‹ Prequel: Angel Warrior
Status: Active!




I lay back in the wild flower field, my fingers twisting in the flowers, “Hey, mom?”


I looked to my left to see my mom’s head next to mine, her body stretched out the opposite mine was.

“Do you remember when you defeated Lucifer?”

She sighed sadly, “No, it’s still all a blank.”

“Do you think you’ll ever remember?”

“I don’t know, Ella. I don’t really think I will.”

I was about respond when a deep voice interrupted, “What’s all this talk about remembering?”

I look up to see my dad frowning down at us, “I just wanted to see if mom remembers anything new from when you guys fought Lucifer.”

He shook his head, “It’s in the past now, there’s no need to dwell on it.”

I smiled, “I figured you’d say that, which is why I didn’t bring it up until mom and I were alone.”

My mom laughed, letting my dad pull her up, “Well, since he’s here I suppose we should get back to work.”

Standing as well I smile at my parents, “If we have to.”

Dad laughed, “Why am I the bad guy?”

“Because, love, you’re all about work,” my mom supplied.

Laughing I leave my parents alone, flying with Namir besides me.

The way I see it, the more alone time they have, the sooner I won’t be an only child.

And I really want a little brother or sister.

Swooping down I glide over the buildings of Hell, the little homes and businesses filled with demons and lost souls.

As the sun set I banked to my left, heading home.

But something caught my eye. Just beyond the palace something reflected the fading sun’s light.

Narrowing my eyes I fly to the forest line, landing in front of the trees. With Namir beside me I walk into the forest, scanning for whatever could have made that reflection.

“Wrong move, Princess.”

Something heavy slammed into the back of my head, causing everything to black out.


“Send out as many demons and warriors as you can. I want her found now!”

Caley held onto Hunter’s hand tightly, tears running down her face as he growled orders at everyone.

“We’ll find her, Angel, I swear it.”

Pressing her face into his chest Caley let her sobs out, “Who would take her? Who would take our little girl?”

It’s been three hours since Namir returned, bloodied but not hurt too bad.

And without Ariella.


Turning around Caley ran to the powerful lion a few steps away, kneeling to burry her face in its mane, “My Lord, where is she? Please help us find her!”

The lion sighed, I cannot tell you where she is, but she is safe.

“What do you mean you can’t tell us?” Hunter growled.

This is her fate, she must go it alone Just as you and Caley did.

“Please, bring my baby back,” Caley cried quietly

I am sorry, but she must accomplish this on her own. Her fate was written before she was even born.

Hunter held back his tears as his Angel cried harder.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, this chapter is supposed to just inform you that Caley still doesn't remember...

And it actually starts the plot.

So I forgot that the Lord's voice is bolded in the last chapter, but I fixed it. Sorry to those who read it before I caught that...

And here are the larger pics of the characters:



Mordecai (I don't know what that is on his stomach, just ignore it, kay?)






