Status: Slowly becoming active.

The Fire in Your Heart is Out

Like the brightest star you shine through.

"What did you say Jamie?"
"Nothing Hayden, nothing, let's go to bed."
"Okay, night."
I swear he said something under his breath, I just couldn't hear that good. Shit, I need to call Kala tomorrow or she'll be really bitchy, oh well I thought right before I had fallen into a restless sleep, only to be awoke at 6 by none other than Jamie, did I hit him? I sure was sweating, disgusting, I didn't want to be seen like this.
"Hayden! Are you alright, hun?"
"Yeah, yeah, just another dream."
"Jamie, calm down."
"No! You are going to break up with her, today!"
"No, Jamiee." I said ringing out his name.
"It's for your own good, please?"
"Fine, but you have to be my bodyguard so I don't die."
When we got ready for school I didn't think about how Jamie was gay, nor did I think about how taking all of my clothes off and changing in front of him would do something, I really should think things through more.
"Dude, Hayden, WHAT THE FUCK!?"
"What?" then I saw exactly what he was talking about, either his boxers just randomly grew or he had a problem, a big one at that.
"Er, sorry, I forgot." I said pulling my boxers back on.
"Just go get in your shower. I'll use the guest bathroom."
"What are you going to do?"
"Take a really fucking cold ass shower to get rid of this." He said pointing to his groin.
"Oh, okay." I replied blushing madly.
Well today is going to be interesting to say the least.
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Okay, I just hadddddd to put in the boner part xD so funny. I'm sorry it's so short, I just thought it'd end nicely there.