Status: active..sort of..will update as soon as i can...

I am Not Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf

Reality Check


I opened my eyes as I switched off my alarm clock. I looked out of my window and saw that it was still dark.


I got up and started preparing for school. It’s a good thing that I finally finished my science project since I needed the extra credit.

As I got downstairs to the kitchen, I took my time preparing breakfast for my dad and of course, eating some of the leftover food from last night.

When I looked out the window, I saw the sun rising now, that means...

Oh God!

I finished up eating and hurried out the door while making sure I had everything for school with me..including my favourite red hoodie.

When I got by the other side of the road, I looked at my house and saw the silhouette of my father just entering the kitchen. I gave a little wince of almost being with the same room as him.

With a sigh, I started my long walk to school which is really no big deal for me. It’s always like that for years and it never bothers me. I guess I like being alone..even for a little while.

As I entered the school, I met up with my friend Lilly Sanders who was by my locker looking all happy and smiles.

“Hi!”, she practically yelled when I approached.

“Do you really have to say that loud?”, I teased her as I put some of my stuff at the locker. I was so tired because of the walk but I can’t complain about it.

“Of course, I should. Monday mornings should be started with a big, big bang. And there is nothing happier than giving my very best friend a loud, LOUD hi!”, she explained.

Aww, when Lilly gets to be like this, it always nice to be at school.

“Well, best friend, shall we go to class now?”, I asked as I stretched my hand.

She giggled and took my hand with a nod.

The morning passed with the usual boring lecture and tests. Maybe, I’ll take back the “school is nice” thing.

When I got to the cafeteria, I saw Lilly waving her hands wildly to our table. That girl is really hyper.

I was about to reach her when I got bumped by someone that I almost fell over the person sitting at one of the tables. When I glanced over, I saw Veronica Lison, the Queen Bee of the school and her fellow minions sneering at me. Honestly, I don’t even know who made her the “queen bee”. I guess it’s because of how many boyfriends she had or how many she did “it” with.

“Watch yourself, freak! I hate spoiling my day because of your germs!”, her high-pitched voice said to me making her look like a witch that she really was.

“Oh just shove off, Veronica! Mornings are worth being spent at the toilet than with you.”, Lilly said to her from behind making all those around us laugh at her.

I saw Veronica’s face go red and muttered to me lowly, “You’re gonna pay, little miss freak. You’ll pay!”

Then, they walked out of the cafeteria like they own it. Well, they practically do but heck, it’s not like I have to acknowledge it.

“Don’t mind them. They’re just bitches who have nothing to do but stare at the mirror and praise themselves. They are so pathetic.”

I smiled at Lilly as we made back to our own table. We maybe branded by some of the people here as outcasts but we stick together no matter what.

“You know, you should fight a little more. I mean, I know you can handle someone like Veronica. That way, at least she wouldn’t pick on you too much.”

I gave her a sad smile and said, “Just let her be. I don’t want to fight her any more than I have with my problems. You know that, right?”

“I know that. But did things got worse? You can tell me. I’ll always be here.”

“I’m fine. Don’t worry.”, I said to her while giving her an assuring smile.

She frowned at me but didn’t ask anymore. It’s better like that. I don’t want Lilly to get caught with my own problems but at least, she’s always there for me.

The day goes on as always and by the time classes are over, I found myself waiting for Lilly by the stairs. She said she will meet me there and I said it’s okay. It’s better than going home anyway.

As I waited, I saw a lot of people running to who knows where and my curiosity got to me so I followed them. When we got to the back of the school near the fences, I heard people shouting and cheering as a crowd formed.

I looked out from afar and saw two boys circling each other like animals waiting for someone to strike first. It was some kind of brawl or something. I moved closer to see who were in it.

When I almost got at the front, I saw a tall boy who I don’t really know but from his looks, I say he’s in some kind of gang or something with his muscular physique and tattoos and piercings. Definitely a gangster.

I looked at the other boy and was actually surprised because who I saw was the most popular bad boy of our school, Lance Shadows standing straight and never leaving his eyes from his opponent.

They stared at each other as they circled then suddenly, the tall boy lunged for Lance but he dodged it and then, managed to punch him in the gut. When the boy staggered, Lance delivered an uppercut and then a kick making the boy slid off the ground.

When it looked like the boy can’t stand up, everyone erupted in cheers. I saw Lance smirking at the fallen boy and turned around to a group of boys as they reached out bundles of money at him. They seem too nervous and a bit shaken due to the fight.

So it was some kind of bet. And, I thought someone got hurt or something, then again, someone did, but I don’t want to be caught up with this kind of things.

I was about to turn around when I noticed the fallen boy standing up with a pocket knife drawn out from his pants. Lance wasn’t looking and seem too busy with his own group of friends and counting his money. When I saw the boy was about to strike him at the back, I screamed for him to look out.

Suddenly, Lance managed to dodge it easily as he gripped the boy’s arm and twisted it to his back. I noticed him saying something to the boy’s ear and it actually made him pee at his pants whatever he said to him.

He pushed the boy away from him and then, everyone yelled and shouted again in cheers and roars. It was pretty hectic and I almost got engulfed by the people when I felt someone grabbing my arm and pulling me away.

“Hey, what are you doing there?”, Lilly asked me as we got out of the crowd.

I gave a sigh of relief and said, “It’s nothing. I just thought it was some kind of big thing.”

“Well, it looks like a big thing. That’s Lance Shadows, girl! It’s like going on a concert or something bigger. You’re lucky you got to watch the whole thing.”, she exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes and said, “Well, it’s finish now so let’s go.”

“Yeah, yeah. Come on, I don’t want you getting into trouble again.”

As we started walking away, I risked a glance to what’s left of the crowd and saw Lance Shadows looking straight at me.

What the?! Why is he looking at me? I didn’t do anything wrong, did I?

Without thinking, I turned around and started walking faster. I heard Lilly to wait for her but I just kept going until we were halfway from my house. She asked me why but I just gave a lame excuse and went to our separate ways.

When I got back to my house, I hesitated opening the door. As I entered, I saw my Dad sprawled out in the couch with a beer bottle in his hand and watching his football game.

“Hi, Dad...”, I said meekly.

He glanced at me and slurred, “Where you’ve been, girl? It’s almost night time.”

“I-I waited for Lilly to come out of school. She..she a-asked me to wait for her.”, I explained nervously.

He stood up and smacked me at the face so fast that I didn’t even get to defend myself.

“You and your dumb excuses! Why don’t you just be more responsible, huh?! Isn’t that why I waste my money on your stupid schooling?!”, he yelled at me.

I held my swollen cheek and said, “I-I’m sorry, Dad. I w-won’t do it a-again.”

“Just go upstairs, you stupid girl. And no dinner for you!”, he said as he got back to watching his game.

So I went upstairs, trying to fight back the tears that are threatening to fall off my face. I don’t want to seem so weak. I’ve already tolerated so many years of my life for this and crying won’t help.

Once in my room, I splashed some cool water to my face from my bathroom to ease some of the swollenness of my cheek.

Well at least it didn’t get any worse, I said more to myself.

With a sigh, I lay down to my bed and looked up my ceiling.

I just wish my life isn’t like this. Or that my Dad wouldn’t be so drunk that he had to hurt me. Or that at least my mom is still here to comfort me and take care of me.

But my life isn’t really like that, is it?

My name is Noelle Samantha Briggs and this is my reality.
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