He and Gage both felt that tonight was going to be important. It would be the night that changed their relationship forever.

"I don't feel like sitting alone," Riley murmured slyly before entwining his fingers with Gage's long, slim ones. He smiled down at the young boy who had the cutest of blushes clearly evident in his cheeks. He couldn't believe how this one boy could make his heartbeat thump that much faster. Gage's heart was beating just as fast as Riley's.

Just then, one of their favorite waitresses ever came over. She set down their traditional order - two coffees and a plate of hash browns. "Dammit!" Martha said while slapping the edge of their table theatrically. Martha was a little old lady, slightly shorter then Gage. Her blond hair was graying and her face was sunken, but she was a loud person who wouldn't hesitate to speak what's on her mind. "It's about time you two's gots togetha!" She said, her accent heavy. Neither of the boys knew where she was from, but they loved he dearly. Who couldn't love a little old lady like Martha? She always had the truest of intentions, even if she had weird ways of showing it. "You's gonna be togetha forevah!" She was murmuring while she waddled back to the kitchen, swinging her dish towel around her head wildly. Riley and Gage could scarcely hear other workers in the restaurant murmur their agreement. Leave it up to good old Martha to tell them what everyone is thinking.

Both boys looked at each other, a blush clearly evident on both of their faces. Neither wanted to admit how much they longed for Martha's words to be true. "So..." Riley began, trying to avoid the awkward silence that they had settled in. "What do you think about that?" He asked as he slowly nibbled around a hash brown.

"I think that Martha's going slightly insane," Gage joked back, not ready to reveal his feelings. He needed to find the perfect moment.

Riley was a bit disappointed in Gage's response but continued pressing him. He wasn't going to give up that easy. "That, my dear, happened a long time ago," he said, continuing to joke along with Gage. Gage couldn't help but let a giggle of agreement pass his lips.

"But really," Riley began again, summoning up more courage, "what do you think of couples like she thought we were? You know... gays, bi-sexuals, lesbians..." He trailed off, raising his eyebrows questioningly.

"I think that everyone deserves to love who they want," Gage said thoughtfully after taking another bite of a hash brown. "That is, if they are lucky enough to find love. It would be rather sad if I didn't support relationships like that considering I am a homosexual myself," he responded. He looked at Riley worriedly, scared that he would no longer be accepted because of his homosexuality.

However, Riley was absolutely elated. He had a chance with Gage! He really truly did. He couldn't let his excitement show through though, Gage would probably think he'd gone as insane as Martha. "Oh, well I'm bisexual." Riley said thoughtfully. He slowly draped his free arm across Gage's shoulder, trying to send him clues.

Gage stiffened at the sudden contact but quickly relaxed. This was Riley, after all. Gage knew that Riley would never want to hurt him. Gage's heart was swelling as the conversation continued.

Each boy was completely oblivious to the hints that the other was trying to send their way. They were so wrapped up in trying to hint about their feelings that they didn't notice the other hints being thrown their way. However, if you have two people with feelings as strong as theirs, it's inevitable that they will get together.

"That's really cool," Gage said truthfully. "Which gender do you prefer?" He asked quietly, praying that he would say that he preferred males. It's not often that you find a fellow insomniac in the world. Then, to find a fellow homosexual insomniac is even rarer. It's as if it were fated for them to meet and fall in love.

"Men," Riley said thoughtfully. "I can appreciate a beautiful women, but I tend to have more of an attraction to men. They're beautiful and mysterious and more understanding then women are. It's just hard for women to relate to a man sometimes." Riley had told that answer to many people before Gage. He used to be straight, but slowly got fed up with the torture women would put him through. They would beg him to do things and complain when any little thing went wrong. Men, however, understand the way Riley's mind worked. That's why, God forbid, if Riley was to be with a woman, it would be more of a tom-boyish type then a want-to-be beauty queen.

"Very insightful," Gage murmured. "What made you come to that conclusion?" He asked in attempts to delve deeper into the mystery that is Riley Martinez.

Riley thought over how to phrase his answer as he took a couple more bites of food and sips of coffee. "I think it's because I fell in love and out of love with women too quickly. I'd fall in love to be treated like crap and to be used. It's not natural to fall in and out of love that quickly." He said softly, stroking Gage's shoulder with the hand that he had thrown over it earlier.

Gage let a tiny shiver rock his frame, loving the feeling of Riley's gentle fingers. They both sat in companionable silence, lost in their own thoughts. "Have you ever been in love?" Riley asked softly. This could be the moment that defined whether they'll have a future together or not. This is the moment Riley has waited an eternity for.

"Yeah," Gage answered softly, nodding his head to prove his point.

"Tell me about him," Riley said. He needed to know who this boy was. He needed to know about the boy that was good enough to steal the heart of the boy he held so close to his own heart.

Gage took a deep breath, knowing that this was probably the perfect opportunity to tell Riley the truth. He summoned up all his courage and let the following words pass his plump lips. "Four years ago, I met this boy in this tiny little diner. I fell in love with the way he looked the second I laid eyes on him. Throughout the years I got to know him more, and each day I would fall a little bit harder. I can honestly say that I'm hopelessly in love with him right now. I wouldn't know what to do without him in my life." Gage let out a deep sigh before looking anywhere but at Riley's face. He didn't want to see the look on his face if he had just made one of the biggest mistakes of his life.

Riley was sitting next to Gage, a smile that reached his eyes set on his face. Gage loved him as much as he loved Gage. He wasn't deserving of such a beautiful creature, but he would have to be an idiot not to scoop him into his arms and never let him go. "Well," Riley said quietly, getting Gage's attention. "Four years ago I met a boy in a tiny little diner, too. And I knew that I'd go insane if I didn't have him from the first second I laid my eyes on him. And I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't head over heals in love with him. He is my life." Riley spoke softly, forcing Gage to look him in the eyes.

Gage's eyes were full of nothing but love and shock. He loved Riley and was in the uttermost shock that he would reciprocate such feelings, especially since they were so deep. "Really?" He asked Riley softly, searching his eyes for anything like regret or hesitation. There was no such traces.

"Most definitely," Riley spoke softly, cupping Gage's cheeks in his big palms in leaning in for the kiss that he had fantasized about for the past four years of his life.

When they're lips touched it was as if fireworks were exploding around them.

This is something that they've both been dreaming of for years.

This is something that they've both wanted more then anything for years.

This is something that they would never let go now that they finally have it.

"Be mine?" Riley asked softly, heart swelling as their lips pulled apart slowly.

Gage made a cute noise of agreement and pushing his lips back against Riley's in response. They worked together in perfect synchronization, tingles running through their entire body every time their lips would meet. This is probably the first kiss that young boys and girls alike would dream of.

Riley pulled away and nipped Gage's lip, begging for the opportunity to kiss him even more passionately. Gage granted him access and they both gladly deepened the kiss, running their hands along the body of their loved one. They smiled into the kiss as their tongues battled furiously and hoots of excitement arose in the background. It looks like the wait staff of their little safe haven were happy that everything worked out between them. However, nothing could compare to the happiness that both Gage and Riley were feeling at that very moment.

Finally, they had found love, something they thought they could only dream of.

They were no longer alone in this world.
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I loved writing this chapter.

There is only one more left. It will be amazing. :)

Opinions please? xD