Done By The Hands Of A Broken Artist

Done By The Hnads Of Broken Artist [Prologue.]

Ryan and Brendon were sitting on their couch, watching Dane Cook’s Vicious Circle. At this point in time, it was at Relationshit. They were both giggling as they were watching it, until Ryan looked at Brendon.

“We won’t ever have nothing fights, right?”

Brendon smirked at him and rolled his eyes. “You’re a dork. That’s totally not even real. Like, why would people still want to be with each other if they know it’s gonna end up that way?”

“Bren, I’m serious!”

He kept smirking. “No, we won’t, baby.”

Ryan smiled and kissed Brendon’s cheek before resting his head back on his shoulder.

- - -

“Hey, Brendon, do you know where my green v-neck is?” Ryan was searching through his dresser drawers for the second time, hoping he missed it by mistake.

“Yeah, you told me to put it with the Goodwill bags,” Brendon answered, keeping his eyes fixated on the television. Ryan frowned and sighed.

“Were those the bags we dropped off yesterday?”


Ryan pouted and walked out in the living room, sitting down next to Brendon as he started sulking.

“Ry, it’s a shirt, you’ll live.” Brendon said as he slid his arm around Ryan’s shoulders. He kept pouting.

“Yeah, but it was my favorite shirt.”

Brendon kept staring at the TV, shrugging. “Whatever. It was like, a puke color. And it made you look like a girl. I didn’t like it.”

Ryan furrowed his eyebrows. “You’re the one who got me that shirt in the first place. Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

“That’s exactly why I didn’t say anything. And I knew you’d have a bitch fit.”

Ryan almost had a facial expression with disgust as he looked over at his boyfriend.”Why the hell are you being such an asshole today?”

Brendon shrugged again. “Tired, I guess.” he answered, before leaning over and kissing Ryan’s cheek.

Ryan pushed him away. “So, first you’re a bitch, and now you’re sucking up to me?”

Brendon groaned and rolled his eyes. “Yeah, because you’ll have a fucking bitch fit. Just forget about it, Ryan.” he said, standing up and walking over to turn off the television. He started his way to their bedroom when Ryan stood up and walked past him, reaching the bedroom before Brendon did.

“Then you can forget about sleeping in my bed tonight,” he said almost too harshly. Ryan soon forgot about it when he went to grab a pillow and spare blanket from the hallway closet, shoving them into Brendon’s arms and glaring at him.

That’s when Brendon looked at him and started pouting. “Baabe! I was totally messing with you!”

Ryan turned around and walked in the bedroom, slamming the door shut before getting ready for bed.

- - -

Things after that small nothing fight only went downhill for the two lovers. Brendon would purposely leave his things on the bathroom counter for Ryan to clean up, same with his dishes and clothes. Ryan stopped cleaning up Brendon’s messes, and their apartment soon became a pigsty. Honestly, you couldn’t tell the difference.

Brendon eventually started cleaning up his messes, only with Ryan up his ass the whole time (but not literally). Brendon would complain about every thing, until Ryan eventually took up his usual chores again because he loved Brendon so goddamn much.

Soon after that, Brendon got sick of Ryan always complaining to make him do his chores or to walk the dog or to even take a shower.

He refused to go to work, making Ryan work more during his week and making more chores for him. He never got anymore free time, either with him or Brendon. They would never make love anymore, they would never have meaningless conversations anymore that meant so much to Ryan.

One day Brendon packed all of his things. He cleaned the apartment for one, and did a damn good job of it too, while cleaning, he made sure he got every single thing of his. He made dinner that night, knowing how much Ryan loved Italian food, especially when Brendon would make it.

When Ryan got home, he was very much impressed to see the place was spotless, and the smell of good food was in the air. Ryan walked into the kitchen and grinned at Brendon.

“What’s all this for?”

Brendon looked at him and smiled. “I thought you could use a break.”

They both sat down for dinner, having one of those meaningless conversations that Ryan loved so much. Brendon had kissed him so many times, he was sure his lips were bleeding. Brendon was starting to clean up the dishes and put them away when he looked at Ryan, smiling sadly and sighing.

“Ryan, I want to break up.”

Ryan was holding his breath the moment those words left Brendon’s lips. He bit the inside of his cheek, trying desperately to keep his cool. It didn’t work. He practically burst into tears, holding his head in his hands. He knew it was coming soon. He knew he couldn’t stop it either, but he didn’t expect it to be like this. Tonight would have been perfect. It broke his heart.

Brendon sighed and bit his lip, almost regretting what he said. He knew it was his fault their relationship was failing. He knew if he had just helped Ryan instead of being lazy, they would probably have been engaged, most likely even married by now. This broke his heart as well, but he shook his head at himself.

“I’m so sorry, Ryan. I know you can find someone better than me. Really.”

Ryan just kept crying. Brendon almost thought he didn’t even hear what he said, but he turned and finished washing the dishes, grabbing the towel next to his sink before he turned back around and walked over to Ryan, kneeling down next to him and hugging him tight and close. He started crying too, because their bodies molded so well together. It was almost wrong to let go of him, even just the slightest bit. Ryan was shaking as he kept crying. Brendon knew he was only making it worse by holding him.

Ryan finally took in a deep breath, biting the inside of his cheek again. “I love you s-so much, Brendon. Please don’t leave me,” he said, frowning and starting to cry even harder.

Brendon frowned and kissed Ryan’s cheek. “I know, Ry.”

He stood up and walked to their room, grabbing his bags before walking out, catching a glimpse of Ryan in the kitchen before he left. He was crying just as hard as Ryan.