Status: active..sort of..will update as soon as i can...

I am Not Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf

You're Afraid

Okay, lunch is now officially the stupidest period of the day.

Why do I have to meet him at lunch anyway? It’s not like we would be really partners. I could always ask the teacher to change or something. But then again, knowing him, he has his ways and I don’t want to know what they are. I just want out and I want out NOW!

If I go now to the teacher, I might still make it before lunch is over. With that, I turned around as I was just about to enter the cafeteria doors when I bumped into something tall, large and freaking strong!

“Woah! You okay?”, the wall told me as strong hands gripped my arms to steady me.

I looked up to see not one but two Jasons standing in front of me. What the?!

I must have looked like an idiot because the other guy was chuckling while the other one is rolling his eyes at me.

“Don’t worry. You’re not delusional. I’m Jaren, by the way. The other one whom I presume you’ve already met is Jason.”, the one on the left explained as he extended his hand for me to shake.

As I did, I can’t help but look at them both. First to Jaren, then to Jason, then back again.

Jaren just kept chuckling at my expression while Jason crossed his arms in exasperation.

“Can we go now?”, Jason muttered lowly.

“Go?”, I asked confused.

“To the back of the school, of course. That’s where the pack usually hangs out.”

“Pack?”,I asked more confused.

“Yeah. I mean, Lance told us to fetch you since you might not know where to meet us anyway, so here we are.”

Oh no, they don’t mean –

“So come on! We can’t make Lance wait. He hates it when we make him wait.”

“B-but I..I...”

“Come on!”, Jaren exclaimed as he put a hand in my back and urged me to walk with him with Jason following right at my other side.

I didn’t get to say anything anymore as I dreaded what will happen next.

As we made it at the back of the school, I saw fewer and fewer students roaming around. Some of them are even notorious for their reputation making me shiver at that thought.

We got closer to a bench and I recognized some of the people sitting by it. Especially the guy who was now standing up with a grin in his face. I can’t wait to wipe it off of him.

“So, you came.”, Lance said as Jason and Jaren moved closer to the bench and sat down.

“Like I had a choice.”, I grumbled to myself.

Lance nodded to a seat between Jason and Jaren making me seat down in suppressed annoyance.

“So, who’s the girl, Lance?”, a guy with a black cap asked.

“My partner.”, Lance answered as he sat down across from me.

“How many times do I have to tell you? I am not your partner!”

“Oohhh! She’s feisty, Lance. I think I’m gonna like her.”, a girl in a ponytail and heavy eyeliner said.

“Hahaha! So am I! Hey, what’s your name by the way?”, the black capped guy asked me.


“Really?! You’re that Noelle? Well, I’ll be damned!”

Everyone exchanged snickers and laughs as they made snide comments to Lance about me being there.

What’s wrong with me being here anyway? And how did they know my name? I am so confused.

“Okay, enough already.”, he muttered with a growl as everybody hid their smiles and chuckles.

“ I know you?”, I asked totally confused.

“No, you don’t. But I might as well introduce you to them. You already met Jason and Jaren, right?”, Lance pointed out to the two boys beside me.

“The one with the ponytail is Sylvia and the guy with the black cap is Derrick.”, he finished.

“Nice to meet all of you.”, I politely nodded to them.

Sylvia grinned widely and with outstretched arms hugged me with eagerness.

“’re so cute. I knew we’re gonna be good friends when I first looked at you. I just knew it!”, she exclaimed. I squirmed a bit but nonetheless, blushed by her reaction.

“Hey, Noelle, tell me. What’s this project you and Lance are in?”, Derrick asked as he move closer by sitting at the table.

“’s..we’re not really..I mean...”

“It’s a project in English. We’re supposed to be acting some kind of play about some stupid novel.”, Lance answered for me.

“Oh, you mean that. Ugghh! That was just so lame. I got to be partner with this girl named Lexi and damn is she stupid.”, Jaren shuddered as he told us.

“Lexi? You mean one of Veronica’s lackeys?! Damn dude, you are so unlucky!”, Derrick sympathised.

“Tell me about it.”, Jaren grumbled back.

Everyone laughed by then but I still haven’t made my point out to Lance. Why can’t he just leave me alone?

“Listen, Lance, I don’t think –“, I started.

Then, the ball rang. Shoot!

All of them started getting up that I stumbled to grasp Lance’s arm to stop him from walking away.

“Wait! We still haven’t talked about the project yet. And, I am still not going to be your partner.”

“Of course, you are. Didn’t the teacher clear that up?”

“But, that’s not it. We just can’t.”, I persuaded.

He gave a grave sigh and stated, “You’re afraid.”

“W-what?”, I stammered.

“You’re afraid. Afraid of letting anyone near you. You’re afraid that if anyone did then, you’ll risk being open to them. You’re afraid that people will understand.”, he stated fiercely making me let go of him.

“T-that’s..that’s not it. I-I...”

“Even if you tell me that you’re not, you know you can’t lie to your own heart.”

I looked up at him dumbfounded, speechless to his words. How did he know? And why is he doing this if he knew why?

He smiled lightly and said, “I’ll meet you at the parking lot. We’ll go by my house after school to talk about the project, okay?”

He brushed his fingers in my cheek and then, walked away back inside the school. I was left stunned to decide whether to go or not.

Knowing the situation, I think I don’t have much of a choice but to go.
♠ ♠ ♠
hey guys!!!

dis is d next chapter..i hope u like it..i think dis is d start of some kind of connection between Lance and Noelle...
pls keep on subscribing and commenting about my story..i would be really really happy...

well thx again..enjoy!!! ^^