Status: Working on second Chapter

All My Life

Chapter One

“Ouch, no, stop!” Is the same thing I scream every night, no matter what I do. 

Why is this, you ask?

My mom was killed when I was seven. So I was adopted by the Bulm's. I loved it as first, but after a couple of weeks I found out who my real adoptive father is. Two weeks after I came in to the house he was so drunk, he raped me.

The next day I told Cindy, she is my adoptive mother, about what happened the night before. I’m a bit hazy on this part; all I really know is that she slapped me so hard that I blacked out. The next day, when I awoke I was in my bedroom, on my bed. It looked different then I remembered it to be. Just something was off.

That day I when shopping in the mall, with my mother. She kept saying that nothing was wrong; that nothing was going to happy. Most of the time to herself. I knew if I asked she would put on this happy face and say “Oh what, what are you talking about? I’m not saying anything, why are you saying I am? You crazy girl.” Just sometimes I want a real answer, no beating around the bush.

We decided to go to the mall, better yet, Forever 21! That is my favorite store. Of course, when we got there, I ran over to the shoes, looking at some studded high heels. When I went to pick them up, someone else with chipped black nail polish on her fingers, tried to pick up the same pair. When I looked up, she reminded me of the best friend I haven't seen since I was five, Rikki White.

“Rikki?" I asked, a shocked look coming over my face. "Is that you?” She looked confused, for a moment, before I continued. "It's me, Abigail." I stated while backing away. We were best friends in Kindergarten, but when my mom was killed I had to say good bye. After that I never saw her again. Until now.

“Abby!?" She exclaimed, coming closer to me. "Oh. My. God. It's really you. I cannot believe this. I never thought I would see you again! And if I did not like this. So did you get adopted?” She asked, a stunned look on her face, as she wrapped her arms around me in a hug. 

“Yep I'm Abigail Marie Blum,” I stated while walking over to my 'new mom', “And Rikki, this is Cindy my adoptive mom. Mom, Rikki. I knew her before I was adopted.” I said, introducing them while doing all the hand gestures. “Mom, do you think I can shop with Rikki a bit, so we can catch up some?”

“Of course Sweetie.” I knew her, she did not want me to, but of course, she lied saying it was alright so she can stalk me and my best friend. What fun!

“You sure about that mom? I know you don't like me being in big crowed places without an adult”

“I know, but you need time with your friend. To catch up with each other, you need girl time. I remember when I was your age. I could not stand that my mother wanted to come a long with me and my friends. It was very annoying from a teenage point of view.”

“Whatever you say, whatever you say. Thank you mom I owe you. Love you” I yelled while walking away from her.
“Call me in an hour; I need to know your okay!” She called.

“Mrs. Blum, thank you so much I just have not seen her since I was seven. Thank you again!” Rikki called over her shoulder as we walked away talking about anything and everything that has gone on in our lives in the past ten years.