Status: Completed Phase 2

The Making of a Gargoyle

The Interview:

“You feel okey with getting covered in latex?”
“Yes, please, for as long as you wish, preferably permanently! The girl replies.
“No problems with having a tail?”
“No, not really, sounds exciting!” she replies.
“Or the bat wings, then?”
“I can have bat wings?
Then I'd be able to fly?
I'd love to!” the girl replies.
“You'd become a Gargoyle for the rest of your life, and that's a very long time!”
“That's the best part!” she replied.
Now we're down to the last detail, then.
What colour would your latex hide be?”
The girl thinks for a while, before deciding.
“You could make any colour for me?
I'd pick a metallic bloody red!” she stated proudly.
“Red it is, then it's settled.
If you go to the next room, and we'd have you latex prepared for you!”