Status: more chapters coming soon.

The Dark Room


Imagine having a normal life. Imagine doing all the things you regularly do; go to work, go to school, come home, see your family, see your friends, and just being able to do all that on a regular basis. Now imagine yourself being surrounded in nothing but complete darkness. You can't even see your own hand in front of your face, and your wary of walking around because you don't know where the walls are or whether or not you'll trip on objects in the room. So you feel around and your fingertips move across the cold, hard, concrete floor your standing on. Then you sit down and look around, which bears no point except to try and feed your curiosity about where exactly you are. Everything is quiet too. The only thing you hear is your breathing and your heart, your heart beating fast and heavily because of the immense anxiety your starting to face. Then you scream. You scream as loud as you can and almost immediately a door about twenty feet in front of you is flung open, revealing a great amount of blinding light. A person walks toward you as you shield your eyes and picks you up. He takes out what looks like a nightstick and gives you one swift blow across the side of the head.
“Quiet.”, he says in a cold, emotionless voice.

Your now on the ground clutching your head and whatever else hurts from your fall back onto the concrete. The man walks back to the door and shuts it behind him, sealing off all light once again. Your now back to being encased in utter blackness. Your eyes begin to close as you feel a little dizzy. Your hand on your head becomes wet, and almost immediately you know it's your own blood. Nothing you can do about it. Here there is no nurse or medical officials or anything. Your sick, your hurt, your dying. Your problem. That's it. So with that fact in mind you do the best you can to cauterize your own wound. You take off your primary shirt and hold it up against your head to stop the bleeding. After awhile you notice the bleeding has stopped and the only thing remaining is a really bad headache. Still, you sit there, wondering why you got beat, and why your here, and what you did to get put here. Your kind of tempted to go up to the door, once you find it, and knock on it to get answers from the outside. That's what you get from that head wound. Ideas that could potentially get you beaten again, or killed. So with no hope of knowing where you are all you can do is sit and pray that sooner than later you can escape what will become your own personal hell. The only way you can identify where you are is by your surroundings. Your in a dark room, and that's all you can muster up. For now.