

What does it really mean to be “heartbroken”?

Is heartbreak merely a term used to describe a disappointment after a breakup, or is it really something deeper?

From what I know, it’s that feeling you get when you feel like you’ve lost someone that once meant the world to you so abruptly. You feel like your drowning and you overlook every other marvel around you. Then again, I might be wrong.

It’s such an overused term, every perspective just boggles my mind into curiosity.

If you broke my heart, would I still be talking to you? Would I still have blindly waited for a chance that you couldn’t give me?

I wouldn’t have forced you to, I’d stand here and wait for it if it ever happens. I wanted you to be happy.

I look at you now and remember everything that once took hold of me. The memories, the good times, the arguments… this past seemed seemed to have been blurred by time, and now I’m standing here wondering, How significant was all that to you?

There are three things I remember clearly though:

The love. The happiness. The pain.

Do you call it heartbreak when I’m still trying to get you to like me again, even though the chances were so slim?

Now I know why I was hurt and why it had to end. I never really was sinking; I was just having trouble getting used to living without you. It’s all part of taking love’s risk, is it not? Everyone that falls in love let go of everything that hinders it. I knew that my regret would sweep me away at first. But I blinded myself. I blinded myself from expecting a pain that would hit the both of us eventually.

After all, only by confronting your darkest fears can you find the light.

You continue walking through the crowded grounds. Among the throngs, you seemed to be the only one who wore a genuine smile. I caught a glimpse of your giggle as your eyes curved to form the crescent moon. I was aware that my actions were that of a stalker, but I had no intentions of scaring you. Ignoring you was inevitable.

Your smile was contagious to everyone who would witness it.

But I knew happiness as such bore a teary secret. You were a person who cared much more about the emotions of others than yourself. Anyone could see that your heart was full of felicity, an individual anyone would hate to miss. Despite this, I saw the small cries in you, the endeavors of discouragements that tried to bring you down. You would push them away with an optimist’s heart.

You’ve got a spirit that could allure the hardest of men.

It makes me wonder why I let you go so easily. You were the one I once held. You were the one I gave myself to. You were the one that gave me the chance to love, the chance to fall, and the chance to learn.

I simply didn’t deserve you.

Did you really “break my heart”?

I look around me and examined the people that passed me by. It was indeed a typical crowd. She could hear whines, giggles, laughter, complaints, and many other sounds that would be typical to hear. Somewhere around her there was someone who was feeling lonely. Somewhere around her there was someone who didn’t understand. The world’s big enough for emotions to so easily circulate.

No… You didn’t. A heartbreak is when you get such a strong feeling that you can’t love again. Although I might not be the one living in your heart, I’d like to be a friend you can still rely on.

For the first time in a long while, Jessica curved her lips to form a smile that showed pure contentment. She decided to head on home for today and leave Tiffany be for now. Just as she turned around, a pair of familiar crescent-shaped eyes met hers. The lad gave her a smile and said, “Lost in your thoughts again, huh? Enjoy life for a while. Come on, let’s grab some ice cream. My treat.”
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Just a short drabble for my first post on here :)
Yes, this was a Yuri. Although, as you can see, it's only a short scene way after the breakup. It was written as a fan one-shot for a Korean girl group. I didn't bother changing the names, since I think what I have right now is the best I could keep for this ^^