Status: On Hold, I'll pick it up again later :P

Square One

Chapter One

I started walking over to Chris’ house, feeling annoyed, and, when I got there I felt even more annoyed. Apparently I looked it too.

‘Hey! What’s wrong with you? And where’s Elle? ‘

‘She’s biking over with Molly, later. She said she would invite me, but she didn’t think I would want to be late. Then she hung up’

Chris raised his eyebrows and walked off.

‘I’m gunna go get changed, kay?’ he said ‘also, who invited Molly anyway?’

I stalked over to the bathroom to get changed. Elle had invited Molly over to our barbeque. Which was really annoying, because it was something that our three family’s had done forever, without anyone else.

The barbeque was always at Chris’ house, ‘cause they had a pool. It was a kinda strange pool, ‘cause it was above ground and was like a really big Paddeling Pool, and it wasn’t heated, which was what had inspired our Summer game all those years ago. Our game was called the Fly game, and we always played it for the last time before eating at the end of Summer Barbeque.

I walked out of the bathroom, and round to the front of the house. Molly and Elle were just arriving.

‘Hey!’ Called Elle

‘Hey!’ Parroted Molly

Then Molly turned to whisper something to Elle.

‘ Yeah, shes had that forever. I don’t think her mom will let her wear anything else’ replied Elle laughing , not even bothering to whisper.
I stared at her is disbelieve. I knew they were talking about my swimsuit. I was wearing my training swimsuit, but only cause my Bikini was all damp. Elle knew that, but she had lied, and laughed at me.

‘Don’t make that face sweetie’ she said over her shoulder as she walked over to the Deck, as she and molly had for some reason cycled over in there swimsuits.

Had she really just said that? I hadn’t done anything wrong, and she was getting all weird on me. She was ‘sweetie’ing me. Which she only ever did when she thought someone was really stupid, i’d seen her do it to other people.

‘lets go’ said a voice behind me.

I spun round, and seeing Chris I said

‘yeah, lets go. Oh and from before, I don’t know why molly is here.’

‘what? I never asked that! Elle asked if she could invite her and I said yes’

‘WHY?’ I almost shouted, which meant that Elle and Molly turned round and glared at me.

‘uhh? Have you seen Molly? She’s really hot!’ he said.

I rolled my eyes. This was going to be a long night.