Status: active..sort of..will update as soon as i can...

I am Not Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf

Leave me Alone

I was out for about 2 days and now I’m standing at the school’s office trying to make up with all the classes I missed.

It’s not like I was planning to but Lilly just have to be her stubborn self and forced me to do it because she says she doesn’t want me losing the chance of having a life that I could possibly get after graduating.

Yeah, right.

“Miss Briggs?”, the secretary asked.

I went up to her desk and she looked at me skeptically.

Okay, I know I don’t look that good because of some of the visible bruises and marks that I couldn’t hide in my hood but, hey, staring is very rude.

“Uhh..the guidance counsellor is ready for you now.”

“Guidance counsellor? I thought the principal would like to see me for my absences.”

She shook her head and explained, “Actually he was supposed to but Ms. Reece would like a word with you before you proceed to the principal’s office.”

I bit my lip and reluctantly nodded my head as I walked to the other side of the room where Ms. Reece’s, our guidance counsellor, room is located. I stepped inside and saw her organizing some papers.

“Oh, there you are. Please have a seat.”

“Thank you, Ms. Reece.”, I said as I sat on the chair in the front of her desk.

“Oh dear, don’t call me that. It makes me look old. Just call me Emmy. Short for Emmaline.”

“Okay..umm..Emmy.”, I whispered as she gave a very warm smile. What am I doing here again?

“Well, you might be wandering why I called here. It’s about your absences, you see.”

I didn’t reply –just looked at her in silent calculation. What does she want from me?

“And the fact that it gets more frequent in certain weeks or months bothers me a lot.”, she further explained.

“How so, ma’am?”, I inquired.

She looked at my eyes directly and said fiercely, “They are usually the same days when you appear bruised, weak and beaten to school after those absences.”

I froze instantly at her conclusion. Does she know? Am I in trouble?

“Oh..umm..I-I see.”

“So would you mind telling me why this keeps on happening? The whole truth please and no lying.”

I stared at her for quite when I finally said, “Miss Emmy, if you must know, I’m a bit of an accident-prone person. I tend to do these kind things.” Good save.

“What kind of things exactly?”

“Umm..the basic stuff –falling, tripping, slipping, know, the usual.”

She gave me a calculating look and finally said, “Well then, should it be possible for a girl like you to have bruises and wounds the size of a man’s fist just by these basic stuff? Why don’t we let a doctor be the judge of that, hmm?”

I could hear her accusation and her tone with the words “man’s fist” making me more nervous as I should be. I tried to act calm and cool but I guess she already has her mind wrapped around the idea of someone hurting me which is actually true but then again, it’s not like I would let her know about it. I don’t need her pity nor anyone else’s.

“It’s possible ma’am. Though I’m not expecting you to believe me but please don’t threaten me with those things. I don’t need it and it’s not even necessary. So, if you don’t mind, I need to go.”

When I stood up, Ms. Reece suddenly took my arm and said, “You can’t expect me to believe that, don’t you? If you’re afraid, you could trust me. I could help you.”

The words “I could help you” suddenly made me cringed in sorrow. But I shook my head and twisted my arm to make her let go.

“I’m sorry, Miss Emmy, but there really isn’t anything to tell. So, please, just leave me alone. I already have enough problems in my class and I don’t want you to add to it.”

With that, I walked out of the room and out to the hallway. So, what should I do now?

I can’t go back to class unless I talked to the principal about the make-up classes that I needed to attend. But then, Ms. Reece would be there and her please-call-me-Emmy or you-could-trust-me crap. I don’t need her help nor do I need her pity.

I was fuming by the time I decided to go out by the parking lot and get some fresh air. My mind can’t seem to calm though as memories of my life started filling my head making me dizzy and nauseous. I closed my eyes to the cool breeze to make it stop and wished that it could sweep away all my problems. Just sweep it away.

“What are you doing outside of class?”, a familiar low tone asked from behind me.

I opened my eyes and turned around to see Lance standing by the door leading back inside the school.

“Just getting some fresh air.”

He bent his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows in concentration as he stared at me with those eyes of his. What’s with him and his eyes?

“What?”, I asked as I fidgeted a bit by his gaze.

“You’re not telling me the truth, aren’t you? You’re hiding something from me.”

I shrugged and said simply, “It’s nothing.”

He made a noise that sounded more like a low growl and approached me with his ominous presence. Honestly, I don’t know if I should be afraid of this guy or not. He’s just so strange to me that I can’t help but stay to know more about him. The thought confuses me.

“Something happened, didn’t it? Come on, tell me.”, he urged me as he finally stood closer to me than it should be.

I took a step back and said, “I said it’s nothing. Why do you think that something happened?”

He stared and my face and muttered, “Because you look like you’re about to cry.”

I felt my face flush and snapped, “No, I’m not! I am perfectly fine. Just fine.”

He clicked his tongue and grabbed my wrist to make me follow him as he walked out of the school.

“Hey, stop! Where are we going?”

“We’re gonna go where nobody will bother us –where you don’t have to lie to me just so you could satisfy your need to hide from other people.”, he said with a rumble in his throat.

“Why are you so angry? And didn’t I say that it’s nothing? Why don’t just accept my answer and leave me alone.”

“Because you’re being your stubborn self again and it doesn’t help even one bit.”

“Ugghhh!!! Just listen to me! I don’t need your help! Let go of me now! I said let –“

Suddenly he turned around to face me and held my face between his hands. I was too surprised to even move when he moved his face closer to mine.

You listen to me. Didn’t I tell you that I would do anything to help you? That if you need anything I would be there for you? Why can’t you just accept that?”

“Because I don’t know you! I don’t even know why you’re doing this! What do you want from me? Is this some kind of game to you? Because if it is, then please stop it. I have enough people to hurt me and I don’t need you to be one of them.”, I snapped at him while tears started to track down my face as I managed to make him let go of me.

He seemed stunned for a moment but then, he suddenly reached out his hand to mine. I stepped back from him quickly and wrapped my arms to myself.

“Please just leave me alone. I-I can’t do this anymore. Just..just leave me alone.”


“No..just leave me alone. I-I…”, I can’t continue anymore as emotions started overwhelming me. I could feel my heart beat louder than ever before and my lungs struggle for air. I have to get out of here. I need to be alone.

I didn’t realize by then that I was running –running from him. Lance shouted my name but I know he wasn’t chasing after me. Why would he when I’m just gonna run away? Maybe he was right –I’m a coward.

By the time I felt so tired from running, I felt so lost –both physically and emotionally. I didn’t know where I was and all I could feel is my heart breaking with every beat. I looked around but all I could see were trees and dirt. My mind is too confused to focus where I need to go so I aimlessly walked my way but I know it was useless. I decided to rest by a tree so that I could calm myself. What just happened to me?

I should have been more in control with my emotions. After all, the things I’ve experienced –the things I had lived for so many years, I should have been used to it by now. So, why? Why do I feel

“Oh god, somebody please help me.”, I whispered almost in tears again.

I closed my eyes curling myself to a ball. I just feel so vulnerable –so weak and I don’t even understand why. I just wanted it to stop.

As I opened my eyes again, I was surprised to find that it was almost dark and the trees look weird and shapeless. Honestly, I was starting to get scared and I don’t even know where I was.

I wandered a bit to get my bearings straight when I decided that it was hopeless. I was about to turn around when I heard rustling and scuffing. I looked but didn’t see anything. I swallowed audibly in fear and walked the other way when suddenly something moved just in front of me. It was more like a giant shadow prowling towards me.

I took a step back when the shadow paused and in a moment, leaped out of the bushes.
It was a wolf. Not just an ordinary wolf but a big one. Then, I remembered the ones who attacked those guys that tried to rape me. Maybe it would leave me alone if I –

It gave a low, menacing growl and by then, I knew. This wolf is not gonna leave me alone. Shoot!
♠ ♠ ♠
hey guys!!!

well dis is d next chapter..hmm..i was wondering if i should make a POV of Lance in d next chapters to come..actually i was planning to but i dont know which part he should come..oh well..i guess we'll see...

so pls keep on reading..subscription and comments are greatly appreciated...