Status: Active

Pray To The Killer Stars


I passed Blake’s room for the tenth time, and I was still shying out of going in. What did he think of the kiss? Does he never want to see me again? Did I lose his friendship? Was I a good kisser? The questions swirled endlessly in my head threatening to make me pass out. I passed by his room again. This time though, I bumped into Hayley.

“Hey there Charles. Did you just come out of seeing Blake? How is he?” she smiled. I looked to my left avoiding her stare. To anyone else she looked normal, but to me she looked like a monster. Her eyes had a guilty look. Her lips had a crooked smile, and her hair was tousled and messy everyday. People thought she looked pretty, but all I could see was a monster.

“I haven’t gone to see him yet actually. I was coming from the vending machine. Are you going to see him now?” I asked curiously looking into the orbs of the girl. Mistake. Her eyes had a look of killing intent. It was almost as if the thought of her going to see him was reason to take a knife to someone’s heart.

“Yes I am. Do you want me to tell him you said ‘Hi’?” she asked. The look had disappeared and I calmed down, but I was scared not for me, but for Blake. I stepped in front of her blocking her way. She looked at me angrily. I flinched.

“I need to talk to him alone first though! It is important and personal.” I lied. She looked at me with that look and I was terrified.

“Okay, but tell him I will be there to check up on him in an hour. Okay?”

“Okay. Bye.” I ran into his room as she walked away. I closed the door and locked it. I didn’t notice how heavily I had been breathing until that moment. I put my hand on my chest and felt my heart beating at 100 miles per minute. My sweaty forehead rested on the door as I put the blinds down. Safe. I felt safe finally.

“um…” I heard Blake’s voice behind me. When I turned around my face was completely red, and so was his. He never looked away though. He stared me straight in the eye.

“Sorry… for the barging in….NOT MEANING I am NOT sorry for that, but I am! And…..Hi.” I hid my face in my hands trying to not cry my eyes out. I felt like a complete idiot. My words had gone faster than my heartbeat at that moment. Daring to spread my fingers to see Blake, I was astounded. He was laughing. It made my heart skip a beat.

“Oh my gosh! You are such an idiot ha-ha! Oh god! Oh and….. please…. Don’t be sorry….” The words sent shivers of cold feet and warm sensations of kissing him again rush through my body stirring up immense passion. Blake looked away and I could see his cheeks reddening even more.

“Oh. Okay then. I take back my apology.” I smiled. ‘He is so cute’ I thought. ‘ Wait WHAT AM I THINKING!’ I shook my head and the thought out of my mind. I looked back and saw him starring me down.

“I just broke up with Steph this morning. Well, she broke up with me. I refused to kiss her. She flipped out and got majorly depressed. Tell me. If we were together for so long, and if I loved her, why am I not crying? Why am I not even fazed by it?” Blake looked at me his eyes clouded with confusion. I wanted to hold him tight.

“I’m so sorry Blake. Oh my god! When did this happen? I don’t have a clue why. You might have moved on quicker than you expected? I am so sorry!” I said. I sat down in the available chair next to Blake. He looked down at his hands that were once again poking his stomach.

“But why did I move on quickly?” He didn’t look up. I could see the confusion building in his eyes. His frown burned me inside and out. I wanted to see him smile. I wanted to make him feel good. I leaned into him until I was inches away from his face.

“Do you want to hear what I think?” I lost all control of my body. I moved a tiny bit closer. I was just an inch away from him. I looked at his lips. They were moist and red. He licked them making them wet. When I looked into his eyes I saw they were fixed on my lips.

“Yeah.” He said under his breath. I smirked. I didn’t care anymore why I loved him. I just did. Plus, there was now nothing separating us. He wanted it just as bad as me. I saw it in his eyes and the way he looked at my lips with want.

“Do you really want to hear it?” I asked once again. Teasing him. He looked into my eyes with a look of complete want. It took everything I could just to not force myself on him.

“Yes!” He said eagerly.

“Say it.” I said with hot breath coming between us. I put my hand on the back of his head and the other hand on his leg. I situated him so he sat on me. He gasped hot steam onto me. I could feel him burning up.

“I want to hear it.” I smirked.

“Hear it or show it?” I asked. I saw his decision before he said it aloud.

“Show it.” With that I let go of control. I rushed into him. I brought his lips to mine. They were wet and tasted like him. His arm moved around my neck. I felt a rush of passion as it slid past me. At the same moment our mouths started to open and close upon each other.

His lips closed upon mine. Then they opened with warmth from his mouth floating into mine. I pulled on the back of his head to move closer to mine. Our lips were crushed against each other in passion. Both of our lips were damp.

I licked his lower lip. It was soft and tasty setting my senses on fire. He opened his mouth enough to allow my tongue to slip in. His tongue was slimy and smooth. I circled around his mouth. He tasted like salsa. Hot and Spicy. I slid my tongue across his mouth making him moan. The sound of his pleasure made me try harder to be the best.

I circled his tongue with mine as I rubbed his thigh. His body melted against mine sweaty with the heat and passion of the kiss. Finally I stopped. Our faces were centimeters away from each other. We breathed hard steamy breaths looking in the others orbs.

“That is why I think you moved on.” I said. He looked at me with a ‘no shit’ look.

“I love you.” He stared in my eyes.

“I love you too, Blake.”
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ooh Spicy! Things are heating up! :) leave a comment!

o and Tori I beat u 1,195 words! :P