Status: Completed Phase 2

The Making of a Gargoyle

The Plunge:

“You're absolutely certain you still want in on this?
To be a Gargoyle will change you, and your life forever
There will be no turning back!” she pointed out.
“I have always been fascinated by the Gargoyle, the rubber is an extra bonus to me!”
I pointed out to her.
“Only this latex you can't rub off of you again.
I'd confess, your red has turned out very well, I'd have to give you that.
Once you're covered, I'll just have to mould your tail, and wings!” she pondered.
I could see she had started to drool, when she thought of the image of me now.
What was it that made her that excited, I pondered.
“Now you just have to make the plunge, to soak in the liquid.
When you are ready, I'll have a table for you to climb up onto!” she instructed me.
I managed to climb up on the edge of the cauldron unaided, all on my own.
Then I slowly slipped my right foot down on the other side, then the other foot.
A moment later, I find myself standing in the redness hip deep.
I had a tingling sensation where my skin was covered, it only made me excited.
The cauldron is large, since I can stand in it, now I ponder.
Then I simply bend my knees, slipping down into it, all the way.
How long would I have to be in here?
How long would I have to be under, I pondered.
Once I sat down, I pulled up my knees under my chin, my arms to my sides.
The red liquid, the latex now up to my cheeks.
This felt almost as if I sat in a huge coffee cup, only the coffee was red, and thick.
I could not exactly feel heat, but an exciting scent was upon me.
Something pulled me down, pulled me under the surface.
For a short while, I tried my best to hold my breath.
Then I felt the liquid seep in, through my nostrils, slowly filling me.
When I realised, my lungs did not fill up, I slowly parted my lips.
The liquid did not come rushing in, but slowly filled me up.
After a short while, it had filled me up.
Tentatively, I slipped a finger in between my lips, and my cheeks,
feeling it eagerly fill me up.
After a short while, it slowly flowed back out again.
Something told me, I was almost ready to stand up now.
Just that I had found it so relaxing, that I stay down longer.
I had no shortage of breath, I had not needed to take a single breath.