Status: Active


Chapter 1

Tamara Saunders was a strange witch for her age, her dangerous and manipulated thoughts of her parents is what earned her pass into the Slytherin house, the strange thing about it was, she was a Muggle ; but no one quiet knew the truth of what she had to go back home to every summer, of what horrors she had witnessed, and what wanted to make her self-harm, of course nobody really paid no attention to her, as her deranged mind made her no friends, and so she sat down one of the many deserted halls of the Dungeons in Hogwarts castle with a blade at the ready; Tamara let the cold steely blade slide down her wrist as tears endlessly fell down her face and hit the floor with a clang; the blood ran freely and took her mind of things that she wanted to erase, she was in her ecstasy and she leaned back and closed her eyes with her wrists facing downwards.
“Miss Saunders, what do you think you are doing?” Creeped the inevitable voice of Severus Snape himself, his eyes darted to the blade, then to Tamara’s tear drenched face then back to the droplet’s of blood upon the floor, she just started at him as more tears fell.
“Come on, get up” Snape intervened as he pulled her up and lead her towards his classroom, he sat her down at a cluttered desk and offered her a steaming potion; “Drink it, it sooths the pain” He replied to her questioning look, she only shook her head and dropped her gaze to the slatted floor.
“Incomparío” muttered Snape and her cuts magically stitched up; “You will gain some scars with them cuts...” He drifted off; she shrugged and continued to stare at the floor.
“You can talk to me you know” He mumbled, it really wasn’t Snape’s thing, but Dumbledore had said to him he was the only teacher she may have a chance to confined in before she killed herself; so he had to make an effort for Tamara’s sake.
“I understand what you’re going through, I mean my life was pretty tough as a teenager” Snape further emitted; “I didn’t have any friends, people would bully me to the point I could take no more...I often thought as dying as a rem...” But she seem cut him off.
“It’s not about the bulling Snape” Her wide brown tortured eyes reached Snape’s black depths.
“Well what is it about?” Snape asked, edging closer to her as an act of comfort, she flinched and shook her head as more tears seemed to fall.
“My parents...” She murmured.
“Professor, I can’t stand living any more...Even since I was young dad has...abused me, in certain ways I can’t describe” She continued looking into Snape’s eyes as she lifted up her top slowly.
“What are you doing Miss Saunders...” Snape protested, but she didn’t stop, and upon her pale skin were large pink marks of abuse, stretching from her stomach to her abdomen, she pushed down her top and continued her story; “He’s also done other things...”
“Like what?” Snape asked, his tone worried as he watched the girl break down before him.
“He...He ‘s touched me...” She whispered looking back to the floor, Snape pushed her head up again and looked into her eyes; “ Would like me to make you forget everything?” He asked calmly yet sternly.
“Yes...” She gulped, he grabbed her hand and led her into a doorway, on the other side it contained a large circular room about five stories high with potion bottles all the way up; “You sure?” he asked.
“I’m...I don’t know” Tamara whispered, looking at all the glorious potion bottles before her, all colours imaginable, she dreamed, just wished that she could forget herself, what thtat wasn’t the way to solve the solution, she knew that from past events, she couldn’t just forget, she needed to deal with her emotions.
“Professor, I don’t think thats how I should deal with...with the memories” She muttered, then ran out of the room, out of the Dungeons and into the air; she smelt the pines as they inflicted her a welcoming breeze, she felt the cool spring hair flittering through her hair and saw the hills that rolled on into the distance, a mossy green, she heard the rustling of the leaves as her feet took her to a small clearing just before the forest, she sat down and wondered ; took out her sketch pad and started drawing to her death.
“Oi Mudblood!” Shouted a familiar voice, oh yes Malfoy.
“What do you want?” Tamara said in a bored tone, her eyes half-closed.
“I want you” Malfoy replied, strutting over to her with all the confidence in the world, Tamara screwed up her face with confusion at his remark.
“Haha, you face, I was only joking mudblood” He chanted, taking a running jump and landing next to her wit his hands behind his head.
“Nice drawing Saunders, shame you’re a mudblood” He joked; Tamara knew enough of being called a mudblood all her life, even though she is in Slytherin, they kind of keep it mutual.
“Malfoy, how many times have I told you not to go near me, I may kill you” She threatened warningly, baring her teeth slightly; “you’re not a vampire are you?” He asked, shifting slightly away from her; “No, but if you call me ‘mudblood’ one last time Malfoy, I will seriously hurt you” She growled, getting back to her drawing; “What ever mudblood” He grinned milaciously, Tamara slowly turned her head in his direction and punced on him, she bit everwhere she could find, even his neck and left of picked up her sketchbook and sat back down.
“Thanks a fucking lot...looks like I have a load of hickys all over me now!” He snarled annoyingly; “Good, now will you leave me be?”
“Fine, see you in Potions” He finished as he walked away quickly, trying to cover his arms.
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may be ajust a short story, i need something to get me going for the sequal of "A Taste of Mudbloods"