Status: Slowly becoming active.

The Fire in Your Heart is Out

So it seems I'm not breathing

Jamie's POV:
Hayden and I decided to stop by Starbuck's on the way to school. His dad took the day off on account that he had the flu, which was lovely because that gave Hayden a car to drive for the day. On the way there, we talked about how Hayden was going to break up with Kala. To be completely honest, I was a little worried about her reaction. I knew she would be uber pissed, and she would probably take every bit of rage she had out on Hayden. As we arrived, the conversation came to a close. We both ordered carmel macchiatos, and they were extremely enjoyable. After we finished our tasty treats, we got back into Hayden's dad's '68 Camaro and headed to school.

We arrived about five minutes before the bell rang to begin the hellacious gym class that Hayden and I shared, and even greater, Kala shared it with us as well. Good thing we don't need to go to our lockers or anything because we surely would have been late, and personally, I can not afford another tardy or I shall be exiled to ALC, which is, to me, the ninth circle of hell. But anyway, as Hayden and I strolled into the gym, Kala ran up to him and kissed him. I can't say I wasn't a little jealous that she could do that, and I couldn't, but I had to keep this all a secret, you see. As soon as she took her lips from his, she slapped him right across the face, and he just took it.

She said to him, "Why the fuck did you not call me yesterday?! What the hell?"

He said in return, "I shouldn't have to call you every single day. I see no reason. I don't even fucking like you anymore."

She threw her fist towards his face, but I stopped her midway. And I told her, "You will NEVER touch him like this again, EVER. He doesn't deserve to deal with that shit."

Hayden said suddenly, "It's threw. We're done. I never want to see you or speak to you ever again."

She replied, "You're only doing this because of Jamie. He talked you into it. He hates me, and you know it's true. You'll regret this. Oh, boy, you WILL regret this. This is the dumbest thing you've ever done!"

She looked at me with the most sickening face I have ever seen in my life, and I did not care one bit. Hayden shouldn't have to put up with her. No one should, really.

"BYE, YOU DUMB BITCH!" Hayden yelled as we walked away from her. You could see her trembling in a way that she could barley stand. I knew she was going to get her revenge. I just couldn't think of how.

After gym class, we moved on to second block. Hayden and I didn't have this class together, but unfortunately, Kala was in his class. I couldn't walk him to class to ensure his safety because my class was all the way on the other side of out two story school, and I just didn't have time. So, I sat through all of my math class worrying about him. I tried texting him, but I couldn't get service anywhere. Waiting on the bell to ring, I looked out the wide, rectangular window in the door and noticed Kala walking down the hall. I felt my heart drop as I saw her hair was a mess, her make up was running from the tears, and a few scratches on her face. The bell had rung in that moment, and I rushed out of the classroom.

I ran up to her and jerked her around to face me and I asked, "Where the fuck is Hayden?"

She replied with a slight grin, "The hospital."

She walked away slowly towards the principal's office. I ran for Hayden's dad's car. Thankfully, he left the keys under the seat for some reason. I headed for the hospital. I felt the strong feeling of animosity racing through my veins. I wanted her to be sent straight to the pits of hell.

I pulled into the ER parking lot, locked the car doors, and ran into the waiting room. I checked to see if he was there, and sure enough, he was. The receptionist told me I had to wait, but I just couldn't. After a few minutes of begging she let me go into his room. I saw him lying in the hospital bed, beaten. Tears almost came to my eyes seeing him like this and knowing it was that she-devils fault.

I slowly walked toward him and said, "Hayden? What happened? What did she do?"

He replied in weary, weak voice, "In the hallway, she got me. Drug me outside where no one could see and beat me senseless. I tried to fight back, but she's so strong."

"It's alright, Hayden. You don't have to worry about her ever again. She's being sent to juvy, I heard, because apparently you weren't the first to get battered by her."

"Hahaha. It's kind of shitty though. I mean, I got beat up by a girl. What the fuck."

"Well you seem to be making a quick recovery from what I see, hah."

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna be alright. When can I get out of here?"

"I guess now is as good as ever. I drove your dad's car over here, by the way."

"I don't want to go back to school. You wanna cut?"

"Sure," I guess I'll be alright in ALC I thought, "but we need to make sure that Kala won't be a problem anymore. Seriously, she sucks."

"Alrighty. Let's get the fuck outta here. Hospitals give me the creeps!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Poooooor Kala.