Status: Still Writing


Chapter Three

Mylah was speechless. The boy looked at her and cocked his head slightly. She jolted and quickly looked down.

Don't make eye contact,she tought to herself. Just look away.

"Class, this is Rylan LaPoint, our new student." Mr. Fitz turned to the boy. "Mr. LaPoint, you will sit next to Mylah and the two of you will be lab partners. I'm sure she will welcome you graciously." The boy, Rylan, smiled, and proceeded towards Mylah.

Just then Hanna leaned over and hissed, "See, I toldyou he was hot."

Rylan approached the desk and sat down next to her. Mylah shuffled her stool to the very edge of the desk.

This isn't happening,Mylah thought desperatly. He shouldn't be here, visible to humans. He should be out there with the other faeries following their evil plans to torment humans.

As she thought, more and more things didn't make sense to her. She was startled when suddenly, he started talking. To her.

"So, Mylah, nice to meet you."

Mylah ignored him.

"Do you enjoy school?" he proceeded. Mylah nodded, still not looking at him.

The rest of the class continued in this manner. The faery would try to make conversation with her and Mylah would either nod, shake her head or completely ignore him. The bell rang and Mylah stood up so suddenly that everybody stared. She swung her bag onto her shoulders and walked out of the class. A moment later, Hanna caught up to her.

"So, what did you think?" she asked.

"About what?" Mylah questioned.

"About Rylan of course! Isn't he totally gorgeous?"

Mylah didn't answer her. Of course he was goreous, he was the most beatiful thing she had ever seen. But she knew deep inside, he was evil. Just like the others. The rest of the day passed and Mylah couldn't help thinking about Rylan. After school, She walked home swiftly. She needed to tell Grams about this. Grams had said that if any faery attempted to approach Mylah, she must tell her immediatly. This was quite an approach alright, but Mylah wasn't ready to tell anyone. Not until she herself, figured it out first. When she shut the door behind her she heard Grams' familiar humm that Grams would make everytime she was cooking in the kitchen.

"Come my little girl, I've made-" Grams started. She paused when she saw the look on Mylah's face.

"Whats wrong?" Grams asked, sounding worried.

Mylah shook her head. "Tired." She mumbled, then walked up to her bedroom.

The next day, Mylah arrived in Bio late. Uttering a quick apology to Mr. Fitz, she ran and sat down quickly. Automatically, Rylan looked over at her and said, in a soothing voice, "Good Morning, Mylah."

She ignored him. He looked surprised.

Mr. Fitz cleared his throat. "Now that Miss Mackinan pleasantly decided to join us, I will proceed with my demo. As I have already explained, we will be studying the human blood today and I want you all to watch carefully."

Mylah's heart sank. Mr. Fitz carried on with the procedure. "And finally," he announced, "I will gently prick my finger and let the blood squeeze out slowly onto this slide."

Mylah watched as Mr. Fitz squeezed his index finger. A droplet of blood oozed out and plopped sluggishly onto the slide. Her head spinned and she felt dizzy all of a sudden. Then she fell right into Rylan's open arms, and everything blacked out.