Tutor Help!

Third Lesson: Argument

Kim was getting ready for the school festival. It had taken her a whole hour just to figure out what to wear. “I need something casual, but not sloppy. I won’t to look like I took just enough time getting ready, but not as much time as I really did. I don’t want Hannah thinking in some preppy girl who only thinks about her looks.” Kim was also planning inside her head what their schedule should be. “We should probably eat something when he first get there, something light though, just in case Hannah is one of those crazed ride fanatics. I wonder if I should wear makeup?”

Mean while a diabolical plan was being concocted. “My precious Hannah. I will make you mine. Such long, flowing red hair. I desperately want to see it let down and out of those silly braids and travel with the wind. Then I want those eyes, oh yes, those eyes made of the purist passion and fiery intentions! I want all of you my fine Hannah and I all ways get what I want.”

‘Ding, dong’ “That must be Hannah, lets see, hair? Check. Clothes? Check! Purse? Where’s my purse?” “Kim get down here! You’re keeping your friend waiting out in the cold.” “Just a minute Mom!”
“Goodness gracious.” Opens door. “Please dear come in before you catch a cold.”
“Thank you.” Hannah takes a few steps inside the door way. “What’s taking Kimmy so long?”
“Only Heaven knows. Kim? What’s taking you so long?” Yelled Kim’s mother up the stairs. “Sorry! It’s just, I can’t seem to find my purse any where.” Came Kim’s voice shouting back.

Kim started to laugh. “It’s something the matter?” Kim came to a small giggle and pulled an object out of her backpack. “Hey Kimmy! Is this what you’re looking for?” “What?” Kim swung open her door and ran to the edge of the stairs to look down. Then there in Hannah’s hand was Kim’s purse. She quickly ran down the stairs to retrieve it. “Where? When? How did you get this?” Kim stuttered. “You left it at my house you numbskull! I only realized this morning when I was brushing my hair. I saw it in the far right corner of my mirror. Apparently it had been hiding behind my door the entire time you were there. I usually never shut my door so be grateful I did today.”

Hannah was acting all high and mighty. Kim was red all the way up to her ears and didn’t know what to say. “Well know you’re ready so lets get going.” Hannah grabbed onto Kim’s arm and pulled her along. “Wait! I still need to-”
“Have fun!” Waved Kim’s mom as she shut the door smiling. Kim felt like she had been kidnapped by a beast or something. Then came back to reality and pulled away from Hannah. “Is something wrong?” Hannah stopped to turn. She saw that Kim’s face was still red, but had a very pissed off expression on it. “Did I do something wrong?” Kim didn’t answer for a moment, then came out screaming, “That was totally uncalled for! I mean, who drags someone out of their own house? Huh?”
“I just thought you were ready.” Kim said with a shocked expression on her face. Kim continued. “That’s just it! You only assumed I was ready, you could have just asked like normal people!”
Now Hannah was getting upset. “Oh? So I’m not normal enough for you?” Kim was just about to shout back, but paused. She hesitated to think where this would lead. Then spoke calmly back, “I’m sorry, and no, you’re fine the way you are. I was just, just a little nervous this morning about the festival. Okay, maybe more then a little, like, a lot. Still, I’m really sorry.”

Kim was looking at her feet as she played with her fingers. Hannah smiled and gave a small snicker in reply. “Come here.” Kim went to Hannah’s side. Hannah softly put her arm on Kim’s shoulder and bent down to kiss Kim’s head. “There, all better.”
“Yeah.” Kim said smiling she closed her eyes and lend. Her head was resting on Hannah’s breast. “They’re so soft and warm. Like a mothers hug.” Hannah only smiled. “Sure.”
The two of them just stood there for a minute, but then Hannah said, “We should probably get going, or we’ll miss the entire festival.”
“Oh, right. Lets get going then.” Kim started to walk away. “Wait!”
“Hm?” Kim stopped to turn around. Then saw that Hannah had stretched out her hand to her. “Lets go together.” Hannah said with a sweet smile. It all most made Kim brake into tears, but she wiped them away quickly and said, “All right.”