Status: I don't even know...


It Isn't You

It had been 2 weeks since the last time the lollipops had hung out. Spring break just started so everyone was leaving the town. Except Adam and Erin.
Regularly, that would be a good thing, but recently, things hadn't been going so good between them. Ever since Adam had his hand on Erin's leg, things got weird. They weren't really talking anymore, and they'd only hang out when someone else was with them.

Erin, she wanted him so bad, but she couldn't because she knew he wouldn't be up for an actual relationship.
Adam wanted Erin so bad, but he couldn't. She'd never go for someone like him, and he'd never have the guts to ask her out.
So the two of them just pretended that what happened at Erin's party wasn't real, and just avoided the awkwardness between them. They thought it was what's best for both of them.

It was Saturday night, and the lollipops decided to hang out before the 4 of them were leaving.
Nikki and Andy were sitting together watching a movie. Amber and Mike were playing cards and flirting. And Erin and Adam were just watching their friends.
It was Erin who decided to try and start a conversation.

"Hey Adam, what's up?" She said while giving his arm a light punch.
"Oh not much, what about you Erin?" He said back not even looking at her.
"Meh, kinda bored. All these couples are starting to gross me out." She said jokingly trying to get him into a deeper conversation.
"Well I dunno, it seems cute. I've never had a girl-friend, and well, seeing our friends like this, it kinda makes me wonder what it's like." Adam said while looking down at his feet then looking back up at Erin. She had such a big smile on her face.
"Awwe, that's so adorable Adam!" She giggled while saying.
"Shut up!" He said while laughing too. In Erin's mind, she was really starting to get somewhere. She was almost certain that they were gonna be going out.
"Awe it's okay Adam. Why don't you just ask the person you like, out?" She said, trying to hint him.
"I would, but the thing is," He said while turning away. "I don't think she likes me back. And besides she's such a slut."
"Oh." Was all Erin could say, realizing that Adam didn't like her back. She felt hurt, but she couldn't let it show.
And with that, their tiny little conversation was over.

For the rest of the night, Erin sat wondering who he could like.
'Maybe it's Ashley. She's a little whore. Or maybe it's Vanessa.' She thought to herself.

Her thoughts kept going like that till Nikki and Amber came over to her.
"What's wrong sweet heart?" Nikki asked. The girls could always tell how one another was feeling. And it was very obvious that Erin was upset.
"Yeah Erin, what seems to be bothering you?" Asked Amber.
"Adam likes some slut instead of me. And I think I love him!" Erin said with so much sadness in her voice both Amber and Nikki couldn't help but hold her.
"Awe Er-bear, you deserve better than him. And he doesn't deserve someone as good as you!" Amber told Erin, trying to comfort her. And Nikki did the same.

Though on the other side of the room. The guys were having their own issues too.

"She's such a slut. Why can't she see that I like her? Why can't she just stop and only be mine?" Adam said complaining.
"Well if she's a slut, isn't that a good thing?" Mike said, nudging Adam trying to cheer him up.
"No. I want a girl that's sweet. The girl that Erin was before she started getting close with so many guys." Adam said angrier than before.
"Dude. Calm down. It's just a girl." Andy said trying to help.
And all Adam could say was:
"It's not just any girl though, it's the girl I've been in love with ever since we were little!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, I dunno if this is any good. I know it's short, but it's all I could really think of.
Tell me your opinion on it. (: