Status: Slowly Being updated My computer Broke : /

Me Myself and Time

The Past pains

It happened a year ago,It was my birthday it was a very happy day for me the one day i get for just being me. Tonight I was hanging out with my little sister Malissa and my boyfriend Derek, We were going to watch movies with Avalina but she left to go to a party. It was around 12am when we got a call Avalina needed a ride home because she is so drunk. When we three got to the party it was trashed the house a mess and i hate party's for three reasons. The Noise, drinking, and Nothing but people making out yeah lovely right? I finally found her and we got in the car. Now we were halfway home when Avalina Screamed making Derek slam on the breaks making the car behind us slam right into us Next Thing I knew I just saw Red and Passed out with the sounds of Malissa and avaline screaming At that Moment I Knew everything was wrong.

The only things I Remember from that Night is The Horrible Pain, and Derek said he loved me. Both things I wish I forgot, The sad part is my sister was so hung over she didn't even know that it was all her fault.

Most of the Time I cant remember My Past I mean Me, Malissa and Avalina have videos we made. from years ago. That night I got Brain Damage and I also Got Voice damage which means most likely I can never talk clearly again Much Less sing, I used to dance and sing around the house with my sisters now I just sit there, I read, I write I ignore everyone and They Ignore me.

You think the thing I hate most about my life is that every single day of my life I get made fun of for being Mute, But no I gave up all emotions on that Night. What hurts me the most is that My sister Avalina, No sorry Ava as she Prefers to be called now, Doesn't care that Our little sister was killed That night, She doesn't care that I could have been in a coma all she cared about was a few months after the accident she got a record deal And I was Forcefully moved to California.

Most of all If you ever read a single magazine that had any information on Ava Love, It would say she came from a small town and she is a single child, In her World I don't Exist.
♠ ♠ ♠
Avalina [ Ava] Victoria Love
Sophia [ Sophie] Lyric Love

So This is new im bored yup ! lol