Status: FINISHED!!

Love for life

On the Run

Okay, I admit it. I didn't turn around. I just covered my eyes. I couldn't help but look at Nick's chest. His chest was perfectly tanned like the rest of his body. He also has a eight pack abs. The perfect combo. It compleatly worked with his black hair and electric blue eyes. I mean picture that one built guy, from that book that was a major hit and turned into a movie, Nick is five times hotter than him!
He's my prince in fuzzy wolf pelt. Then when they removed their pants I looked up at their faces. I saw the transformataion. First there is a spine crunching sound, then they fell to the ground. When they rise again they're on all fours. Muzzles slowly sprout from their faces and they start to sprout fur. Slowly they start to resemble wolves more and more. Nick's fur was night black with white speks -like the night sky. Alik's fur on the other hand was sand blond, with ocean blue patches -like an ocean.

How werewolves get their colouring I'll never know. I mean there are many possibilities. I'll ask next time I have the chance. But mean while I'll just stare at these cute little wolves beside me. Then the 'Nick' wolf nudged me and pointed it's black nose towards my house. My guess was it'strying to tell me we've got to be heading back towards my house so I can get my stuff. I nodded my head and at a running start head to my house. When I see the welcoming white brick, i feel safe. But I know I'm not. I enter through my bedroom window, man I was going to miss my room alot. I walked, well it was more of appeared with how fast I was moving. I pulled out my fifteen skirts. My three pairs of jeans, fourteen pairs of tights, ten blouces, and eight tee-shirts. I put all my make-up in my make-up bag. I put all my jewlery in my make-up bag, to save me room. I put my flats, runners, high-heels, and fifteen pairs of socks in with my clothing. I put seven-teen bras and twenty pairs of underwear in my clothing bag. I put my mp3 player in my bra and pulled my headphones out of my dresser and plugged them in to my mp3. I was set to go. I knew I had to leave one thing behind. The photo of Karlotta, Keir, and me. That was going to be painful. All in all, I was finished gathering my stuff and packing-
+3-3+2-en seconds. I jumped out my window with my stuff. It was a little less greaceful that I wanted but meh. We were off. Where we were headind, none of us knew.
"Wait. We have to turn back. I forgot my walet. Or atleast all my money. How are we going to stay places and how are you guys going to eat with out money?"
The 'Nick' wolf and the 'Alik' wolf just grunted and continued the way they were already heading. Damn what are they thinking. They were going to starve. Within seconds they were running full force. Then I smelt them. The bio-parents. Yuck. I ran full force away from them. They stopped from what I could tell to continue tracking. Then I remebered somthing. We ran by a camping site, a feast for them. I sprinted to catch up with Nick and Alik.
When I caught up with them they were in human form inside a cave. The cave was very big. Seven diffrent tunnels lead towards a cavern in the middle of the cave. Off of the cavern there is four diffrent exits to the outside of the cave. I only know this because I spent countless nights in here with Nick.
"Hey. Sorry we couldn't go back for any money. They were hot on our trail. We will survive. Unless 'Lella' re-generates quicker than expected." Nick said.
"Hey! Don't call her Lella. She made me do it! AND I HATED EVERY MOMENT OF IT!" Alik snapped back.
"Well you could have fought it. If you looked away like I told you it would have broke her concentration on you and the 'spell' would have been broken."
Alik had a look of sheer embaresment on his face now. I felt so bad. I honestly did. I felt like I just kicked a puppy in the side. It was so bad. Like I wanted to go die in a hole.
"Woah there Genevive, don't cry. I'm not upset. Breathe. Okay. Now how do we get out of here?" Alik asked.
"Don't worry they can't find us here. Genevive placed a spell around it. Once any one gets within one kilometers from any of the entrances all the entrances seal up. So we're okay for a few days. But Genevive will need to feed. So we'll leur humans, and..... animals. Here. So she can.... feed." Nick told Alik.
"But what about us!!!?" Alik yelled. "We will Starve. Die of hunger! Did you think of that Mr. Smart Guy? No you didn't"
"ALIK SHUT UP! We will not starve. Look in each of our back packs. We each have enough food for three weeks."
"Sorry bro. Just a little panic-ish. I mean I was just like sexually assulted by a vampire. No offence Genevive. But that chick was messed! I felt..... I don't know what I felt. But it was weird. Dude. Are you listening bro?"
"Give me a minute. Genevive looks blanked out."
"RUN! Get OUT OF HERE! RUN! Cru has re-generated, and she found one of the entrances! Run! WHY AM I STANDING HERE!!! I SHOULD BE RUNNING!" I hollered.
"Geneviva show your self. You know it's against the rules to break another vampires neck, then run. You stand there and KILL them! What, did the human traditions and the werewolf traditions kick in. Did they seep into your brain. Maybe I should-" Cruella was cut off. CRACK! "-AAAAAAAAAAUGH!"
With that Cruella fell to the ground life-less. Somebody had snaped her neck clean off. I was so confused.
"Genevive. Genevive hun. I killed her. I couldn't stand her calling you on. Calling you a chicken. Saying we brain washed you. But what do we do with the head? The body exploded into a cloud of dust."
"B.....B...Bur....Burn it. But why? Why did you attack her? She could have easily turned around and killed you. Didn't you know that!"
"Yes hun. Yes, I did. But I would have died with a true love. I would've died a hero."

Okay, I admit it. I didn't turn around. I just covered my eyes. I couldn't help but look at Nick's chest. His chest was perfectly tanned like the rest of his body. He also has a eight pack abs. The perfect combo. It compleatly worked with his black hair and electric blue eyes. I mean picture that one built guy, from that book that was a major hit and turned into a movie, Nick is five times hotter than him!
He's my prince in fuzzy wolf pelt. Then when they removed their pants I looked up at their faces. I saw the transformataion. First there is a spine crunching sound, then they fell to the ground. When they rise again they're on all fours. Muzzles slowly sprout from their faces and they start to sprout fur. Slowly they start to resemble wolves more and more. Nick's fur was night black with white speks -like the night sky. Alik's fur on the other hand was sand blond, with ocean blue patches -like an ocean.

How werewolves get their colouring I'll never know. I mean there are many possibilities. I'll ask next time I have the chance. But mean while I'll just stare at these cute little wolves beside me. Then the 'Nick' wolf nudged me and pointed it's black nose towards my house. My guess was it'strying to tell me we've got to be heading back towards my house so I can get my stuff. I nodded my head and at a running start head to my house. When I see the welcoming white brick, i feel safe. But I know I'm not. I enter through my bedroom window, man I was going to miss my room alot. I walked, well it was more of appeared with how fast I was moving. I pulled out my fifteen skirts. My three pairs of jeans, fourteen pairs of tights, ten blouces, and eight tee-shirts. I put all my make-up in my make-up bag. I put all my jewlery in my make-up bag, to save me room. I put my flats, runners, high-heels, and fifteen pairs of socks in with my clothing. I put seven-teen bras and twenty pairs of underwear in my clothing bag. I put my mp3 player in my bra and pulled my headphones out of my dresser and plugged them in to my mp3. I was set to go. I knew I had to leave one thing behind. The photo of Karlotta, Keir, and me. That was going to be painful. All in all, I was finished gathering my stuff and packing-
+3-3+2-en seconds. I jumped out my window with my stuff. It was a little less greaceful that I wanted but meh. We were off. Where we were headind, none of us knew.
"Wait. We have to turn back. I forgot my walet. Or atleast all my money. How are we going to stay places and how are you guys going to eat with out money?"
The 'Nick' wolf and the 'Alik' wolf just grunted and continued the way they were already heading. Damn what are they thinking. They were going to starve. Within seconds they were running full force. Then I smelt them. The bio-parents. Yuck. I ran full force away from them. They stopped from what I could tell to continue tracking. Then I remebered somthing. We ran by a camping site, a feast for them. I sprinted to catch up with Nick and Alik.
When I caught up with them they were in human form inside a cave. The cave was very big. Seven diffrent tunnels lead towards a cavern in the middle of the cave. Off of the cavern there is four diffrent exits to the outside of the cave. I only know this because I spent countless nights in here with Nick.
"Hey. Sorry we couldn't go back for any money. They were hot on our trail. We will survive. Unless 'Lella' re-generates quicker than expected." Nick said.
"Hey! Don't call her Lella. She made me do it! AND I HATED EVERY MOMENT OF IT!" Alik snapped back.
"Well you could have fought it. If you looked away like I told you it would have broke her concentration on you and the 'spell' would have been broken."
Alik had a look of sheer embaresment on his face now. I felt so bad. I honestly did. I felt like I just kicked a puppy in the side. It was so bad. Like I wanted to go die in a hole.
"Woah there Genevive, don't cry. I'm not upset. Breathe. Okay. Now how do we get out of here?" Alik asked.
"Don't worry they can't find us here. Genevive placed a spell around it. Once any one gets within one kilometers from any of the entrances all the entrances seal up. So we're okay for a few days. But Genevive will need to feed. So we'll leur humans, and..... animals. Here. So she can.... feed." Nick told Alik.
"But what about us!!!?" Alik yelled. "We will Starve. Die of hunger! Did you think of that Mr. Smart Guy? No you didn't"
"ALIK SHUT UP! We will not starve. Look in each of our back packs. We each have enough food for three weeks."
"Sorry bro. Just a little panic-ish. I mean I was just like sexually assulted by a vampire. No offence Genevive. But that chick was messed! I felt..... I don't know what I felt. But it was weird. Dude. Are you listening bro?"
"Give me a minute. Genevive looks blanked out."
"RUN! Get OUT OF HERE! RUN! Cru has re-generated, and she found one of the entrances! Run! WHY AM I STANDING HERE!!! I SHOULD BE RUNNING!" I hollered.
"Geneviva show your self. You know it's against the rules to break another vampires neck, then run. You stand there and KILL them! What, did the human traditions and the werewolf traditions kick in. Did they seep into your brain. Maybe I should-" Cruella was cut off. CRACK! "-AAAAAAAAAAUGH!"
With that Cruella fell to the ground life-less. Somebody had snaped her neck clean off. I was so confused.
"Genevive. Genevive hun. I killed her. I couldn't stand her calling you on. Calling you a chicken. Saying we brain washed you. But what do we do with the head? The body exploded into a cloud of dust."
"B.....B...Bur....Burn it. But why? Why did you attack her? She could have easily turned around and killed you. Didn't you know that!"
"Yes hun. Yes, I did. But I would have died with a true love. I would've died a hero."

Okay, I admit it. I didn't turn around. I just covered my eyes. I couldn't help but look at Nick's chest. His chest was perfectly tanned like the rest of his body. He also has a eight pack abs. The perfect combo. It compleatly worked with his black hair and electric blue eyes. I mean picture that one built guy, from that book that was a major hit and turned into a movie, Nick is five times hotter than him!
He's my prince in fuzzy wolf pelt. Then when they removed their pants I looked up at their faces. I saw the transformataion. First there is a spine crunching sound, then they fell to the ground. When they rise again they're on all fours. Muzzles slowly sprout from their faces and they start to sprout fur. Slowly they start to resemble wolves more and more. Nick's fur was night black with white speks -like the night sky. Alik's fur on the other hand was sand blond, with ocean blue patches -like an ocean.

How werewolves get their colouring I'll never know. I mean there are many possibilities. I'll ask next time I have the chance. But mean while I'll just stare at these cute little wolves beside me. Then the 'Nick' wolf nudged me and pointed it's black nose towards my house. My guess was it'strying to tell me we've got to be heading back towards my house so I can get my stuff. I nodded my head and at a running start head to my house. When I see the welcoming white brick, i feel safe. But I know I'm not. I enter through my bedroom window, man I was going to miss my room alot. I walked, well it was more of appeared with how fast I was moving. I pulled out my fifteen skirts. My three pairs of jeans, fourteen pairs of tights, ten blouces, and eight tee-shirts. I put all my make-up in my make-up bag. I put all my jewlery in my make-up bag, to save me room. I put my flats, runners, high-heels, and fifteen pairs of socks in with my clothing. I put seven-teen bras and twenty pairs of underwear in my clothing bag. I put my mp3 player in my bra and pulled my headphones out of my dresser and plugged them in to my mp3. I was set to go. I knew I had to leave one thing behind. The photo of Karlotta, Keir, and me. That was going to be painful. All in all, I was finished gathering my stuff and packing-
+3-3+2-en seconds. I jumped out my window with my stuff. It was a little less greaceful that I wanted but meh. We were off. Where we were headind, none of us knew.
"Wait. We have to turn back. I forgot my walet. Or atleast all my money. How are we going to stay places and how are you guys going to eat with out money?"
The 'Nick' wolf and the 'Alik' wolf just grunted and continued the way they were already heading. Damn what are they thinking. They were going to starve. Within seconds they were running full force. Then I smelt them. The bio-parents. Yuck. I ran full force away from them. They stopped from what I could tell to continue tracking. Then I remebered somthing. We ran by a camping site, a feast for them. I sprinted to catch up with Nick and Alik.
When I caught up with them they were in human form inside a cave. The cave was very big. Seven diffrent tunnels lead towards a cavern in the middle of the cave. Off of the cavern there is four diffrent exits to the outside of the cave. I only know this because I spent countless nights in here with Nick.
"Hey. Sorry we couldn't go back for any money. They were hot on our trail. We will survive. Unless 'Lella' re-generates quicker than expected." Nick said.
"Hey! Don't call her Lella. She made me do it! AND I HATED EVERY MOMENT OF IT!" Alik snapped back.
"Well you could have fought it. If you looked away like I told you it would have broke her concentration on you and the 'spell' would have been broken."
Alik had a look of sheer embaresment on his face now. I felt so bad. I honestly did. I felt like I just kicked a puppy in the side. It was so bad. Like I wanted to go die in a hole.
"Woah there Genevive, don't cry. I'm not upset. Breathe. Okay. Now how do we get out of here?" Alik asked.
"Don't worry they can't find us here. Genevive placed a spell around it. Once any one gets within one kilometers from any of the entrances all the entrances seal up. So we're okay for a few days. But Genevive will need to feed. So we'll leur humans, and..... animals. Here. So she can.... feed." Nick told Alik.
"But what about us!!!?" Alik yelled. "We will Starve. Die of hunger! Did you think of that Mr. Smart Guy? No you didn't"
"ALIK SHUT UP! We will not starve. Look in each of our back packs. We each have enough food for three weeks."
"Sorry bro. Just a little panic-ish. I mean I was just like sexually assulted by a vampire. No offence Genevive. But that chick was messed! I felt..... I don't know what I felt. But it was weird. Dude. Are you listening bro?"
"Give me a minute. Genevive looks blanked out."
"RUN! Get OUT OF HERE! RUN! Cru has re-generated, and she found one of the entrances! Run! WHY AM I STANDING HERE!!! I SHOULD BE RUNNING!" I hollered.
"Geneviva show your self. You know it's against the rules to break another vampires neck, then run. You stand there and KILL them! What, did the human traditions and the werewolf traditions kick in. Did they seep into your brain. Maybe I should-" Cruella was cut off. CRACK! "-AAAAAAAAAAUGH!"
With that Cruella fell to the ground life-less. Somebody had snaped her neck clean off. I was so confused.
"Genevive. Genevive hun. I killed her. I couldn't stand her calling you on. Calling you a chicken. Saying we brain washed you. But what do we do with the head? The body exploded into a cloud of dust."
"B.....B...Bur....Burn it. But why? Why did you attack her? She could have easily turned around and killed you. Didn't you know that!"
"Yes hun. Yes, I did. But I would have died with a true love. I would've died a hero."

Okay, I admit it. I didn't turn around. I just covered my eyes. I couldn't help but look at Nick's chest. His chest was perfectly tanned like the rest of his body. He also has a eight pack abs. The perfect combo. It compleatly worked with his black hair and electric blue eyes. I mean picture that one built guy, from that book that was a major hit and turned into a movie, Nick is five times hotter than him!
He's my prince in fuzzy wolf pelt. Then when they removed their pants I looked up at their faces. I saw the transformataion. First there is a spine crunching sound, then they fell to the ground. When they rise again they're on all fours. Muzzles slowly sprout from their faces and they start to sprout fur. Slowly they start to resemble wolves more and more. Nick's fur was night black with white speks -like the night sky. Alik's fur on the other hand was sand blond, with ocean blue patches -like an ocean.

How werewolves get their colouring I'll never know. I mean there are many possibilities. I'll ask next time I have the chance. But mean while I'll just stare at these cute little wolves beside me. Then the 'Nick' wolf nudged me and pointed it's black nose towards my house. My guess was it'strying to tell me we've got to be heading back towards my house so I can get my stuff. I nodded my head and at a running start head to my house. When I see the welcoming white brick, i feel safe. But I know I'm not. I enter through my bedroom window, man I was going to miss my room alot. I walked, well it was more of appeared with how fast I was moving. I pulled out my fifteen skirts. My three pairs of jeans, fourteen pairs of tights, ten blouces, and eight tee-shirts. I put all my make-up in my make-up bag. I put all my jewlery in my make-up bag, to save me room. I put my flats, runners, high-heels, and fifteen pairs of socks in with my clothing. I put seven-teen bras and twenty pairs of underwear in my clothing bag. I put my mp3 player in my bra and pulled my headphones out of my dresser and plugged them in to my mp3. I was set to go. I knew I had to leave one thing behind. The photo of Karlotta, Keir, and me. That was going to be painful. All in all, I was finished gathering my stuff and packing-
+3-3+2-en seconds. I jumped out my window with my stuff. It was a little less greaceful that I wanted but meh. We were off. Where we were headind, none of us knew.
"Wait. We have to turn back. I forgot my walet. Or atleast all my money. How are we going to stay places and how are you guys going to eat with out money?"
The 'Nick' wolf and the 'Alik' wolf just grunted and continued the way they were already heading. Damn what are they thinking. They were going to starve. Within seconds they were running full force. Then I smelt them. The bio-parents. Yuck. I ran full force away from them. They stopped from what I could tell to continue tracking. Then I remebered somthing. We ran by a camping site, a feast for them. I sprinted to catch up with Nick and Alik.
When I caught up with them they were in human form inside a cave. The cave was very big. Seven diffrent tunnels lead towards a cavern in the middle of the cave. Off of the cavern there is four diffrent exits to the outside of the cave. I only know this because I spent countless nights in here with Nick.
"Hey. Sorry we couldn't go back for any money. They were hot on our trail. We will survive. Unless 'Lella' re-generates quicker than expected." Nick said.
"Hey! Don't call her Lella. She made me do it! AND I HATED EVERY MOMENT OF IT!" Alik snapped back.
"Well you could have fought it. If you looked away like I told you it would have broke her concentration on you and the 'spell' would have been broken."
Alik had a look of sheer embaresment on his face now. I felt so bad. I honestly did. I felt like I just kicked a puppy in the side. It was so bad. Like I wanted to go die in a hole.
"Woah there Genevive, don't cry. I'm not upset. Breathe. Okay. Now how do we get out of here?" Alik asked.
"Don't worry they can't find us here. Genevive placed a spell around it. Once any one gets within one kilometers from any of the entrances all the entrances seal up. So we're okay for a few days. But Genevive will need to feed. So we'll leur humans, and..... animals. Here. So she can.... feed." Nick told Alik.
"But what about us!!!?" Alik yelled. "We will Starve. Die of hunger! Did you think of that Mr. Smart Guy? No you didn't"
"ALIK SHUT UP! We will not starve. Look in each of our back packs. We each have enough food for three weeks."
"Sorry bro. Just a little panic-ish. I mean I was just like sexually assulted by a vampire. No offence Genevive. But that chick was messed! I felt..... I don't know what I felt. But it was weird. Dude. Are you listening bro?"
"Give me a minute. Genevive looks blanked out."
"RUN! Get OUT OF HERE! RUN! Cru has re-generated, and she found one of the entrances! Run! WHY AM I STANDING HERE!!! I SHOULD BE RUNNING!" I hollered.
"Geneviva show your self. You know it's against the rules to break another vampires neck, then run. You stand there and KILL them! What, did the human traditions and the werewolf traditions kick in. Did they seep into your brain. Maybe I should-" Cruella was cut off. CRACK! "-AAAAAAAAAAUGH!"
With that Cruella fell to the ground life-less. Somebody had snaped her neck clean off. I was so confused.
"Genevive. Genevive hun. I killed her. I couldn't stand her calling you on. Calling you a chicken. Saying we brain washed you. But what do we do with the head? The body exploded into a cloud of dust."
"B.....B...Bur....Burn it. But why? Why did you attack her? She could have easily turned around and killed you. Didn't you know that!"
"Yes hun. Yes, I did. But I would have died with a true love. I would've died a hero."
♠ ♠ ♠
I personally hate this chapter. If you hate it, comment, if you like it, comment. So either way.... I'd like you to comment. Pretty, pretty, pretty please!!! :) Oh yeah. I know have writers block. I cannot think of anything to add to finish it!!