Fallin' for a Smooth Jack Whole


Terra Soto
Terra, Age 17, the OutSider. She lives in a Respectable Community in Miami, Florida; She is the school Well Known, Popular, Outcast of the top Prep School in the entire state; and the daughter of a Sergent and a Politician. Terra has always been a Dark, Quiet, Lost Misunderstood soul. Never had friends and stayed away from people, other then her four brothers and two sisters. She has been blessed with enough talent needed in life. She can sing, act, dance, and can direct like her life depended on it. When she makes little video's, they're mostly comedy. She is very loving, sweet, caring, passionate, giving person at one moment, and she will be willing to break your face the next.


Michael Jackson
Michael, Age 26, the Bad Ass. He is one of 9 kids, all spawn of the top gang leader in Miami. Anything you can think of that is illegal has been done by Joesph Jackson. Joseph has worked long and hard on his family name, starting with his six sons, all at the age of 18, beginning in the family business. Michael is Joseph's best "employee" and son. Michael does everything and anything Joseph asks. Michael helps carry out the family business in Miami. Every big-shot in Miami knows who the Jackson family is and know not to mess around with. Joseph has ties everywhere, and yes, including Law Enforcement. Michael may do bad things on a day to day basic but does have a kind heart of gold, deep, deep, incredibly deep down inside.