It All Started With a Scarf?!

First and Last

It all started in Journey’s. One of the only stores to shop in this really small town of Slidell. You were looking at one the scarves on the mini-rack. “Did you want this one?” Someone said, it was a boy that had black hair. He had the warmest brown eyes you had ever seen.

“Uh not anymore…” You smiled slyly. You pushed your blonde hair out of your face and blinked your hazel eyes.

“Aw, is that because I touched it?” He asked. “Or not.”

“I don’t really know…” You laughed and picked up the scarf. It was a dark green and striped with bleach white.

“Well how about this,” The guy grabbed the scarf from you, “I’ll buy the scarf, but you have to keep it safe, okay?” He smiled. His teeth were perfect. He was a god sent from Heaven above.

“Deal.” You laughed again. He went up to the cash register and bought it. Then, he went back to where you were standing.

He placed the scarf around your neck and leaned real close, and whispered “Remember me” in your ear.

“My name is Jane Berkley.” You murmured.

“Ryan Ross.” Then he kissed your hand and left with three other guys.

“Jane, what was that all about?” Your sister asked you.

“Ha, Ryan Ross kissed my hand…” You said quietly.

*5 Years Later*

“Jane, that scarf does not go with that outfit.” Your sister, Kyla, said.

“I don’t care. Ryan Ross gave it to me. I’m going to keep it.” You said stubbornly.

“Isn’t that the dude from Panic at the Disco?” Kyla asked.

“YES!!!” You screamed. “Panic at the Disco’s concert is in like four days and there I will give him back his scarf.”

“’Kay.” Kyla ruffled your hair. “As long as you promise, any way happy 21st birthday!”

“Thanks. Let me guess, my birthday from you is two/three tickets for the Panic at the Disco concert.”

“Yup.” Kyla said. She handed you a package with three tickets in it.

“You are defiantly coming with me.” You said suddenly. “And Mommy.”

“Fine with me. Let’s go make posters for the concert!” Kyla said.


Your poster looked like this:
Ryan Ross, I still have your scarf!!! <3

Kyla’s looked like this:
I write sins, not tragedies! How about you?!

Kyla and your signs looked amazing.

“OMG, I can’t wait till four days so we can finally give Ryan Ross his stupid scarf back.” Kyla said.

“Yeah.” You didn’t want to fight Kyla today.

*Four Days Later*

“I can’t help but to hear,”

“No can’t help but to hear”

“An exchanging of words, ‘What a beautiful wedding’”

“What a beautiful wedding”

“But what a shame, the poor groom’s bride is a who---“

I Write Sins, Not Tragedies poured through the House of Blues in New Orleans.

“The next surprise,” Kyla began, “I got us backstage passes.” She said through the roar of the crowd.

“OMG!!! No you didn’t!” You screamed.

“Now we are going to take a short break.” Brendon---the lead singer---said.

“Ryan!!! I have your scarf!!!” You screamed.

He turned his head around. “Excuse me, did someone say something?” He asked into the microphone.

“RYAN ROSS THE SCARF I STILL HAVE IT!!!” You screamed even louder.

“No way…” He said quietly. But you read his lips.

You climbed on the stage. You held up the scarf. “I have it.” You panted. “The scarf I mean.”

He ran up to you. He held your wrist, then he dragged you behind the curtain. “WTF? Why do you have this?”

“You don’t remember? We were in Journey’s and you bought the scarf then told me to keep it safe…” His facial expression changed from angry to fill with joy in less than three seconds.

He wrapped you up in a hug. “I remember now. Jane Berkley. I haven’t stopped dreaming of you since.” He said softly.

“Same here. Now here” you said softly “here is your scarf.” You wrapped the scarf around his neck pulled you both closer together.

“Kiss me you fool.” He said. He wrapped in the biggest kiss in your life. Then tongue action went on. And before you knew it, you two were on the floor.

“Aw, let ‘em go.” Brendon and Kyla said at the same time.

“What about the rest of the concert?” Someone asked.

“We will what till their done.” Brendon answered.

But that’s another story.

The End

*6 Months after Jane & Ryan are United*

“Ryan,” You began, “I want to get married.” You were wearing a bra and g-string to bed that night. You refused to let Ryan sleep with you until you were married.

“Hmm?” He asked surprised you would bring this up. “Married? Why, we are perfectly happy.” He said.

“No, we’re not happy. You may be, but I want a family. I want little Ryan Ross’ running around, learning how to play instruments, and sports, and…” You stopped because Ryan cupped his hands around your chin. You shrugged your shoulders.

“Okay, marriage? I can deal with that. But can you deal with paparazzi?” He halved laughed.

“As long as you’re with me I can.” You smiled back. You kissed him.

“Hold that thought.” He got out of bed and went straight to his sock drawer. He pulled a little velvet box out of it. He walked back over to your side of the bed.

“Jane Erin Berkley, will you marry me?” He asked getting on one knee. He perfect brown eyes looked up at your sitting on the bed.

“Nope…” You said most sternly. His face fell, “Of course I will, Ry.” You hugged him and he placed the ring on your finger. You immediately pulled on an old pair of sweats and rushed to the kitchen.

“Where are you going?” Ryan asked.

“Well, you just purposed to me…so I’m going to go tell my sister!” You screamed. Ryan laughed and went back to the room. “Don’t wait up for me!” You called slamming the door.

Once you were at Kyla’s house you opened the door with her spare key under the welcome mat. “Kyla!” You called excitedly. “OMG, guess what!!”

Kyla appeared sleepily in the narrow hallway. “Hmm…what?” She said crankily.

“Nope you have to guess.”

“You finally lost your virginity…?” She asked. You gasped.

“Of course not. I’m getting married!!” You screamed. Kyla’s face filled with extreme joy.

“OMG, that’s amazing!” She said. She hugged you and you two jumped up and down for a full three minutes.

“What’s with all the yelling?” Someone asked appearing in the hallway.

“Kyla, you didn’t tell me you had someone over…” You said smiling at the mysterious man in boxers.

“Jane, this is my husband, Brendon.” Your eyes filled with tears.

“Husband?!” You screamed. “How could you have never told me?!” You screamed louder.

“I-I’m really, really sorry, Jane. I just didn’t want to bring it up what with Mom dying and all…” She said softly. You knocked over a kitchen door and walked straight out of the house and slammed the door.

Kyla followed you. “Jay, please don’t go.” She called out to you. You didn’t listen. Instead you got into your yellow Porsche Turbo and took off.

You skidded to a stop outside Ryan’s house. “Hey, babe. What’s wrong?” He asked when he say your eyes stained with tears.

“Nothing.” You muttered.

“Get in the car.” Ryan said. You obeyed and slid into the passenger seat while he slid into the driver seat.

“Where are we going?” You asked when Ryan turned the Nevada exit.

“Hmm, we’ll have to do something about your clothes…” Ryan said to no one in particular. He turned the Porsche into a 24-hour clothing store.

“Take fifty bucks and buy yourself a really nice evening gown.” Ryan said putting the car in park.

“Come?” You asked softly. He nodded and turned off the car. He locked the car and put the keys in his pocket.

You tried on like fifteen dresses before deciding on the perfect one. It was white with black lace on the top. It went all the way down to your toes. Ryan took the dress to the counter and paid for it… it was surprisingly on sale, for a really good price.

“Put on the dress, give me your sweats and meet me in the car.” You nodded gently. You had no idea what Ryan was planning.

By the time you got the dress on, fixed your hair into a fashionable bun, and handed your sweats to Ryan it was already 11 o’clock at night.

You walked nervously to the car, there you saw a perplexing site. Ryan was wearing a white tux with black trimming to match your dress and he even had his hair in a reasonable manner. “What’s all this?” You asked laughing to yourself.

“You can paparazzi, so let’s get on with this concert.” He slyly smiled.

After an hour of flipping through the channels on the radio, Ryan pulled into the brightest cities in history. Las Vegas.

“Club 21, here we come.” Ryan muttered to himself.

Your jaw dropped. “No way.” You said, Ryan smiled.

“Yep. Panic! At the Disco is playing here tonight.” He pulled around to the back and parked the car.

“Brendon, Jon, Spencer, and you…?” You asked to Ryan. He nodded. Your eyes widened with surprise.

“OMG! That’s amazing!” You cried.

One hour later; Brendon, Spencer, Jon, and Ryan were playing on stage with over a hundred people in the crowd. After their third song, Ryan walked over to center stage and started talking into the microphone. “Hey everybody, I’m Ryan Ross.” He paused to let the clapping/screaming audience to calm down. “Well, as I’m sure all---or most of you---know, I have had a steady girlfriend for over 6 months now…” He paused again to let the whooping audience settle down. “Well…we’re getting married!!!” He yelled.

This time the audience wouldn’t stop screaming. “Congrats!” Is what the majority were saying. “Jay, come on up here.” Ryan and Brendon said. You slowly walked up on stage, trying very hard not to fall.

“Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss!!!” The crowd started to chant. You began to blush. Ryan raised his hand up.

“Paparazzi.” He murmured softly in your ear. He kissed you and all your senses melted away. He held your waist and you wrapped your arms around his neck. You two stayed that way for about five minutes when you finally broke away.

Everyone clapped. Paparazzi. Yeah, they took pictures and a lot of them.

After the concert, Ryan took you to a Chinese restaurant that was opened 24-hours a day. Heck, everything in Las Vegas was opened 24-hours. You and Ryan had an awesome dinner.

“What’s your fortune, Ry?” You asked him.

“Well, this is not comforting: ‘Something you love will fall into the abyss soon.’.”

“Mine’s retarded: ‘Take what is still sacred in your body and keep it Holy’. I think it is talking about my virginity…” You said jokingly.

“Well soon, that will be nothing more to worry about.” Ryan laughed his wiry laugh.

“Defiantly.” You laughed too.

“So…now let’s get to business.” You said. “How do you think about a small kinda awesomely cool wedding. I know I am stupid for thinking of it now of all times.” You smiled.

“S true. But for now, let’s get back to the hotel…”

“Ooh, which one?” You asked excitedly.

“MGM. We’ll visit the lions tomorrow. But now,” He paid the bill, “we must sleep.”

“Cool.” He held your hand and you two walked out the door. “Babe, I think I left my purse in the restaurant.” You ran back into the restaurant. You ran straight into the table you and looked for your purse. It wasn’t there.

You walked up one of the waiters. “Hi, have you seen a white purse?”

“Um, yeah. I put it right back here.” He started walking to a room in the back. “In the back.” He said. He was about forty years old with a thick gray mustache.

“Thank you so much.” You said. You turned around and the man was standing there swinging a block of ice at you. He hit you in the head and you fell to the floor.

Ryan was getting into the car and then he noticed your purse sitting in the passenger seat. He ran into the restaurant. “Jane!” He called. He ran up to a waiter. “Hey my girlfri---wife came in a few minutes ago…have you seen her?” The waiter shook his head.

“She has blonde hair, hazel eyes, and she is wearing a black and white dress.” Ryan said frantically. The waiter still shook his head. “****.” Ryan ran back outside. You weren’t there. Ryan whipped out his cell phone. He called your number.


“Jane, baby, where are you?”

“Oh hey! Sorry I can’t come to the phone right now...” He slammed the phone shut. He ran back into store. He ran through the restaurant again. He saw a middle aged man coming out of the freezer.

“Hi, how may I help you?” His mouth was mostly consumed by his large mustache.

“I’m looking for my wife. Blonde hair, hazel eyes, white/black dress…” Ryan said.

“I saw someone like that. She walking toward the Strip.” The man said. The Strip in Las Vegas is a highway that is filled with a bunch of hotels and casinos.

“Thanks!” Ryan said he ran toward the Strip.

Your eyes flittered open. “OMG, it is so cold…” You muttered to yourself.

“That will all be over soon.” Someone said. It was the same guy who hit you. “Let’s get out of this freezer.” He said moving closer to you.

“N-No…” You said.

“*****, let’s go.” He grabbed your hand and drug you across the floor. You scrambled to your feet. You let him drag you to his beat up car.

Once he drove into a gravel driveway you started to cry. You started thinking about how you’re not going to ever see Ryan again. “Aw, don’t cry little girl. If you behave, you will survive. Not likely though. Now what’s your name?” The man asked. You didn’t answer.

“Answer me, *****.” He said and slapped you across the face.

“Berkley. Jane Berkley.” You said sniffling up tears.

“Good, mine’s Anderson, James Anderson. Now let’s go, Papa is ready to make love.” He laughed at his own joke. You started to sob.

“Please-please…don’t-don’t…I-I’m…a-a…virgin-virgin…” You begged.

“Too late now.” James laughed. He grabbed your hair and pulled you out of the passenger car door.

He dragged you up the stairs and onto his bed. “Please don’t…” You begged again. He ripped off your dress that Ryan bought you. He was supposed to be your first. You started to cry again. He tied your hands to one of the bedposts. He flipped you over on your back. Then he raped you.

You screamed in pain. He went farther and you screamed louder. He laughed an evil laugh then raped you again. You closed your eyes and you kept screaming. Finally, he stopped and rolled over. You kept crying. He got up and got his close on.

“Now, Jane, no more a virgin are you?” He asked.

“You *******!!” You screamed.

“That’s it. Show me respect.” He grabbed your arms so hard that it would leave bruises. But then again your whole body (mostly the lower stomach) will be covered in bruises.

He raped you again. This time he left for good and started the truck and left. You got out of bed. “God, it hurts.” You muttered to yourself. You found a phone. You dialed Ryan’s number.

“Hello?” He asked.

“Ryan-Ryan…?” You asked.

“Jane? Jane!”He screamed.

“Hey-Hey…I-I…need-need…help-help…” You sobbed.

“What happened?” He demanded.

“He-he…raped-raped…me…” You continued to sob.

“Stay right there. I will track the phone.” Ryan spat into the phone.

“Don’t-don’t…leave-leave…me-me…” You said into the phone.

“I-I have to.” Ryan stuttered. “Or else we can’t track the phone.” He sounded as if he was crying, it scared you.

But it gave you hope. “Okay, hurry before he comes back.” You said. But he had already hung up the phone.

About ten minutes later you heard the sound of sirens. You started to cry again. James had come back again and punched you. “You told…” He said. He slid down on the side of the bed.

“Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine.” He said to himself. The LVPD banged open the doors. Ryan was with them, you could tell.

“RYAN!!!” You screamed. “I’M IN HERE!!!” You screamed. James was on the floor shaking his head.

The police came in first. Then Ryan. The police helped you up. Ryan came over to you. You wrapped you up in a huge hug. “Ry, it hurts…” You said laying your head down on his shoulder.

“I know, baby, but it’s all better.” You started crying again while the police took James away. This time you knew Ryan was crying. “Don’t cry…” Ryan said, himself crying.

“Ry, I’m not…” You said. The police taking James away gave you hope and bravery. “I just want to go home…”

“I-I think the police want you to go to the hospital…” He said while he stopped crying.

“Okay.” You said. You looked up and smiled at Ryan.

“Mr. Ross, do you us to escort ya’ll to the hospital?” One of the officers asked.

“No sir, we’ll get there. Thank you though.” Ryan said ruffling my hair.

“Um, Mr. Ross, if it isn’t such a big problem…could I get your autograph for my daughter. She loves Panic! At the Disco…” The officer said.

“Sure.” Ryan signed a paper and gave it to the officer. Then he took you and led you out to his car.

“Let’s go to the hospital. God, if you’re pregnant…” Ryan started to say. “I-I don’t know what I’ll do. Man, baby, I am so happy to see you. I thought you were gone. Your sister came to the hotel and everything…she was so worried…” Ryan rambled.

You zoned out after “your sister came…” But you must have fallen asleep on the drive to the hospital, because you were woken up by Ryan in the hospital parking lot.

“Come on, baby. Let’s get you checked out.” Ryan said waking you up.

“No…not yet. Just wait, let me sleep…” You said hoping he would buy it. “Please.”

“Babe, it’s not really---“

“Please, Ry…” You said

“Okay, Jay, we won’t go today.” He shut the door and got back into the driver’s side of the car. The yellow Porsche never seemed comfier.

You’re eyes flittered open to Ryan’s concerned face. “You feeling okay?” He asked. “Nevermind that was a stupid question…” He rambled on again.

“Is Kyla still here?” You asked groggily. Ryan nodded softly. He kissed you on the forehead. Then, he helped you to your hotel room.

After Ryan opened the hotel door, Kyla rushed to the door. Brendon followed behind her. “OMG,” Kyla said hugging you. “I love you so much.” Ryan was holding your shoulders while Kyla was hugging your waist. Ryan hadn’t let you go since he got you back.

Kyla then let go and Brendon hugged you. He let go before you could count to three. “Can I go to sleep?” You asked. Everyone nodded. You got dressed in the bathroom and crawled into bed. Kyla and Brendon left and Ryan came in.

“I am going to sleep in the chair next to the bed. Just in case you need me.”Ryan said. He started laying down a pillow in the lounge chair.

“No…Ryan sleep next to me…” You said tired.

“You sure?” Ryan asked. You nodded and fell asleep.

The next few days, you were awake and asleep several times. Ryan kept checking up on you. One time he actually ran his hand across your face and discovered you had a fever. That set him off. He kept screaming about how you needed to go to the hospital. You weren’t actually listening.

“You need Advil, or Tylenol, or…or something!” Ryan said to himself one time you were awake. “Either you’re going to the hospital or I’m calling Kyla.”

“Oh no, not the Kyla…” You said sarcastically. Ryan laughed. Then he grabbed some clothes of yours and sat down on the bed.

“Well, if you won’t go the hospital, and you don’t want to get out bed, then I will just have to leave you here.” Ryan said pretending to walk out the door. Well, that was pretty stupid, because he locked himself out. In just a couple of minutes he was banging on the door wanting to let in. You slowly opened the door, but as soon as you did Ryan grabbed you around the waist.

“Ha-ha. Now I have a room key, but you’re getting out of this hotel if it’s the last thing I do.” Ryan said firmly.

From then on out, everything was back to the way it was before the trip to Las Vegas. You and Ryan packed up everything and left the hotel within the next thirty minutes. However, your sickness was gone and you were happier than ever.

As the next year rolled around, you and Ryan got married having this big, elegant wedding. But at the honeymoon, you finally let Ryan sleep with you. And your firstborn was conceived on this honeymoon.

Nine months later, a beautiful baby girl was born. You had no idea what to name her so; I’ll let you think about. But this is a farewell as one of my awesome and amazing stories…
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whoosh...glad that's out of the way :D