Through A Friend

Horror Movies And Broken Umbrellas

"Hey guys!" Josh said entering my room. "What took you so long?" I asked. "Oh, I washed my face and stuff, sorry." I just looked at him. Jake looked at me, then at him. I sighed, in relief, and in, well, disappointment. Josh sat next to Jake on the bed, "so what do you guys want to do? Anna?" They both looked at me, and I looked at the television, "movie?" Josh got up and went to my movie case, of course he would be the one to do so.

"Scary or funny?" He asked giving us both a steady stare, it felt awkward. "Scary, I guess, it has been a long while since I've seen a horror movie." I replied, wondering if that was a bad idea. He asked if we could look downstairs in my mother's movie case since I didn't have many scary movies in mine. We walked downstairs and went over to the movie case aside the front door.

"My Bloody Valentine!" He exclaimed, my mom gave us a stare and finally said, "Anna, you're going to watch that?" I just looked at her with a confused expression, "yeah, why?" She just shook her head, "it's scary," she said, walking away. We grabbed the movie and headed towards the steps when my sister, Isabella, met us at the bottom. "Oh, hey, Anna, Josh and..." She looked at me, asking me, with out words, who the one next to Josh was, "that's Jake, Josh's cousin." She looked Jake up and down, then looked at me and giggled a little, "hello, Jake." She skipped away into the kitchen with my mom. We just continued upstairs.

We finally got up there and I put the movie in. We all sat on the floor against my bed, I was in the middle, of course, no way would Josh make me sit on the outside of three people while watching a scary movie, he knew I would get scared. Starting to watch it, I heard my mom call upstairs, "dinner's ready!" Why was she making dinner at 9 PM? I don't know, I looked at the boys and walked out the door and down the steps.

"This is real good, Mel." Mel, is my mothers name, it's short for Melissa. We finished eatting and went back upstairs to continue the movie, we had an hour and a half before they had to leave. We sat in the same spots we were in last time and I pressed play, of course, I barely paid any attention to the movie, I just starred to my window, and watched the rain smash against it.

"Anna, it's time for us to head home," Josh explained after the movie went to a blurr. "Oh... Already? Okay. Just give me those clothes tomorrow or something." We walked downstairs and opened the front door to the wind blowing in our faces and rain hitting the ground so hard it was sure they would be soaked by the first few steps. Hail was crashing against the roof above the porch, they sounded like the size of baseballs, which I'm sure they weren't, but it was loud.

I sighed and shut the front door, searching for my mom's umbrella. "Mom, where is that blue and black striped umbrella you have?" I asked as my mom was watching television. "Your little cousin broke it yesterday," she lifted it, "I suppose it could still work." Another piece of metal hung from it. I sighed again, "can your mom pick you up or something?" I asked looking at the umbrella from an angle. "My dad's at work so he has the car." My mom, with her mouth full explained they could stay the night up in my brother's room. I didn't think that was such a good idea, I wanted to sleep, I was tired.

"Alright, Mel, thanks," Josh said to my mom as he grabbed the phone to call home, his mother said it was okay as long as they were home in the morning, if it wasn't raining. We grabbed a drink and headed towards the stairway, I told them they'll be sleeping in my brothers room and handed them the air mattress and more blankets out of the closet. Saying good night, and hearing it back, I closed my door, and pulled down my covers. "Oh, what a day," I said to myself, crawling onto the bed and underneith the covers. I displayed the day in my head, Josh's house, the party, the park, my room, just so much to understand. It wasn't long before I drifted off to sleep.
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I'm kind of having writers block, it SUCKS.