Senior Year

Chapter 4

I went into my room after saying a long ‘goodbye’ to Alex. Celine was lying face down on her bed. Something was wrong. “Hey Celine, what’s up?”
She started talking into her pillow but was muffled. “What?” I asked.
“She’s upset because she ran away when Henry kissed her.” Mia said coming out of the bathroom.
“Henry kissed her?”
“Yeah and she ran.”
“Oh dear. Are you okay Celine?”
She lifted her head. “No.” And plopped back down. I went over and sat next to her.
“Well why’d you run?”
“I don’t know. I just freaked out. No guy that looks like that has ever just kissed me.”
“It’s alright Celine. Don’t worry.”
“That’s easy for you to say. If you did that to a guy they would just run even faster after you. I mean look at you!”
“Celine. You’re gorgeous! I’m sure Henry won’t think anything of it. He must really like you.”
“Not now after I ran away like that.”
“Just go and talk to him. I’m sure he’ll understand.”
“There’s no point. I’m just going to give up. I’m not pretty enough to keep a guy like that anyways.”
I hit her across the face. She looked at me in shock. “That is quiter talk. I don’t like it. Come with me.”
I took her into the bathroom and sat her down in a chair. “Mia! Come here!”
“We’re going to give Celine a little make over.”
“Oh! Fun!”
“I don’t know you guys.”
“This will be good for you Celine. You don’t think you’re pretty. I think you are. Now it’s time to prove to you that you are.”
We spent an hour working on her and we finally got it perfect. We didn’t let her see, but when we did she was in shock. “Oh my gosh. You guys are brilliant.” She looked close in the mirror and far away. We had straightened and curled her hair and put make up on her. That’s it. She was just naturally beautiful.
“It’s only eight o clock. Let’s go out and about!” Mia exclaimed.
I laughed. “Yeah! Come on Celine! Let’s show off your new look!”
“I don’t know.”
I wrapped my arm in hers. “Come on sweetie. It’ll be fun!”
We walked out to the café. I spotted Henry out the window. “Look there he is!”
I saw him walk up to a girl and it was completely obvious he was if full flirt mode. Then of course he kissed her.
I looked over at Celine and her eyes were wide then very sad. “Well you guys thanks for trying.”
She sighed and got up. She walked out and she was so sad. Oh no.
*Celine’s POV*
I was devastated. He kissed another girl like it was nothing. He was just trying to get with me. How could I be so stupid. I’m usually so logical and don’t let stupid boys get the best of me, but he was so charming and Gah! I just want to slap myself.
I sat down on a bench and pulled my knees up to my chest. This sucks. I hate boys.
I looked up and there was Jeremy. I had to admit I wasn’t expecting to see him. “Oh hi.”
“Wow you look different.”
“Thanks, I guess.”
“Well I mean you look pretty.”
“Thank you.”
“What are you doing?”
“I see. Why?”
“I just realized how stupid I was.”
“Oh, what happened?”
“Boys just suck sometimes.”
“That’s true.”
I laughed. “If you haven’t noticed, you’re a boy.”
“What?! No!” He said, faking astonishment. I laughed.
“For what?”
“Making me feel better.”
“That’s what friends are for.”
“I just met you today.”
“So are you saying that you don’t want to be friends?”
“No, I mean that I barely know you.”
“Well get to know me.”
“Okay, I guess I can do that.” I smiled and he smiled sweetly back. I like Jeremy, he’s sweet, but I’m not going to make the same mistake twice.
*Mia’s POV*
I watched Celine walk out sadly and I felt rage against that asshole. I got up and Elle tried to stop me, but I stomped out there to him and tapped his shoulder while he was making out with that slut.
“What?” he said turning around.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
“You start flirting with my friend Celine today, kiss her, then go and make out with this slut?! Why kind of guy are you?!”
“Who are you calling a slut you bitchy midget!” The girl screamed.
“Shut up.” I said putting my hand in her face. “You’re not even in this.” I turned to Henry. “Well?!”
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to say. I’m competing with other guys to see how many girls I can get with my accent versus their American ones.”
“Wow Henry, that’s low.”
“What are you going to do about it?” He sneered.
I just smiled. I’m so tiny, I made one swift punch downwards and he was on the ground. Yeah, I punched him in the balls. “See that’s what happens when you say things I don’t like.”
“You little bitch!” He growled.
I just walked away.
*Jizelle’s POV*
I watched the whole exchange between Henry and Mia with a smile. She’s so funny sometimes. By the end I got the strangest sense of Déjà vu. She hit him in the nuts and he called her a bitch. Sounds familiar right? That’s how I met Alex…
How funny.
She started walking away and I caught up with her. “That was great.” I said laughing.
“Thank you. Now let’s go find Celine.”
We walked a little farther until we saw her on a bench. She was smiling and happy next to Jeremy!
“I think we should leave her alone for a little while.” I said smiling.
“I think you’re right.”
We both headed back to our dorm to give her some privacy. They look like they’re really hitting it off.