Status: Completed Phase 2

The Making of a Gargoyle

A Rubber Room:

Once I was dismissed from my interview, I left the room.
After that, I opened the door I was instructed to enter.
The room was empty and barren, short of a chair I could sit on,
and a shelf to place my clothes on.
I started taking the top of, then the skirt.
Now I pull off the shoes and the stockings, all placed on the shelf.
After that, I take the panties off, before I place them on top of the pile.
As my clothes are all piled up neatly, I notice a door opening.
I walk into the room.
There is only a girl standing nude waiting for me.
“I take it you wanted your hide red?” the assistant asks.
“Yes, that's me, just hope you get the colour just right for me now.
“Should not be any problems there, we always start with a clear rubber.
Then we mix the pigments into it, together with other ingredients.
This way, it will give you the colour you desire!”
She opened a drawer, filled with vials and cans, filled with ingredients and pigmentations.
I could see her pick up a red can, and a few vial.
She poured the red into a larger cauldron, then added ingredient after .
I could see the liquid turning red, changing ever so subtly, towards the exact nuance.
Then I noticed other differences, even if it was barely noticeable,
or was it all in my imagination?
I don't know, I can't be entirely certain.
“Does this look like your preferred shade?” the girl asked me.
As I looked down into the liquid in the cauldron, I could only say; “Yes, that's it!”
Then she poured in the last ingredient into the mix,
and now the change was not quit as subtle.