Status: On Hold, I'll pick it up again later :P

Square One

Chapter Two

‘Yo’ I shout over to Elle and Molly, who are laying out on the deck. ‘kids, lets play the fly game.’

They both bothered to lift there heads, which looked like hard work. They looked at each other, rolled there eyes and slumped down again. After having had another quick whisper conference, Elle said:
‘There is no way that we are playing that. No way. At all’

‘What?’ I thought.

‘Its our tradition. We always play The Fly Game Elle, Remember.’ I said, hoping she had forgotten or something. I kinda knew she hadn’t though.

‘We can make new traditions.’ She Replied ‘Molly thinks so to. Any way, we are not little kids anymore. Its really childish, that game. ‘

There not traditions if there new. Who even gives a shit what molly thinks anyway? Also. I still thought that game was really fun! What was Elle’s problem? And she thought she wasn’t a little kid. Well she was acting like one! Ughhh... I could have screamed.

I turned away, to walk toward the Barbeque, choosing not to say anything. Elle would twist my words. She would say something stupid, to make Molly laugh. I new cause id seen her do the same thing to her sister and friends. And thats how Elle now thinks of me, i thought dramatically, like an annoying little sister. Great.

‘Hey’ Chris said, appearing with a hot dog and a bottle of ketchup, ‘did ya get the girls?’

I stared at him.

‘What?’ he said, looking mystified ‘Wadda I do?’
First of all, obviously, I had not got ‘the girls’ cause otherwise, they would be running round, or with me, or in the pool already. Secondly, i kinda resented not being included in ‘the girls’. I dunno why, but it really made me feel left out.

‘uhh.. What?’ I said vagule, hopping that would pass.

I guess it kinda worked, cause he gave me a funny look, but then carried on:

‘No. Seriously, where are Elle and Molly?’

‘They are not playing, as The Fly Game is to childish, and they don’t want to play, they said they can make new traditions.’

Chris looked confused for a second

‘Wait... How can you make a new tradition? That doesn’t even make sense’ he said finally.

So I wasn’t the only one! That was good.

‘Aw well, if they don’t wanna play, we cant force them.’ Said Chris

Wait. What?


‘ Well if they don’t wanna play, we are going to play. Duhh’ he said.

Wrong answer.

‘ I guess’
Chris started to wander off.

‘ Oh and Kitty?’

‘yeah?’ i answered looking up.

‘Why are you wearing that suit?’

‘ my normal one’s wet.’

‘ Oh just checking. Elle said something about you not being alound to wear the other one any more... ‘

I was Going to kill that girl... Or steal her bike... or * something *