Crossing the Bridges Between Kingdoms

The Heiress

As I sit here alone, staring out at the endless flow of rain on this dark night, many deep thoughts fill my mind, causing me to feel unexplainable emotions. The light of a cloudless sunny day makes it easy to be cheerful but when the shadows of a dark and dreary night approach, the facade crumbles and reality swallows me again.
Knock, knock.
“Hajima? You alive in there?” A familiar voice calls quietly, comforting me instantly without even making an effort.
“Hayai, come on in. It's been awhile,”
The door to my large room opened slowly to reveal a young man. His hair was wet and slightly messy, so dark in fact, that you would never believe he was actually a fair blonde when his hair was dry. He stood about five feet and seven inches, with long and thin limbs and muscles. When he smiled, his bright blue eyes lit up and his dimples appeared. To me, this young man was my childhood friend, second to none, Hayai.
“How is the Moon Kingdom's heir this lovely evening?” Hayai said, smiling and bowing.
“I should ask you the same, heir to the Fire Kingdom. I am fine, however, thank you, your long awaited and unexpected visit saw to that,”
Hayai walked over gracefully with an unconscious air of nobility to where I sat on the windowsill. He bent his knees so that our eyes were on the same level.
“I can see right through you, you know? I think you've been pushing yourself too far! Come, stay with me and my family in the Fire Kingdom for a time,”
“Well, I--”
Hayai grabbed my hand and darted for the door, dragging me with him before I had any adequate time to answer.
“Shouldn't we tell my father?”
“Already done! Did you thing I would leave him to think you were kidnapped? Honestly Hajima!” Hayai said defensively.
We came to the grand staircase of the Moon Castle and stopped running. Hayai dropped my hand and began taking the stairs two at a time, a tribute to his energy level. I quickly devised a plan to get down the stairs ahead of him. As quickly and carefully as I could, I hoisted myself onto the railing and began to slide down. The look on Hayai's face as I passed him was absolutely priceless.
“I see the princess has some tricks up her sleeve. Impressively unprincesslike!”
“Even a princess can't behave perfectly all the time. Why, I'd go completely insane!”
Hayai and I fell into a fit of laughter. He was just the kind of person who could make your day as easily as he could breathe.
When we regained our breath and composure, we continued on towards the massive entrance of what would soon be my kingdom.
“Hayai, I envy you. You're so lucky to have been born a male,”
“Um, you say that?” Hayai asked, confused. Hayai stopped walking suddenly and turned back to face me.
“Well, you have no strings attached to ruling your kingdom. On the other hand, because I am a female, I have to marry within two months of assuming the throne of by law I forfeit rule,”
“Is that what you're so terribly worried about?” Hayai chuckled and ran a hand through his now dry and feathery blonde hair.
“Not funny....,” I pouted.
“Aww, come on Hajima. Don't give me that look,” Hayai said, acting hurt.
When I continued my pouting, Hayai decided to lift me up and twirl me around. I couldn't contain myself, and before long, I was giggling.
“Much better!” Hayai said, smiling. “Don't worry too much Hajima, everything will work out in the end,”
“Thank you Hayai, I don't know what I would do without you,”
♠ ♠ ♠
Well? Any thoughts? This story is one of my favorites I've ever written, although it's still a work in progress. I realize there aren't many characters yet, but more will be introduced in the next chapter or two. Anyway, thanks for reading! I hope you'll stick around for more! :D