‹ Prequel: Angel Warrior
Status: Active!




Mordecai watched as the man in a dark trench coat walked his way. Remaining in the shadows Mordecai waited until the man spoke first.

“I’m told you’re the one to go to when you need a job done.”

“Depends on the job,” Mordecai replied.

“Simple really, I need you to capture a girl for me.”

Mordecai raised an eyebrow, “You can’t catch a girl on your own?”

The man glared, “I don’t want just any girl. I want Hunter and Caley’s daughter, Ariella.”

This time both brows rose, “You want me to capture the princess?”

The man shrugged, “If that’s the way you want to look at it, yes.”

“And the price?”

“Complete immunity when all Hell literally breaks loose, for you and your sister.”

Mordecai smiled, “It’s a deal.”


“I don’t know if I’m ready.”

I smiled at the female soul, “You’re ready, trust me. You have nothing to worry about.”

Before the spirit could respond a portal opened, allowing a mighty lion to step through.

I smiled and bowed, “Hello, my Lord. I believe Samantha is ready to return home.”

The lion turned to the female spirit, Welcome home, my daughter.

I watched as the Lord lead Samantha to the portal, taking her home to Heaven.

Feeling proud I exit the temple that was built specially for the Lord to collect his lost souls. With high ceilings and marble walls the temple was an exact replica of the Lord’s temple in Heaven.

Even the two lions guarding the entrance were twins to the ones in Heaven.

Jogging down the temples steps I walked over to where Namir, the leopard spirit God had given me when I was born, was paying with one of Fallah and Dray’s pups.

Smiling I give the puppy a pat, his checker board white and black scales tingling my hand.

“Hey, Buddy, how are you?”

The little pup barks, chasing its own tail.

Laughing I rub Namir’s head and walk on to the palace, not flying since Buddy hasn’t learned how to use his wings yet.

“Mom!” I scream as I run up the palace’s steps, the dark brick soaking up the sun’s rays.

“She’s in the training room, my Lady.”

I smile and thank Joe, our doorman.

Laughing as Buddy races down the hall I take an immediate right, walking all the way down the long hallway. Entering the last door I quietly walk into the large room, watching with awe as my mom and dad fight.

“Come on, Angel, I’m starting to get bored here,” my father laughed.

My mom growled, sending another display of wicked sword skills and magical power, practically frying my dad.

My dad blocked her hits, making sure to dodge the fire energy she shot at him.

I continued to watch, amazed at how quickly they moved. When my mom used her wings to suspend her she brought down her sword to clash with my fathers.

The swords shock with the power of their forces, both metals shattering under the tension.

My mom landed by dad, laughing, “At this rate we’re going to have to start practicing with wooden swords, it’s getting expensive to make them out of metal.”

He smiled, “We’re just so good.”

Until now I’ve been silently watching them, but that was until they started kissing, “Eww, how many time do I have to tell you not to do that in public?”

My dad laughed, “Well, this was a private practice until someone snuck in.”

I smiled and lifted my own sword, “Well, since it’s so public now why don’t I just jump in?”

With a battle cry of my own I charge at my parents, my sword raised.
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