Sequel: Stitches


I am Jack's hurt feelings.

A sleepless night becomes bitter oblivion.

I had nothing better to do than debate the reasons why I shouldn’t believe Curtis. The small voice in the back of my head told me Oli wasn’t lying…but with good reason I didn’t trust it or him.

My phone buzzed as I received another text from Oliver. It joined the rest of the unread…I owe it to him to at least read them.

Oli: Tom just ate a banana with the peel on.

Oli: Where are you?

Oli: Brooke?

Oli: What the hell did Curtis say to you?

Oli: Nevermind, I’m coming over.

Oh dear Lord. As if on queue my bedroom door flung open and Oliver stormed into the room, Curtis was on his heels cursing every breath.

“What did he tell you?” Oliver demanded, his hands planted firmly on his hips like an angry mother.

“I told her the truth, ass.” Curtis retorted angrily.

I sighed, “Curtis leave.”

His face became angry, it literally turned red. He huffed and left the room. I knew he was standing outside the door.

“Brooke, don’t listen to him.” Oliver pleaded, his eyebrows raised and he stared at me anxiously.

I fell back onto the bed, then sat up, “How can I not?”

“He doesn’t want us to be together!” He shouted, I got the feeling that the yelling was a spiteful venture.

“He said you were still with Sam when we got together…and that you lied about not cheating on her ever…”

He ran his hands through his hair, “I…” he began then sighed, “I tried my best not to.”

“Why would I stay with you when all you can do is ‘try your best’ not to cheat on me? When I have every reason I the world to believe that you already did!” I said, my words said I was angry but my voice said I was drained.

“I didn’t, Brooke. I didn’t cheat on you. I cheated on her.” He said softly.

“What difference is there? If you’ll cheat on her, why wouldn’t you cheat on me?”

He glanced at the floor and then back at me, “I love you, I didn’t love her. You’ve got to believe me.”

For some reason I did. As badly as I’d been hurt by a cheater I believed him. It’s easy to be led astray when your heart isn’t in it.

I stood up and hugged him. My cheek pressed against his chest.

“I do believe you, I’m not sure why. But I do.”

Curtis burst into the room, “Brooklyn if you stay with him I swear to God I won’t ever speak to you again. I don’t want anything to do with someone who has such little respect for themselves.”

“Grow up.” Oliver spat, Curtis’s hands balled into fists.

“Stop it, I’m not picking between you.”

“Fine,” Curtis snapped, “I know it’s going to be him, even if you were. So fuck both of you. I quit your fucking band.” He said then stormed out of the room.

I am Jack’s overwhelmed sense of confusion.
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If you've watched/read fight club you understand the 'I am Jack...' reference.
: ] Enjoy!